Heated Pursuit (Alpha Security #1)

He wanted her to show a little weakness…just so he could become her support…feel fucking useful.

He brushed his knuckle over her warm cheek, pushing a strand of damp hair behind her ear. She bolted upright, back ramrod straight, nearly knocking him off his perch as she jumped unsteadily to her feet.

Rafe stood up and caught her shoulders as she swayed. “Whoa. Slow it down there, speed demon.”

“I’m fine.” She brushed his hands away and took a wobbly step back.

He didn’t like the distance she put between them one damn bit. “I think our definitions of fine are seriously different, Red. And yours is the one that’s ass-backward.”

“I didn’t say that I’m about-to-break-into-song-and-dance happy.” There was the death glare Rafe had been waiting for. “I’m fine. Okay. Hunky-freaking-dory. Don’t worry—I’ll try my best not to slow us down.”

“If you need to take it slow, we’ll drop it down a notch.”

“Stop,” Penny ordered through gritted teeth. “Just…stop.”

“Stop what?” he asked, genuinely perplexed by her sudden rush of annoyance.

Her hands flailed in his general direction as she stalked closer to him. “This. You.”


“Yes—you!” She stumbled but quickly righted herself and pointed at the hand that had been poised to catch her. “And that! Being…nice. And thoughtful. And just…so…freaking…perfect.”

He snorted. “I’m far from perfect, sweetheart.”

“Yeah, that’s what you say, but I know better. It’s not fair. You swagger around all sexy and alpha and growly…but men like that…like you…are supposed to be jerks. You’re supposed to be aloof and programmed to get the job done no matter what you have to do or who you have to hurt. Why do you have to make things ten times more difficult by being thoughtful and caring and…supportive?”

She looked seconds away from blowing steam out her ears. Rafe was lost, completely. “Let me make sure I’m following you here. You’re pissed off at me for being nice…and for caring about you? Is that right?”


“And it would make you feel better if I started acting like a sexist asshole?” What the actual hell?

“Now we’re getting somewhere.” Penny’s hands fisted his shirt. “Be an asshole, Rafe. Be a sexist, selfish, one-track-mind asshole.”

She gave him a hard shove that pushed his back against a nearby tree, and then she followed, putting her mouth over his and kissing him like it was the cure to end the apocalypse. And hell, maybe it was the end of the fucking world, because he sure as hell didn’t know what the fuck was going on—except that Penny was devouring him whole.

And fuck…he was already the worst kind of asshole, because he knew something wasn’t right. In the last few hours, she’d gone from sweet and tender to a walking, mouthy supernova. And he couldn’t tear himself away from her lips long enough to find out what the problem actually was. He took advantage, her touch stoking a fire in his veins that couldn’t be extinguished except by taking her here against this damn tree.

Like his head and his mouth weren’t connected by a brain, he kissed her back in the ultimate of sparring matches. Give and take, slow and deep. Twin hands tugged his shirt until he leaned forward, helping her pull it over his head. Penny didn’t miss an inch of skin as she dragged her hands over his chest and stomach, scouring his skin with her nails, then with her mouth.

Rafe’s groan caught in his throat before he efficiently whipped her shirt off, too. He needed more. He needed to touch her. He needed to feel her with every primal part of his being. In a quick spin, he reversed their positions, his arm tucked behind her to protect her back from the rough tree bark. Not letting the fabric of her bra get in his way, he tugged the thin straps to her elbows, and at the sight of her cherry-red nipples peeking above the lacy trim, he dove in like a man starved. He nibbled and teased, pulling the tip of her left breast into his mouth with a tug that made her body quiver.

She moaned breathlessly, her hands fumbling with his belt. “God, I want you. I need you. Now.”

“You’re about to have me, sweetheart.” Ten seconds after the hiss of his zipper, she did. In her hand. She gripped his erection so tight he nearly came right then. With a growl, he pushed himself deeper into her grasp and was rewarded with another maddening squeeze. “Ease up, baby, or this is going to be over before it begins. We have to talk condoms and the fact that I don’t have any on hand.”

“Don’t care. Don’t need them. I’m clean and protected.”

April Hunt's books