Hetch (Men OF S.W.A.T. #1)

“I do, Jett. You have fucked up over and over with her. Hurt her and Arabella repeatedly, and now this. You need to be honest.”

“I didn't mean to hurt her or Ara. You don’t understand.” It almost sounds like a whine, and I want to bitch slap it out of him.

“You’re right. I don’t understand. You had a good thing. The perfect family, work, life. And you fucked up. I don’t know why she took you back, but she did, and now you’re keeping this from her. I don’t feel sorry for you, Jett. I feel sorry for Pay and Arabella. Tell her tonight or I will.” I turn and leave him standing there, walking back inside to a waiting Hetch.

“You okay?” He takes me in his arms, holding me while I try to keep my emotions in check. Part of me wants to go to Payton right now, lay it all out for her. But another part of me can’t stomach being the bearer of this news. I hope to God Jett tells her ’cause there is no way I can keep this to myself.

Jesus, what am I gonna do?

When I don’t answer, Hetch grabs the attention of the waitress.

“Can we get our food to go?” lf she's confused, she doesn't say anything, just tells him no problem.

“We don’t have to leave. I’m fine. Promise.” He knows it’s a lie, but doesn’t call me on it.

“It's fine, sweetheart. I don’t wanna sit and eat while you’re looking the way you’re looking. You need to go to your girl?” He pulls out his wallet when the waitress comes back with some takeout containers.

“No. But maybe later.”

“Okay, come on, let’s get out of here.” He tucks me under his arm, maneuvering me out the door and past a very sick-looking Jett. I ignore him and the slight ache that settles in my stomach seeing him so distraught, and allow Hetch to give me the comfort of his embrace as he walks me over to his truck.

“Thank you.” I turn and look at him when we’re both in the privacy of his truck.

“No problem, sweetheart.” He takes my hands and raises it to his lips, offering me a gentle kiss. A sudden urge to tell him I’m falling for him races through me. I don’t act on it, though. Even I know it’s way too soon to spill those words.

Hetch doesn’t pick up my small panic. Instead, he offers me a wink, starts his truck, and drives past my brother without a backward glance.

What an eventful first date.

“I’m so fucking stupid, Bertie.” A snot-faced Payton sobs in greeting a few hours later when she opens her door to Hetch and me. The dreaded call came through twenty minutes ago when Hetch and I settled into bed for a movie. After taking our dinner to go, Hetch took me back to my place and served up our meals with a glass of wine. We continued our date in the comfort of my apartment. It wasn’t as romantic as Il Centro’s, but I wasn’t complaining, especially when after we had finished eating, Hetch cleared the table and took me right then and there. It was intense, wild, and so fucking perfect I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face.

Well, until Payton’s phone call did.

“No, you’re not.” I step into her embrace, wrapping my arms around her, wishing I could take her pain away.

“He’s having a baby with her.” She wails into my shoulder, her body rocking with sobs. “Itookhimbackandthishappens.” Her words are rushed, strung together in one fast breath, and it takes me a second or two to figure out what she said.

“Hey, now, come on. You’re gonna wake up, Arabella.” I try to soothe her, unsure what to say in a moment like this.

“She’s awake. Jett is in there with her.”

“He’s still here?” The question comes from Hetch first, and it takes both Payton and me by surprise.

“Yeah, he says he’s not leaving.” If Payton is annoyed I brought Hetch along with me, she doesn’t show it. I tried to tell him I would be fine, but he refused to let me drive out here alone. Told me it’s not safe to be out late on my own, and he would drop me off and pick me up whenever I was ready. I didn’t have much time to argue with him, so I gave up a good fight and let him drive me over.

Hetch and I share a look before he steps past us into Payton’s house and follows the hall down to their main living area.

Closing the door behind us, Payton and I quickly follow his trail.

“Hetch, what are you—” I don’t get to finish my question before he’s talking, his voice taking up all presence in the room.

“You need to get your stuff and go now,” he calmly tells my brother.

“What the hell, Pay? You called my sister?” Jett carefully stands from the sofa, replacing his lap with a pillow to cradle a sleeping Arabella’s head.

“What did you expect me to do? You won’t leave.” Payton starts crying again, full-on sobs.

“I’m not gonna tell you again. Leave, or I’ll make you.” Hetch takes a commanding step closer to Jett.

“You’re just gonna throw me out after we just got back together? What about Arabella? Don’t you know how confusing this is for her?”

River Savage's books