Hetch (Men OF S.W.A.T. #1)

“Right, well, I’ll be home in twenty then.” She hangs up without a good-bye, and if it were any other day, I would call back and give her shit for it.

Pocketing my phone, I let Payton know the good news.

“We have twenty minutes.” I head back inside, ready to let everyone know we’re twenty minutes out.

“You’re so bad. You know that, right?” She follows close behind me, not letting me off the hook.

“What did you expect me to do, Pay? This whole night was your idea.” At first, I was opposed to Payton’s idea of throwing a surprise party for Liberty, but soon I learned saying no to Payton was almost as maddening as saying no to Liberty.

“Hey, this is a brilliant idea. Trust me, she is gonna–” She’s cut off when Arabella comes running into the kitchen, crying out for her.

“What’s wrong, baby?” She bends and scoops her up like a momma bear ready to pounce.

“The mean man told me to go away.” Her little lip wobbles and my own papa bear instinct comes out at the sight of it. Over the last four months, Arabella has completely cemented her way into my heart as the baddest little chick I know. With quick wit and a big heart, it’s hard not to fall in love with her.

“What mean man, baby?” Payton turns, looking for the culprit. My eyes follow the direction of Arabella’s pointed finger, centered right on Fox.

Jesus, here we go.

“What’s your problem, Mason?” she yells across the room, gaining the attention from our guests. The house is packed with my teammates, my mom and sister, some of Liberty’s extended family, and with permission, Sue and the boys from Haven.

“My problem is your kid. You should keep a better eye on her. She shouldn't be talking to strangers.”

I’ve never seen Payton and Fox exchange more than a few words. So the fact that she uses Fox’s first name isn't lost on me. But what’s more interesting is the slow smirk I see grace Fox’s face when he has her complete attention and the fact that he cares that Ara is apparently talking to strangers.

“You did not just say that to me.” Payton hands Arabella off to me and stomps her way over to him. In all the years I’ve known Fox, he’s never warmed to kids. Hell, the idea of having kids broke up his marriage. So while his attitude toward Arabella frustrates me, it doesn’t surprise me.

“Pretty sure I did, Payton.”

Jesus, just what I don’t need tonight. These two at each other’s throat or worse, in each other’s bed.

“Come on, Ara. Let’s go find Della.” I move us out of earshot, from her mother ripping Fox to shreds, and into the living room where Hart is watching a movie with his six-year-old daughter, Della, and Mitch.

“Should I be worried about those two?” I nod back over to Fox and Payton, who are still in the middle of arguing.

“I don’t know about them, but those two are freaking me out.” He points over to Sterling and Kota, who seem to be in a heated argument as well.

“Jesus, I don’t have time for this crap. I have twenty minutes to get everyone ready before my pissed-off woman gets here. Everyone seems to be forgetting why we're even here.”

“Hetch said a bad word.” Shit! I forget about small ears listening.

“Sorry.” I cringe, not needing to be tattled on.

“I told you this was all a bad idea.” Hart looks far too smug for a father stuck watching a Disney movie.

“A little help would be appreciated.”

“Do you need help, Hetch?” Mitch looks up, forgetting the movie for a second.

“Nah, I’m okay kid.” I turn my eyes back to Hart, a silent warning that I need his help.

“Sorry, boss. I have my hands full.” Before I can call him out, Liberty’s parents come racing through the door, followed by Liberty’s asshole brother, Jett.

Seriously. One drama averted only to have another land in my lap.

Leaving Ara with Della, I move toward Liberty’s mom and dad.

“What the hell is he doing here?” I don’t hide my distaste of seeing him. This is the last thing I need right now.

“Now, come on, Liam. He’s family.” Jack steps in closer so only I can hear.

“Hey, I understand. But Payton is gonna be pissed. Which will only make Liberty more pissed.” I’m not telling them anything they don’t know. The girls are tight. Tighter than blood. An upset Payton equals an upset Liberty. It’s pretty simple.

“It’s going to be fine, Liam. We will sort it out,” Connie reassures me in a way that only a mother can.

“We have ten minutes to get everything ready.”

“Okay then, let’s get started.” Her smile is warm, comforting and offers me the reprieve I’ve been waiting for.

If anyone can fix this mess in less than ten minutes, it’s Connie Jenson.

She will make it all right.

She has to, otherwise, this will be all for nothing.

Seriously, why the hell did I agree to this?


twenty minutes later

River Savage's books