Heat Wave

Then his mouth drops open, panting with lust, as the rain streams down his face and he groans. “I’m coming, oh fuck.” His voice is hoarse and broken and another rush of power rolls through me. His cock becomes hotter, his skin stretched under my lips, and I keep going as I feel him change in my grasp.

He stills, strained, almost like he’s being put on pause, and then he’s over the edge, shaking, groaning, wild. His cum is shooting into my mouth, almost to the back of my throat and I swallow almost immediately, wanting every part of him.

“Bloody hell,” he rasps, his hands still tangled in my wet hair. “Freckles…I had no idea you had that in you.”

I slowly get to my feet, the instability of the sand and the rush I’m feeling cause me to waver off-balance. I grin at him and the sated expression on his face, and work out the kinks in my mouth.

“There’s a lot more where that came from,” I tell him, wiping the rain from my eyes. “As soon as my mouth gets used to the size of your dick.”

He laughs, then shakes his head, droplets falling from his hair, and exhales loudly. “I’m still shaking inside,” he says. “Come on. We’re just getting started.”

He zips up and takes my hand. We giggle as we walk along the beach and to his house.


Charlie got back from vacation today and not a moment too soon. I normally don’t mind all the hours in the kitchen and working overtime here and there but lately, work is the last place I want to be right now. And who can blame me?

It’s been a few days since Logan and I started up our…what’s even the right word? Affair? Sounds too shameful. Tryst? Too vulgar. I guess the only way to to phrase it that makes sense to me would be love affair. Not that either of us have uttered the L word, I know I’m trying my best to not put a label on my feelings. I’m trying not to think too much and just enjoy it, even when a feeling is burning away inside of you, growing day by day.

Anyway you put it though, what we have has been stealing my thoughts and my heart away from everything else. All I do is think about him, all want is to be with him. It’s like I’ve finally given myself permission to feel all the things I’ve tried to ignore and I’m drowning in it. It’s a beautiful way to go.

I’ve been with him every night except last. I think Kate’s gotten a bit suspicious with me disappearing and coming back so late. What I really want to do is sleep overnight at Logan’s again and wake up in his arms, but I think from now on she’ll notice if I don’t come home. She’s tricky like that, maybe because she and Charlie were sneaking around.

I kind of hope now that Charlie is back the two of them will start up again, if only to keep them from noticing what Logan and I are doing.

I know I shouldn’t really be so concerned with what everyone thinks but it’s still all so new and so fucking fragile. Logan and I have so much to be wary about, our relationship with each other…it’s a sensitive thing and needs to be handled with care. We move in secret because we’re afraid that people will look at us differently, at least I am.

By keeping it under wraps, we don’t have to explain it to anyone but ourselves. And even then, that’s a hard pill to swallow sometimes. When I’m with him everything feels right, like fate, kismet, and destiny have joined forces and moved mountains in order for us to be together. But then I might see a sign of her in the house or he might mention her name or I might be reminded of some time that Logan and Juliet were together and then it all comes crashing down.

I try not to let it crush me, though. We feel right, and how can something this right be so wrong? Logan was never meant to be with Juliet, and Juliet knew it herself. It’s only her death that makes things so damn complicated, more for other people than for us. People who wouldn’t know the whole truth – and that makes everyone but Dan and Juliet’s lover – would see us as cold and callous, and if anyone had believed that Logan had been a cheater, as I had, they would be quick to point fingers.

There’s also the fact that working in such close quarters with everyone at Moonwater, knowledge of our relationship would raise more than a few eyebrows. I know they’re my ohana now, but even then I don’t want to test the waters.

And yet, sometimes you need to just get out there and swim.

“Hey,” I hear Logan’s accent from outside and head out onto my balcony. He’s standing below it, staring up at me, wearing just swim trunks and nothing else. Today is a gorgeous day and hot like anything, and he seems to have broken a sweat, his muscles gleaming in the sunshine. If I had no shame I’d offer to lick the sweat right off of him.

“Hey,” I say back to him, leaning on the railing and trying to hide the fact that I’m clenching my thighs together to no avail.

“Now that Charlie’s back,” he says, “did you want another surf lesson before your shift?”

Now, I’m not exactly sure if “surf lesson” is innuendo for something (and by something, I mean wild, hot, sweaty sex), we are in public after all. So I give him a tentative, “yes?”