Hyde's Absolution (Sydney Storm MC #4)

“Yes, Savannah.” I nodded at Mum. “And Mum is Angela.”

Taking a step away from me, he gestured towards Mum. “Lead the way.”

This thing with Hyde was taking a new turn. I’d expected him to take Mum’s invitation as his cue to leave. I hadn’t thought he’d want to stick around and get cosy with my family. And yet, there he was—following my mother inside my house as if it was the only place he wanted to be.

Chapter 19


I had to give Hyde full points. He was handling my mother and sister like a pro. They’d grilled him for the past hour on everything from his thoughts on shower sex to his family, to life as a biker. He’d somehow managed to satisfy their curiosity without really giving them solid answers. I figured his muscles and voice had them under the kind of spell that allowed him to get away with not giving them the sort of information they were actually looking for.

My father watched the conversation silently. I knew he’d be picking apart everything Hyde said and did. Dad didn’t take it easy on any guy I dated, and it seemed he was more wary of Hyde than he’d been of any man I’d brought home.

As Savannah shared a funny story from something that happened to her during the week, Hyde leant close to me and said, “Any chance we can move this party along to the part where everyone goes home?”

“You really think we’ve got any hope of getting my mother to leave? You’ve won her over. She’s here for the long haul.”

His eyes searched mine. “You’re not shitting me, are you?”

I grinned. “No. I think it’s safe to say you’ve probably never met a woman like Angela Lee.”

“You’d be right there. You girls always share such personal information with each other?”

“Oh, you have no idea. My mother likes sex as much as I do, and she likes talking about it just as much.”

“What are you two discussing?” Mum demanded to know. She was way past her alcohol limit for the night and was veering into smashed territory.

“I think this party is over, Mum.”

“Yeah, me too,” Tatum said. I could always count on her to take my back.

Mum pouted. “We were just getting to know Hyde.”

Dad stood and motioned for Mum to follow suit. “Plenty of time for that, Angela.”

I packed up some pizza for them to take home and did my best to get them all out the door. I was as desperate to be alone with Hyde as he was. Dad, however, had other plans.

As he and Mum made it to the front door, he turned and looked at Hyde. The way he looked at him told me that whatever he was about to say wasn’t going to lead to anything good. “What’s your surname, Hyde?”

“Dad,” I warned, but I knew it was futile. He’d been hanging for this conversation since he arrived back with pizza. I was surprised he managed to wait this long for it.

Hyde’s gaze remained steady on Dad. “McVeigh.”

“Your mother named you Hyde?”


Dad planted his feet wide and crossed his arms. “You this cagey with everyone?”

Oh good Lord.

“Colin—” Mum started, in the same warning tone I’d used, but Hyde cut her off.

“Yeah, it’s a practice I’ve learnt over the years so that people can’t fuck me over. You and I get to know each other better, it’ll be a different story.”

Dad took that in. He seemed less than impressed, but my father wasn’t stupid. He knew when to push the point and when to back off. “You start spending time with my daughter, we’re going to be revisiting that a lot sooner than you might think.”

Hyde surprised me when he nodded and said, “Agreed.”

Dad grunted in response but didn’t say anything else. The two of them simply stood there sizing each other up. It was a waste of time in my opinion, and I wasn’t even sure why Hyde bothered. It wasn’t like he and I were pursuing anything other than hot sex.

It took my family another ten minutes to leave. After I had closed the front door behind them, Hyde spun me around and pinned me against it. Not wasting a second, he reached for the bottom of my shirt and slipped a hand under. “I like your family, sugar, but the last hour was fucking painful. My dick is so damn hard for you that we’re gonna have to skip getting clean in the shower.”

I pressed myself against him, desperate for the same thing. “I’m on board with that.” Gripping his shirt, I pushed it up and over his head. Dropping it to the floor, I let my eyes fall to his chest. “Seriously, it’s a sin how hot you are.” Placing my hands on his muscles, I said, “This is like perfection.”

A growl rumbled from deep inside him right before his lips came to mine. Kissing me with force, he took my breath away. No man had ever kissed me the way Hyde did. I felt his kisses deep in my toes; they reached every nerve ending I had and scorched me with their heat.

Remembering his earlier declaration that when he kissed me I didn’t get to end it, I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him back until I was panting for breath.

By the time he’d had his fill, he’d removed all my clothes except my bra and panties. When he was done with my mouth, he moved down my body slowly until he found my breasts. Another growl came from him. I would never get enough of the hot-as-fuck noises he made. He was the kind of man who made it clear the effect I had on him and how much he liked it.

Threading my fingers through his hair, I arched my back and said, “I really like what you’re doing—like, really like it—but I’m so ready to have that mouth of yours on my pussy.”

Another sexy growl from him. He then angled his head so he could find my eyes. With hands still firmly on my breasts, he watched me while taking my nipple into his mouth. After sucking it for a moment, he asked, “How wet are you for me?”

He drove me insane by dragging this out. Taking hold of his face, I pulled his mouth back up to mine and kissed him. “You need to stop making me wait for you and find out for yourself how wet I am.”

His eyes darkened and he spun me around to face the door. Before I had a chance to keep up with him, he had my hands flat against the door above my head, my legs spread and my body pressed against the door. Grinding himself against my ass, he rasped, “I’m in control here, sugar. You do what I say. Not the other way around. And I’ll taste your cunt when I’m ready.”

I bit my lip and closed my eyes for a beat, enjoying the way his bossiness made my whole body tingle with excitement. A man who took charge during sex. Finally.

His hands gripped my waist and he crouched behind me. Hooking his fingers over the top of my panties, he ripped them down. I stepped out of them and waited with anticipation for his next move. I assumed it would be to finally give my pussy the attention she needed, but he had other ideas.

Standing, he unhooked my bra and removed it. Turning me back around, our eyes met again, his full of heat. Unzipping his jeans, he said, “I want your hand around my cock.”