Hottest Mess (S.I.N. #2)

I’m actually reaching back for the zipper of my skirt as I push open the door—and I stop cold when a female voice says, “Hey, baby. I’ve been waiting for—Oh!”

I freeze, confused. But my confusion is quickly being replaced by anger. And humiliation. And hurt. And a whole load of other emotions that I can’t easily identify, but they sure as hell don’t feel good.

“Jane?” From the bed, a woman gapes at me. And as soon as I realize it’s Fiona, I gape back. Because she’s here. And also because she’s naked. “What are you doing here?” she asks, pulling the sheet up to cover her breasts.

I realize my mouth is hanging open. I close it, then swallow before answering. I need the time to remember how to form words. “I—I didn’t realize Dallas had anyone with him. I was—I mean, I just got a text from our parents that I need to talk to him about, so I thought I’d wait for him here.”

I clear my throat, thinking the lie sounds pretty reasonable. “I, um, didn’t think he’d be with anybody, but considering my brother’s reputation, I guess I should have known better.”

She doesn’t look offended at being labeled one of very, very many. On the contrary, she just laughs. “Isn’t that the damn truth? But like I told you downstairs, we’ve had our share of good times. Now I’m just waiting for another.” She cocks her head and smiles prettily. “I’ll tell him you’re looking for him. Or are you planning to just hang here. With me.”

She doesn’t look pleased by the possibility. I’m not crazy about it, either. Frankly, I want to get as far from this room—and from Dallas—as it’s possible to get. Because right now, I’m angry enough that my fist might just break that very pretty face of his.

“No.” My voice is shaky, and I clear my throat. “No, I don’t need to wait. I’ll just go back to the city. I’ll call him tomorrow. That’s soon enough.” And maybe that’ll give me time to cool off. Frankly, I doubt it.

I head back to the door, yank it open, and find myself staring right at the man himself.

At any other time, his wicked smile would melt me. Right now, it infuriates me. But before I can say anything, he starts to slide his arm around my waist.

Some sort of self-preservation instinct kicks in and I slam my elbow into his gut, making him both release me and groan.

“Jesus, Jane. What the—”

“Hey, baby.”

He goes completely still, then looks at the bed. Then looks at me. “What the fuck?”

I’m so tense I think I might shatter. “Actually, I think that’s my line.”

I grab his arm and yank him into the hallway, then turn back to Fiona with what I hope looks like a genuine smile. “Actually, I’ll just talk to him now about that text our parents sent, and then I’ll get out of your hair so you two can have your fun.”

“Take your time,” Fiona says easily. “I’m comfy, and your brother’s most definitely worth the wait.”

I do not race back to the bed and smack her for that. I also don’t punch Dallas in the jaw. On the whole, I think I’m showing remarkable restraint.

What I do instead is drag him across the hall and into his study.

I slam the door behind us, then smack him in the chest with the heel of my hand. “What the fuck?” I yell. I know for a fact that this office was professionally soundproofed. I can yell as loud as I want and no one will be the wiser.

“You stupid, fucking son of a bitch,” I rant. “Do you think sex games are going to prove some sort of point to me? Was that just a flat-out lie about not having them in your bed anymore? Or did you mean you weren’t going to have them alone? Is this where you want us to go, Dallas? Is a threesome the kink you need? Is Fiona—Fiona—the dark you’re going to take me down into?”

I see emerald fire flash in his eyes, and know that I’ve pissed him off. Well, good. At least that makes us well-matched.

A muscle in his jaw tightens, and when he speaks, his words are a little too crisp. “What happened to you’ll go anywhere with me? Or did you only mean that you’d go if it was comfortable?”

I stumble back, his words shocking me. I’d expected an apology. Instead, what? He’s admitting it? He really did intend to have Fiona and me in bed together?

I feel bile rise in my throat even as tears sting my eyes. I swallow in defense against the first, and look down at the floor so he can’t see the second. I need a moment to think. To adjust. Because I did tell him I would go wherever he needs—and I meant what I said.

I just hadn’t expected this.

Finally, I feel confident enough to speak. But, dammit, my voice still shakes. “I will go wherever you want me and do whatever you want. But I guess I thought you’d do me the courtesy of telling me what to expect.”
