Hyde's Absolution (Sydney Storm MC #4)

Happiness hummed through me. I loved his desire for me. Looping my hands around his neck, I hit him with a sexy smile. “How about dedicating something else to me?”

“Why do I suddenly feel like I need to be careful about what I agree to here?”

“I have no idea.”

He ground himself against me. “Okay, hit me, but I’m not saying yes until I know what it is.”

I pouted. “You’re no fun.”

“Spit it out, Roe.”

“Well,” I started, “I was thinking it could be fun if you got your cock pierced.”

He stared at me like I had two heads. “You’re fucking shitting me, right?”

“No. The sex would be so good.”

“That’s easy for you to say when you’re not the fucker who has to stick a fucking hole through your dick.”

Even though he was grumbling, I knew I had him. It would take me some time to coax him, but he was using the tone that told me he’d do anything for me.

My sister walked up my front path. “Did you just say you’re sticking a hole through your dick?” she asked Hyde.

“Fuck no,” he said, his eyes firmly on mine still. “Your sister is trying to convince me, though.”

“You won’t regret it,” Savannah said.

Hyde moved away from me so he could look at her. “You’ve fucked a guy with one?”

Savannah smiled. “No, but Roe has. She told me how good it—”

Hyde cut her off with a growl. “Stop talking. I never want to hear about Monroe fucking another man again.”

Savannah’s brows lifted. “We’ve got a possessive one here, I see.”

I took a step towards him and patted his chest. “You have no idea, Sav.” I caught Charlie coming down the street out of the corner of my eye. “Ooh, I love her hair, Hyde.”

“Yeah, just don’t mention that it’s blonde. She’s touchy about that.”

I frowned. “That’s not blonde. It’s balayage.”

He shook his head and swore under his breath about fucking women and hair. I ignored him and greeted Charlie, “Hey, girl, I love your hair!”

Her beautiful smile filled her face. “Thanks, Roe.”

Putting my arm around her shoulder, I guided her inside, leaving Hyde with Savannah. “Come in and meet my family. Well, my brother and his wife aren’t here. You’ll get to meet them another time.”

I smiled as I heard Savannah grilling Hyde about me moving in with him. Unlike my father, she’d been excited when I’d told her the news. I loved that she threw a million questions at Hyde, though. He could do with an inquisition from her. It’d keep him on his toes.

“Oh my God,” Charlie exclaimed as she looked around my kitchen. “I love your style! These colours are amazing in here.”

I glanced at the teals and reds in my kitchen. “Yeah, we’re gonna have to add a lot of colour to your dad’s house. That white and grey he’s got going on is yawn-worthy.”

I made all the necessary introductions before saying, “Right, let’s get the food on the table and then see if we can all get along.” I stared pointedly at Dad as I said this. He nodded, and I breathed a sigh of relief. It didn’t mean he’d go easy on Hyde, but it did mean he’d give him a chance.

Chapter 38


“This is fun,” Monroe said a few days later at a last-minute club get-together King had organised at the clubhouse. It was one of his efforts to boost club morale. “I mean, it doesn’t beat what I had planned for us today, but it’s still fun.”

I pulled her close. “What did you have planned, sugar?”

“My mouth around your cock. That kind of thing.”

I eyed the exit. “We could find a room. You could still take care of that.”

“Stop dreaming, tiger. Tatum just walked in, and I wanna meet Evie and her baby. And Hailee’s there, too. I’ve got secret women’s business to get involved in.”

I tracked her ass while she made her way to Tatum, only dragging my eyes from her when King interrupted me.

“Just had an interesting call with Billy,” he said.

“Tatum’s boss?”

He nodded. “He may have some information for us in the next hour or so.”

“About the motherfucker screwing with the club?”

“Yeah.” He took a long swig of his beer, shifting his gaze to Jen who’d just exited the room. “Fuck, I told her to stay home,” he muttered before stalking towards her. He’d been in a foul mood for days because of her. I was looking forward to her giving birth to that baby and leaving him in peace. But that was months away.

I moved to where Kick and Nitro stood in the corner of the room. Kick could hardly take his eyes off Evie and their baby daughter. I didn’t blame him. There was nothing like a newborn and their mother. On top of that, Evie’d had complications with her pregnancy, so I figured he was being extra cautious. Exactly how I’d be if I had more kids.

“Kick!” Evie called out. “Can you come and take Elizabeth for a moment?”

Nitro and I watched in amusement as Kick covered the distance between him and his family in a matter of seconds.

“Wanna place bets on how long it takes him to knock her up again?” Devil asked, joining us.

“You reckon six months?” I suggested.

“If that, brother,” he said.

Nitro changed the subject. “Where’s King at with Marx? Are we done with him yet?”

Marx hadn’t proved useful at all. “As far as I’m concerned, we are. But King hasn’t mentioned any decision yet. I’ll bring it up with him later.”

“We need to get him out of here as soon as possible,” Nitro said. “The last fucking thing we need on these premises if the feds raid us is him.”

The screech of tyres and a bloodcurdling scream from outside cut through the air. The sound of gunfire followed close behind.

“Fuck,” I yelled, my entire body alert. Moving swiftly to the clubhouse bar exit, I met Monroe’s gaze and ordered, “Stay here! Do not come outside!”

I ran the distance of the driveway, searching for the source of the screaming and gunfire. Nitro and Devil were right behind me.

“What the fuck?” I said when we reached the end of the driveway. There was no one in sight.

“Where’s King?” Nitro asked.

“Last I knew, he was with Jen.”

“I saw them come out here a little while ago,” Devil said.

They definitely weren’t here now.

My gut churned with apprehension. We’d all heard the sounds. So where the fuck did they come from?



We moved further outside the perimeter to look down the road and made a gruesome discovery, one I knew would completely change the path our club was on.

“Fuck me,” Nitro swore, echoing my thoughts as we watched King approach.

“Motherfucker,” Devil cursed, too.

This shit wasn’t happening.

It couldn’t be.

King walked our way carrying Jen’s limp body. Her blood-soaked clothes hung from her, and I knew from the amount of blood that there was no way her heart, or her baby’s, was still beating.

I’d seen my president handle some bad shit. Had watched many times while he allowed his madness to take over. I watched now as that madness circled, claiming him.

It was in the rigid set of his shoulders.

The harsh lines etched into his face.

The savage hollow of his eyes.

King would go on a rampage to avenge these deaths.