Hetch (Men OF S.W.A.T. #1)

“Look, I know you're hurting now. I understand it, but why don't you let the kids out of the car and we can talk about this some more.”

“And let them go back to her? No fucking way. If I can't have them, neither will she.” It's the threat I didn't want to hear, but I knew it was coming.

“You don't mean that, Norman. Nothing has been done today you can’t come back from,” I tell him, still waiting on Team Two to get in position. Until we have both teams in position, we can’t move. “We can figure this out—” My words get cut off when the back door of his car opens, and Conrad slips out, making a run for it. Lucy tries to escape next but is yanked back, and the door is slammed firmly shut.

“Hold your fire!” I shout, ordering the surrounding officers not to discharge their weapons.

Sterling steps out from behind the BearCat, shield out in front of him, he runs forward and scoops the kid up in one fast movement, turns and runs back, firmly tucking him under his arm. He makes it out of range safely, handing him over to a waiting officer.

“Norman, you still there, buddy?” I bring Norman’s attention back to the moment. “Is everything okay in the car?”

“I need you to get my wife down here, NOW!” he answers, Lucy’s crying growing more frantic.

“We’re still waiting for her to get down here. In the meantime, how about you let Lucy go too?”

“Not until she gets here.”

“In place.” Team Two finally comes online, letting me know everyone is ready. I mute my call with Norman to speak to my team.

“Okay, boys, we go in slow. Team Two, you need to inch in close. Team One, not until Team Two comes up over the crest of the overpass do I want you to move.”

“Copy that.”

“Roger,” I get back in response, and then I flick the line back over to Norman.

“How's Lucy doing there, Norman?” I ask, hoping to bring his attention away from the team closing in on him.

“What’s going on? Why are they moving?” The play doesn’t work. Norman catches the movement as Team Two comes into view. “You need to stay back.” The line falls silent, cutting off our communication.


“Do we have an ETA on the wife?” I ask Walker, watching as Team Two inches closer.

“She's a few minutes out.”

Knowing I don’t have much time, I pick up the phone and call Norman back.

“Is Sharon there?” he answers on the second ring.

“She's two minutes out. But I need you to know we’re not going to be able to let her on the bridge, Norman.”

“I don't need her on the bridge. I just want her to see.” He ends the call short, throwing the cell out the window.

Fuck. This is going to escalate fast.

“Okay, guys, we lost communication. We need to move this along,” I order as the front driver door opens and Norman exits the car. With Lucy held close to his chest, he makes a run for the side of the bridge.

Both teams step out from their positions, forming a basic formation they slowly inch forward.

“STAY BACK!” Norman screams, reaching into his jeans and pulling out a gun.

Fuck. He’s going to jump.

Acting on instinct, I step out of command, crossing over the perimeter and run toward him.

“You all need to stay back.” Norman spins when he makes it to the ledge, his left arm holding Lucy close to his chest.

“Drop the weapon, now.”

“Do it now.”

“Drop it.” A barrage of demands and shouts fill the air as both teams close in, guns drawn, as Norman draws his pistol up to Lucy’s temple.

“Norman, you don’t want to do this.” I push past Hart and Fox, hands raised in front of me. Lucy is screaming as she tries to claw her way out of his hold.

“Boss, you need a shield,” I hear Hart call out, but I keep my focus on Norman.

“Is she here? Can she see?” He frantically looks around, stepping back further toward the edge of the bridge.

“Let Lucy go and we can let you talk to her, Norman.” I inch closer. I don’t believe he wants to harm his daughter. He’s hurting, and sometimes desperate people go to extremes for something they love.

“I have the shot.” Tate’s controlled voice comes through on my earpiece.

I weigh up our options here. He's close to the ledge with Lucy held tight to his chest. If Tate takes the shot, we risk him falling back with Lucy.

“Norman, take a step away from the edge for me.” I risk another step closer to him.

“Stay back. I’ll throw her!” he yells, forcing another petrified scream from Lucy. I risk a quick look, regretting it instantly. Wild eyes, pupils dilated, her fear speaks to me in its cackling voice, telling me I’m not going to save them while taunting me with the idea I might.

I wish I could reach out and yank her from him, but it doesn’t work like that. I need to keep calm and in control.

“You won’t. I know you love her, Norman.” I force another step. “You would do anything for her.” Norman nods, his crazed stare slipping into realization.

“I just want to be with my kids.”

River Savage's books