Heated Pursuit (Alpha Security #1)

Women in Rafe’s life had always come and gone, leaving no real lasting impact, and that had always been fine with him. But with Penny he found himself needing to mentally record every fucking second.

“Ticktock, Rafe.” She rolled her hips.

He lost it, whatever it was, and ignored his throbbing cock as he slowly slid one finger along her wet folds. With a keening groan, she pushed her pussy into his hand. He rubbed in slow circles, getting close but never quite touching her hardened clit.

“You. Are. Evil,” she complained in a half moan.

“I’m the worst, baby.” He simultaneously sucked her nipple into his mouth and slid two fingers into her pussy. One thrust. Two. Releasing her breast after the third stroke, he pulled away far enough for him to see her face when she came apart.

Penny rocked her hips, fingers digging into his shoulders. “Please, Rafe. More.”

Fuck, he wanted that, too.

Holding her closer, he thrust his fingers deeper, curling them to hit the magic spot that would have her coming in no time. With each glide of his hand, he caressed his thumb over her clit—again and again.

Her eyes, half-mast and darkened with desire, closed on a moan.

“Eyes on me, Red.” Rafe slid a hand into her hair and dragged her attention down to his. “I want to watch you let go. And then we’re both going to watch as I slide all the way into your body. Fuck, sweetheart. I bet you’re going to wrap around me so damn tight.”

Around his fingers, Penny’s body started to quiver. She threw her head back and muttered a soft “Oh God.”

Rafe kept going, thrusting and rubbing, bending his head to taste her skin before pulling slowly away to watch her eyes lose all focus. Finally, her inner walls convulsed around him, one pulse following another. When they finally slowed, he brushed her clit with his thumb and skyrocketed her into another, stronger climax.

Only immense control had him waiting until the last quiver left her body, and the second it did, he was fishing for the foil packet in his pocket. Penny had his zipper down and cock out by the time he ripped into the packaging.

He’d barely sheathed himself when she began lowering herself onto his engorged cock. “Fuck, you’re really fucking tight, sweetheart.”

“I think it may be that you’re too big,” she teased with a low groan as he pulled her hips down the rest of the way.


Possession was her only defense. There was nothing else to explain why she couldn’t stop and why she, more importantly, didn’t want to. It was like there were two Pennys floating beneath the surface of her body, and the one Rafe always coaxed out was the vivacious, brazen, and, judging by the way her hips ground down onto his, horny one.

Maybe it was Rafe. Maybe it was the dawning realization of how dangerous a situation they were stepping into. Suddenly, the woman who’d made it her life’s mission not to get emotionally involved with a bleeding-hero type didn’t give a snivel about what lay ahead of them as long as she was able to savor this moment. And the fact that she acknowledged it and still didn’t want to stop made it even worse.

Rafe’s mouth and roaming hands temporarily banished all thoughts that didn’t involve him and sweaty, bare skin. She let him guide her body into a circular motion, the friction making her entire body begin to pulse with pent-up need.

“More,” she whispered breathlessly. Tightening her grip on his shoulders, she ground her bottom harder against his lap. “Please, Rafe, I’m not going to break.”

His fingers dug into her hips. “Hold on, sweetheart.”

Penny squealed as he stood, but before she could protest the sexual pause, her back hit the wall and Rafe plowed into her with a powerful thrust.

“I don’t think we’re going to make it to a bed,” Rafe growled out, thrusting again.

In this position, she could feel everything—him inside her, him rubbing against her. She rolled her hips and double-fisted her hands in his hair, hungrily bringing her mouth down onto his. “Beds are highly overrated.”

“Fuck yeah they are.” Rafe murmured against her mouth, “I need to feel you grab onto me, sweetheart. Let me have it. Let go.”

Penny moved her hips faster, matching each of Rafe’s thrusts with one of her own. He slipped his hand between their sweat-slickened bodies, expertly finding her already throbbing clit. Soft and gentle, he rubbed at her until every muscle in her body tensed.

And then she was falling off a virtual cliff of pure bliss. Her body pulsed around him, pulling out a groan from his throat. Thrust after thrust, it intensified until she felt like she’d burst in a million different directions. When she gently bit into the fleshy part of his shoulder, he followed her over that edge, and she thanked God she wasn’t expected to do anything but drape her sated body over his.

“Wow.” Penny panted, her body pleasantly limp. “Well, I can honestly say I didn’t see that on the agenda for tonight.”

April Hunt's books