Hetch (Men OF S.W.A.T. #1)

“Not gonna last, Lib.” I hate this is gonna end way too fucking soon, but the indefinable itch rises and surges within me.

“Me either. So close.” She picks up her speed, forcing me to control myself. I’m on the edge of experiencing perfect ecstasy, but I need to hold on. Just a little longer.

“Fucking hell, I’m gonna blow.” I slam her down with extra force then repeat it, harder the second time.

It’s all it takes to take her over. Her body jerks, her * clenches, and then she’s coming.

“FUUUCCKK!” she screams and for a second, I think I’ve hurt her until her eyes open, and bliss finds mine. It’s the anchor I need to take me over. Releasing the tension I created to hold myself in check, I let go. Heat coils in my balls, shooting from the base and exploding up my cock.

“Fuck, yes.” I grunt, then thrust my hips up and slam her down, riding out the explosion. Every little ridge and muscle inside her * almost painfully caress my orgasm out of me. Tightening in perfect unison. Milking me till I’m dry.

“Wow.” Liberty sighs when we both fall into the abyss of post-orgasm. Breathing in sync, sweat covering our bodies, I reach forward and pull her to my chest. The shift in angle forces my cum to seep out of her and down my balls, but I can’t be fucking worried about it.

My head and my body need a minute to gather myself. I’ve just come the hardest I’ve ever come, with a woman who’s slowly meaning more to me than just fun.

Fuck me. I think I’m falling for her.

Or maybe I’ve already fallen.

Either way, I’m not ready to address it.

“Wearing a condom is like licking a lollipop with the wrapper still on.” The words fall out of my mouth in a fluster. Silence throbs between us before her body starts to shake with laughter.

“So, you’re saying you want to taste the lollipop from now on?” she asks into my chest.

“Yeah, that’s what I’m saying, but only your lollipop, babe.” I kiss the top of her head, holding her tighter in my grasp.


I’ve definitely fallen.



“Hey, Sue, can you grab me another bucket?” I call out across three cars and probably ten people, hoping she can hear me.

It’s carwash day, and after a stressful week of not knowing where we were going to hold this damn fundraiser, Hetch was able to come through for me and get us approved to set up outside Trebook’s police station.

It’s a brilliant location. Considering we’re only halfway through the day, we've already raised more money than we probably have the last three years combined.

“You need something, sweetheart?” Hetch’s smooth voice dances over my shoulder, and up the side of my neck.

“I need another bucket.” I look up from the wheel I’m cleaning and find him standing directly over me. Today he’s wearing a Trebook police department T-shirt, and dark basketball shorts. Not his normal attire when at work, but nonetheless, still sexy.

“I’ll get it for you.” He gives me a wink and then saunters off to where we stocked our supplies. I force my eyes away from his retreating back and back to the wheel. I don’t want to give the kids the wrong idea, plus the parking lot is packed, and at this rate, we won’t be stopping for lunch.

Everyone is here today, as well as a few extra volunteers. Payton, Sterling, Fee, and Hetch have all pitched in along with the Sue, myself, and the rest of the Haven staff and boys.

“Hey, Liberty, do you know where I can find another cloth?” Brooklyn asks across the roof of the car behind the one I’m working on.

“If you follow Hetch, he can grab one for you,” I reply as I stand and take a step back to look over the wheel, making sure I got everything.

“Wow, looks good, Liberty. I don’t think it’s been this clean since I drove it off the yard.”

“Ha, please. You’re too kind.” The owner of the truck is one of Hetch’s teammates, and while I remember him from back at The Elephant, I can't remember his name.

“I’m serious. Thanks so much. Where do I pay?” He pulls out his wallet.

“You can pay me.” I smile, sifting through all the names I have cataloged. I know he’s the youngest one, blond hair, blue eyes. I’m sure Sophie was the one who thought he was cute….

“Tate,” he offers when I come up blank.

“Right. So sorry. It’s been crazy here today.” I push down my awkwardness and move on.

“I’m not surprised. The boss made sure we all dropped in; otherwise, we would have our asses handed to us in PT on Monday,” he reveals, explaining why we are so damn busy.

Bloody Hetch.

“He didn’t.” I gasp, feeling all kinds of awkward about it. “I didn’t ask him to.”

“Hey, it’s for a good cause.” He shrugs, like it’s no big deal and then hands me a fifty-dollar note.

“Keep the change.”

River Savage's books