Heart of the Hunter

FUCK. I COULDN’T THINK OF ANY other word as I lay inside Kelly on her kitchen floor. I could hear her breathing in my ear and could smell the sweet juices she had poured out when she came. We were slick against each other, between the sweat and what her orgasm had let out of her. I eased myself into her as deep as I could go, getting every last drop of come out of my cock, listening to her let out one final gasp as our bodies pressed together. She gripped my back tightly and strangled my cock with her * before I pulled out of her, lifted my head up, and looked down.

She was so goddamn beautiful.

Strands of sandy blonde hair stuck to her face with sweat. Her green eyes sparkled from the earth shattering orgasm I had just given her. Her wet tongue moved in and out over her luscious lips, wetting them as she tried to catch her breath. I had never seen someone look so fucking gorgeous, so lost yet so completely happy with where they were.

I wanted her again.

I wanted to move my mouth down to her thighs and lick up every ounce of the sweet nectar that covered her *. I had just shot everything I had into her delicate body and yet I could feel myself getting hard for her again, ready to take her back to where we both had just been. She gazed up at me wearily, a soft smile spreading across her face, gently moaning, and running her hands across my chest. She was completely satisfied and so was I, but we both wanted more. I’d had some stellar fucks in my time, but I’d never felt a * like that. She was so tight, almost like a virgin, but took me in like she had been waiting for my cock her whole life.

I gave her everything I had and she took it all. Shit, she even looked like she wanted it all again and more, and I knew I could give it to her. I wanted to. She had never felt anything like me before and I could feel her being drawn into me. She was mine. Mine to do what I pleased with. The way she was looking up at me, I knew I was in big fucking trouble. She just didn’t understand the trouble she was in yet.

So much for laying low, asshole. In a few hours you managed to put yourself on the radar of the entire town, the law, and now this fucking chick is looking at you like her Lord and Savior. Real fucking smart, Hunter.

Real. Fucking. Smart.

I had to get the fuck out of there. Quick.

I pushed myself up and got to my knees. As I looked down at her, I could see her chest moving up and down. Her round, soft breasts were heaving inside her top and looked like they were about to pop out at any second.

I bet those nipples don’t get that hard very often, do they darling?

Her skirt was hiked up above her bare midriff and her * looked like it was breathing between her wet, still quivering legs. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest and it took all my strength to stand up and not ravage her again.

You’re leaving, pal. You’re leaving right fucking now.

I got to my feet and picked up my coveralls, sliding my legs back into them, one at a time.

Where the fuck were my boots?

I didn’t even remember taking them off, but soon found them scattered across the kitchen like they had been thrown from my body, one under the table and one by the kitchen door. I slid my feet into them and walked back to where my tank top was lying in a filthy ball in the center of the room. I reached down and grabbed it. Then I heard her voice.

“Hunter?” she said softly.

I looked over as she was sliding herself up to rest against the wall. She pushed the sweaty strands of her hair away from her face and stared up at me. She looked confused, both as to what the hell just happened, and where I was off to in such a hurry.

“Hunter, where are you going?” she said, with a pained and baffled tone to her voice.

“Shit, I’ve got to roll, sweetheart. You know how it is.”

“But …”

“I’ve got things to do. There’s a cabin I need to check out. I’ve got to get my shit together.”

Was it still morning or afternoon? What fucking time was it? I had no idea, but it was time to get the fuck out of there.

“I just thought,” she trailed off and didn’t finish the sentence, but I knew what she was thinking.

She was thinking I was some good guy who just happened to fuck like a damn beast, that I was going to lie there and cradle her back to life after I nearly split her in half, hold her softly, kiss her deeply, whisper sweet-fucking-nothings in her ears.

Sorry to burst that fucking bubble, baby. That’s not who I am. That’s not who you brought home and now you fucking know it.

I pulled my shirt over my head and brushed the hair out of my eyes. She was sitting against the wall now and had pulled her skirt back down, covering herself up and pressing her legs together. She had her arms crossed and was looking away from me.

Chance Carter's books