Heart of the Hunter

“If I could get anything?”

“Yes. If you could have absolutely anything you wanted?”

“Well,” I said, glad to have someone I could talk to about my plans, “one thing which is kind of silly, is that I’d like doves.”


“I know, it’s a bit of a cliché, but doves are really remarkable animals.”

“They’re romantic.”

“They are. They’ve been a symbol of love and peace for centuries. Did you know that during the Middle Ages, people believed doves chose their mating partners on Valentine’s Day.”

“And do they?”

“Well, I don’t know what scientists say, but I like to believe they do.”

“Pretty romantic,” he said.

I shook my head. I was embarrassed. “It’s just a silly thing.”

“I don’t think it’s silly. You’ve got to create your own special meaning for things in life. Otherwise everything is gray and drab.”

“Yes,” I said. “Doves also stay true to their mate. The ancient Greeks always depicted the goddess of love, Aphrodite, surrounded by doves. The Romans did the same with Venus.”


“And of course, Jesus is often depicted with a dove, representing love and peace.”

“I noticed that.”

“Noah sent a dove to find land after the flood.”

Grant smiled at me. He was really listening. He didn’t think I was silly at all.

“So, doves, roses. What else do you like?”

“Well, sunsets obviously.”

“Obviously,” Grant said.

“But not just any sunset. It has to be over the ocean.”

“Why stop at just a normal sunset? Why not add the ocean?” he said, smiling.

“Hey, you said if I could have anything I wanted.”

He nodded. “Roses, doves, sunsets. Sounds like you’ve got your bases covered.”

“And one more thing,” I said. “Music.”

“Romantic music?”

“Not necessarily, but live music. Real music, from a band I like.

“Any band in particular?”

“No. Just a good band. I’m not picky.”

“Sure you’re not,” he said, a wide grin on his face.

Chapter 30



Faith, Jackson, Forrester, Grady and Grant all looked up at me expectantly. I’d called this dinner to make an announcement, and now was the time.

“So, the news I wanted to share, is that I’m getting married.”

There was a moment of stunned silence. Everyone looked up at me, their eyes wide, their mouths open. This was my family, they knew everything about me, and now, out of the blue I was announcing my engagement, and they didn’t even know who the lucky man was.

I looked at them, my heart pounding, dying for them to give me their support.

To my amazement, it was Grant who spoke first. He rose his glass and everyone else followed suit.

“Congratulations, Lacey,” he said, giving me a warm smile. “That’s amazing. We’re so happy for you.”

“Are we?” Forrester said. “How is this the first I’m hearing of this?”

“Of what?” I said.

“Lacey,” he said. “I don’t even know who you’re marrying.”

“Rob, of course. Rob Crawford.”

“Rob? I didn’t know you were still seeing him.”

“I am.”

Grady spoke up next. “You’ve only been going out with him a few weeks.”

“Sometimes things move fast,” I said.

“Yes, they do,” Faith said, giving Grady and Forrester a stern look. She obviously saw that I needed everyone’s support on this next step in my life, even if it was sudden.

Only Jackson hadn’t said anything. I looked at him. Of course, I didn’t need his permission to get married, but I did need his blessing. I needed blessing from all of them.

“Well,” Jackson said, looking at Grant as much as at me, “I don’t really know Rob Crawford, but if you think he’s the man for you, Lacey, that’s good enough for me.”

“So I have your support?” I said.

All of them nodded. “Of course you do, Lacey,” Forrester said. “You’re our family, the best family we have, and we’ll support you in whatever you decide. We just want your happiness.”

“Thank you so much,” I said, looking around the table at the faces I loved most in the world.

“This means there’ll be a wedding,” Faith said, a look of excitement on her face.

I nodded.

She got up and hugged me. “Oh, Lacey, it’s going to be perfect. You know we’ll all pull together to give you the perfect wedding.”

“Thank you, Faith.”

“Speaking of weddings,” Jackson said, “where’s the happy groom to be?”

I took a deep breath. That was the question I’d been dreading. I’d told Rob that this dinner was important to me, I’d begged him to be there for it, but he’d said he was swamped at work and couldn’t make it.

“Rob’s got a lot of clients right now. He couldn’t make it.”

“Couldn’t make it?” Forrester said, indignantly. “Doesn’t he know we’re your family?”

“Of course he does.”

Chance Carter's books