High-Sided (Armed & Dangerous #3)

“Please talk to Logan. Like really talk to him. From what you told me, you’re not the only one who got hurt. Logan’s a good guy. If you hadn’t snatched him up all those years ago, I definitely would have. He’s more my age than yours anyway.”

Just the thought of her going after him pissed me off. “I don’t think so, Maddie.”

“See? You’re angry. That means you still care. I knew once I sparked a bit of jealousy, you’d think differently.”

I rolled my eyes. “Goodnight, sis.”

She burst out laughing. “Night, Kass. See you soon.”

We hung up and I looked at the clock again. I wasn’t tired, and I needed more answers. I initially thought this afternoon’s talk with Logan would satisfy my need for closure, but it didn’t. I wanted to know everything.

Heart racing, I hurried to my room and grabbed a thin coat. “I can’t believe I’m doing this,” I said. Once I tied up my shoes, I locked the door behind me and opened my garage. Instead of riding my motorcycle, I decided to take the dirt bike. If I took the road, it’d take me longer than it would to get through the woods.

I started up my dirt bike and let it warm up while I geared up with my helmet and gloves, making sure the light attachment for my helmet was charged. Logan was in for a surprise. He knew I could ride on the road, but I bet he’d never guess I could ride the dirt too. My bike was ready, so I took off through the woods, the light on my helmet guiding the way across the trail. It was dark and a little chilly as the wind blew past me, but it was exhilarating. The night was clear and the moon shone overhead, casting the trees in a mystical glow. It was times like this that made me appreciate what I had in life, even if there was a lot of heartache and pain.

Logan’s cabin was up ahead and there weren’t any lights on inside, but there was a truck in the driveway with a bike covered in the back. Knowing my luck, Logan probably finished up at the shop and went out with one of his old friends. If that was the case, it was my fault for not letting him know he could see me tonight. Now I was desperate to see him.

I parked my dirt bike in back and slowly walked around to the front of the house. It was strange being there. I hadn’t gone anywhere near his place since he left. The owners had rented it out over the years, but it’d stayed vacant for the last four months, almost as if it waited for him to come back.

Everything looked the same, even the blue and yellow flowers on the front porch, in their large pots. If my memory served me right, there’d be a spare key under one of those pots. Most likely the same key I used to use to get into the cabin so long ago. For a moment, I was tempted to find it. Instead, I walked around to the back and laid down on the hammock to look up at the stars. It’s going to be a long night.


“You gonna go over and see your girl?” Micah asked.

We pulled down my gravel driveway and I parked beside his truck. “Thinkin’ about it. But she won’t be too happy if I break in again.” I got out of the truck and he walked over to his.

“Break in? Are you shitting me?” he said, bursting with laughter.

“Nope. It was the only thing I knew to do. Then I chased her down the road.”

He opened his door and hopped in his truck. “I love girls who know how to ride. I wouldn’t let her slip away again. Just go up to her and tell her everything.”

I nodded. “I will.”

His truck rumbled to life and he backed up. “Good luck, Chandler.”

“Same to you! Don’t get into any trouble.”

“Where’s the fun in that?” He waved his hand out the window and disappeared down the road.

It was late, but I didn’t want to wait any longer to see Kassie. I was ready to tell her everything. Hurrying up the stairs, I stopped when a twig snapped to my right. I looked over and there she was. I wanted to take her in my arms and never let go, but all I could do was stand there as she slowly approached me. If she only knew how much I hated myself for leaving her.

“Your car’s not here. You didn’t walk, did you?” I asked.

She shook her head and pointed behind her. “My dirt bike’s out back. I rode through the woods.”

“Jesus Christ, Kassie, what are you thinking? It’s not safe to ride around at night by yourself.”

Her lips pursed and she stood her ground with the exact same defiant look on her face I’d seen plenty of times before. “I’m not the same girl you knew eight years ago, Logan.”

I glanced up and down her body, remembering all too well what it felt like to touch her. I’d give anything to touch her now. “That’s definitely apparent. You seem to be even more stubborn now.”

A small smile spread across her cheeks. “I am.”

She followed me inside and I shut the door behind us. Everything looked the same as it did the last time she was there. It made me wonder what memories were going through her mind.