Hetch (Men OF S.W.A.T. #1)

“Oh, God, not this again.” My sister’s voice interrupts our morning make-out session, but I don’t pull back, not even when Sterling adds in his two cents.

“Leave them alone, Dakota. They’re like teenagers who’ve been grounded for a month. They have a lot to catch up on.” I might not be able to see them, but I’m betting his grin is as big as my sister’s. It’s all my family and friends seem to do around us lately. Grin.

“Yeah, leave us alone,” I moan against Liberty’s mouth, still caught up in her sweet taste. Who needs pain meds when I have her kisses to give me a high?

“Sorry, can’t do. Mom is outside the door talking with your doctor, and apparently, you might get to go home today. So I’d take your tongue out soon, or you might find yourself grounded again.”

It’s all Liberty needs to pull back and end the kiss.

Seriously, if I'm not released today, I’m going to lose it.

“Can I get you anything else before I leave?” My mom fusses with a throw pillow after tidying up the living room and fidgeting with the remote controls.

“Mom. I told you, I’m in good hands,” I reassure her, but we both know it’s not happening tonight.

“Come on, Mom. We need to go, leave him be. Liberty will look after him.” Kota steps in, trying to move things along.

It’s my first night home in ten days, and after a long, dragged-out day of waiting around for my discharge papers, I’m ready to fall into my bed with Liberty by my side, and finally have some peace and quiet.

“I know she will, darling. I’m just making sure you’re settled.” She fusses some more, tidying up things that don’t need to be tidied.

“Mom.” I step in front of her. “I know you’re worried, but I’m fine. Even if Liberty wasn’t here looking after me, I can handle it.” Me being home is what everyone has been waiting for. Now I’ve been discharged, they’re all starting to hover.

“I thought I lost you, Liam.” Her lip wobbles and her voice shakes. “You’re my son, and I thought you were gone.”


“No, don’t ‘Mom’ me. You know I worry.” I cut her off with a hug before she starts breaking down in front of me and I never get her to leave. She’s been okay the last week. I think having me in the hospital helped. Now I’m home, I think the reality of the entire situation is hitting her hard.

“I know you do, Mom. I’m sorry I scared you. But I’m good. And tomorrow when you drop by unannounced, you’ll see I survived.” I give her my best comforting smile and a wink for good measure. “Now go, before Kota loses her cool and drags you out.” I carefully lean forward and give her cheek a kiss. She doesn’t release her grip on me right away, holding on a little tighter than normal.

“Are you sure I can’t get you anything else before I go?” I know she doesn’t want to leave me, but if I let her stay one moment longer, she’ll never leave.

“I think B has it under control.” My eyes find Kota’s and silently ask her to wrap this up.

“Okay, let’s go. Let’s go.” Kota’s impatient tone eventually breaks Mom’s reluctance. Herding Mom toward the door, she blows me a kiss and tells me they’ll be back tomorrow.

“You will call me if you need anything?” Mom starts pestering Liberty next.

“I promise.” She accepts my mom’s hug then my sister’s.

“Love you, son,” she calls out as Kota pushes her out the door.

“Love you, too, Mom.” I lock up behind them and turn to find Liberty standing there, carefully regarding me.

“You’re not going to fuss over me like my mother and sister just did, are you?” I step in front of her and pull her close. While I was given the all clear to head home, I’m still a little tender and for the next few weeks, I’m meant to be taking it easy.

“Depends.” She rises to her toes and offers me her soft, warm lips. It doesn’t get old. The touch of them. The taste of them.

“On what?” I smile against her, but she doesn’t open like I want her to.

“If you behave.”

“Well, you know that’s not happening.” I try harder to deepen the kiss, to ignore the throb in my neck as I lean in closer to get a better taste. She doesn’t let it progress. Pulling back before I can get too far, she takes my hand and walks down the hall to my room.

“I’m serious. You heard the doctor. Nothing too strenuous for the next few weeks.”

“So you’re saying no sex?” I follow her down to my room, only a tad disappointed. As much as I want to take her, I know we have a lot to talk about first.

“No sex, Hetch.”

“Okay, fine. But are you opposed to sleeping naked?” We clear the doorway to my room as I play with her some more, and like every time I do, that cute blush of hers kisses her cheeks.

“Seriously, who would have thought you were shot eleven days ago?” Her words tell me she finds me charming, but the drop in her smile shows me she’s still a little shaken up by it.

River Savage's books