Heart of the Hunter

“Take every inch of me,” Forrester gasped, as he thrust again and again into her defenseless body.

She opened her eyes and saw a look of excruciating pleasure on his face. His brow was slick with sweat. His eyes were shut. His lips were pursed in the ecstasy of orgasm.

“Oh my God,” he cried, and she felt the throb of his sperm flow into her.

She knew at that very moment that nothing was ever going to be the same in her life again. From that moment forward, no matter what else happened, she was going to be tied and linked to Forrester. Their destines were entwined. In a very real way, she was going to be his, and he was going to be hers, from that moment on.

Unprotected intercourse, whether it led to a baby or not, was the most intimate thing she could think of, and it filled her heart with joy and love that she was sharing that moment with Forrester. It was the first time any man’s sperm had been inside her, and all she could think of was that she wanted more, she wanted everything he had, and she wanted it to find its mark. She wanted it to start creating a baby inside her.

She wasn’t a religious girl, she rarely attended church, but she knew that this was a spiritual moment. God was part of this.

As Forrester’s sperm pulsed and poured into her, the pleasure overwhelmed her and at last, the orgasm that had been building up inside her since the moment she’d entered the hotel room began to release itself on her senses.

She screamed. Her muscles contracted. She tried to pull her arms free and wrap them around her man’s powerful torso but she couldn’t. He kept thrusting into her, so deeply that she thought he might injure her, but there was no pain, only pleasure. He thrust and thrust, pouring himself inside her, and when at last he finished, he collapsed down onto her body, his skin sticky with sweat.

“Thank you, God,” she whispered when it was all over.

Chapter 24



Where had this desire come from?

He hadn’t realized until just that moment how badly he wanted a baby, and how certain he was that Elle was the woman who would give it to him. It was a spiritual, almost mystical moment.

As his cock spilled into her, his semen throbbing right out of him and into her delicious, tender *, he knew that this was something that would never be taken back. He knew that there were a lot of things that happened in a man’s life that amounted to nothing. This was not one of those things. This was one of the moments that would define him.

When he died, and was asked by God to account for the actions of his life, this was one of the moments, perhaps the only moment, that would count. This was it. This was what Forrester Snow was going to do with his life.

He knew it, and the knowledge gave him an overwhelming sense of gratitude and love. He was humbled. He clung to Elle’s beautiful, soft, smooth body and felt the most intense, pure love of his life.

This was how he would answer to the crimes of his father. By overcoming them. By creating a life of his own.

“Oh, Elle,” he cried.

The pleasure was still flowing in his cock, even as he collapsed onto her body. He was afraid he might crush her, she was so small compared to him, but he couldn’t help put all his weight on her. His semen was still dripping into her, his cock was still hard inside her, and he wished nothing more than that he could stay that way, intertwined with the woman he loved, for ever and ever.

“This is what heaven must feel like,” he sighed.

“I think so,” Elle said, and he looked into her deep, beautiful eyes, and knew it was true.

“Thank you,” he whispered.

She smiled.

“Really,” he continued, “thank you, Elle. What we just did, don’t think for a second I don’t realize how important that is, how momentous it is. I know there’s no guarantee, but there’s a chance, a very real chance, that we just created a new life together. There’s a chance that we’re going to be parents together, you and me, and that means that we’re going to have to devote every ounce of our souls to each other for the rest of our lives.”

“Do you really mean all this?” Elle said, suddenly sounding concerned that she might have trusted the wrong man with this most intimate, intense gift a woman could ever give.

“I mean every word, Elle, with every drop of my soul. I swear to you, I’m your man now. I’m yours and your mine. Nothing will ever be able to change that. Not even death.”

And then he kissed her, and as his tongue slid into her delicious, waiting mouth, he knew that he had just crossed the line from boyhood to manhood. From this moment on, he was a man, and whatever his father had done to him no longer mattered.

He’d made it.

He’d overcome his past.

Chapter 25


Chance Carter's books