Hetch (Men OF S.W.A.T. #1)

“And why the hell not?” I fold my arms over my chest, waiting for whatever bullshit she comes up with.

“Because one, I happen to like where I live. Even if my new neighbor is some manwhore who likes to fuck hours on end, and then listen in when he isn’t welcome. Two, I have a lease I cannot get out of for another year. And three, you don’t shit where you eat and all that jazz.” She holds her hand out, offering me some friendly bullshit gesture. If I wasn’t so fucking turned on right now, I’d be offended she insulted me with a fucking handshake.

I just had my tongue down her throat, my dick pressed up against the softness of her belly, and she offers me her fucking hand.

I’d be less offended if she used said hand to help me get off.

“So that’s it?” My hard dick dies a slow, sad death, knowing this isn’t ending the way he envisioned.

“Of course, that’s it.” She huffs, only making me want her more.

“Well, fuck, babe. Can’t say I’m not disappointed.”

“I’m sure you’ll get over it when your next fling comes around.” I don’t know what’s worse: the undertone of her disgust or the lip curl that follows when she looks me up and down. “Good night, Hetch.” She opens her door and steps inside.

“Liberty,” I call out before she closes the door. She doesn’t turn around, but I know she's waiting to hear what I have to say.

“You’re wrong about the women.”

She spins, mocks me with her judging eyes, daring me to deny it all.

Quit while you’re ahead, man.

Instead, I elaborate. “I don’t change women more than my underwear.”

She scoffs, “Please, in case you forget, I can hear all.”

“I don’t wear underwear, babe,” I clarify with a grin.

“Ugghh. See, you’re an ass.” The door slams closed before I can let out a full belly laugh.

It’s not lost on me that it’s something I haven’t done with sincerity in a long time.

Nor is it lost on me how much I like that she pulled it from me.

Well, this is fucking interesting.

“Hey, you still awake?” I tap on the wall a little later on. After staring at Liberty’s door for longer than I should have, I dragged my ass into my own place, had a shower, and then climbed into bed. It’s the first time I’ve been knocked back so vehemently; I don’t know what to do with myself.

“Go away.” I hear her huffed reply.

“Can’t really go anywhere.” I snicker, feeling all kinds of messed up talking through a wall. A reminder of last week filters through my memory, reminding me of how she sounds when she comes.

Fuck, I want a replay now.

“How about you go to sleep.”

“Can’t sleep.”

“Well, I’m trying to, so be quiet.”

I don’t say anything for a few minutes, the silence growing between us.

“Wanna jack off again?”

“Ugghh, seriously, Hetch. Don’t talk to me.” A bang on the wall follows, and it brings a smile to my face knowing I rile her up.

“I like you, Liberty. You’re unexpected.” I don’t know why I say it; the fact I’m not fucking a woman like my cock thought it would be is messing with me.

“I don’t like you, Hetch,” is her reply. I don’t bother correcting her. We both know she’s more than affected by me. Instead, I rest further back into my pillow.

“We’ll see,” I whisper, not sure what it means, but I'm happy to wait it out. I wasn’t lying when I said she was unexpected. She excites me, intrigues me, and even if the night ended the way it did, it's the first time in a long time I'm looking forward to more.

More what, I don't know. But I can't wait to find out.



“So, I’ve let you hold off for as long as physically possible, spill it, sister.” Payton starts on me the next morning when I meet her and Arabella for breakfast.

“Seriously, let me have at least half of this coffee before I can begin to get my head around last night.” I drop my face into my hands and let out an undignified groan.

“What! That bad? Say it isn’t so.” She kicks at my foot under the table, needing more information.

I drop my hands and sit back up. “You know the manwhore next door?”

“Don’t tell me you got into a fucking contest to see who could scream the loudest?” She lowers her voice on the word fucking, for Arabella’s sake.

“Jesus, Payton. No. Where do you come up with this stuff?” She shrugs, not giving me a true answer. “Hetch is apartment nine.”

“SHUT THE FRONT DOOR. Loud-as-fuck is none other than sexy Officer Fucks-a-lot?” She forgets to sensor herself this time and manages to garner the attention of the old couple next to us, the two guys behind us and one little four-year-old.

“Lower your voice. And don’t call him that.” If I wasn’t so embarrassed, I would snicker at her nickname for him.

“Uh-oh. You said bad word, Mommy,” Arabella blurts with her mouth full of toast.

River Savage's books