Hawke (Carolina Cold Fury Hockey #5)

“I don’t understand…how?”

“I had lost my phone; got a new one with a new number. I never checked my email. That shouldn’t surprise you. Got a new email, which I never checked either, but that’s moot…you didn’t have it so you couldn’t have reached out that way.”

Hawke never knew I tried to make things right?

More important, Hawke wasn’t purposely ignoring me. He wasn’t trying to hurt me back. He was just…ignorant of it all.

“No wonder you couldn’t let it go,” I muse in wonder as I look down at the carpet. Looking at him hurts a little too much. “I mean…I knew I’d hurt you badly, but now I get it. You really did think I cut you out completely. Shut the door and never looked back.”

“That’s what I thought,” he agrees, and takes a step toward me. His legs come into view and then I feel his hands on my shoulders.

“Vale,” he says softly, and I tilt my face up. “I didn’t know, but trust me…had I known, I would never have ignored you. Granted, I probably wouldn’t have seen the email, but had I got those voice messages…please believe me, I would have called back.”

“I believe you,” I say automatically, but take a step back from him. His hands drop and he winces as if the distance hurts. “But if you’re here to tell me that changes things—”

“It changes everything,” he whispers.

“No,” I say with a shake of my head and a surge of anger. “It only reinforces that my love survived hurt and betrayal but yours wasn’t strong enough.”

“It may not have been strong enough,” he says with determination, and his hands come back up to my shoulders. He grips me gently, pulling me a little closer. “It may have been buried…even shrouded so I couldn’t see it, but it was there.”

“No,” I say in denial, refusing to believe that it could be so.

“Yes,” he says harshly, digging his fingers in reflexively. “I was ignorant, stupid, whatever. But don’t tell me that it’s not love. Don’t you dare try to tell me what I feel right now. You have no right.”

“No right?” I ask incredulously, my hands coming up to slap his chest. I start to push him backward then my fingers curl into his shirt. I pull and give a shake. “I have no right to doubt you and your feelings? You…the man who thinks it’s good enough to fuck me and take everything I had to give, but couldn’t even recognize what was standing right in front of him.”

“You have no right,” he says as his hands drop to circle around my wrists, holding me pinned there, “because you are the woman who forgives above all else. Even when you thought I had received those messages…when you thought I had just cut you off without a backward glance, you forgave me and you opened yourself up to me again. I refuse to believe you won’t do it a third time. You still love me, Vale. I know you do. And I love you. So much it physically hurts when I think that I may have fucked this up for good. I am begging you not to close that door again. To give us another chance.”

Tears pool in my eyes, something that would ordinarily embarrass me, but I blink without hesitation and let them break free. They make warm trails down my cheek that immediately chill in the air. “I’m scared,” I say in a small voice. “I laid myself out there, opened myself up, and when you didn’t give it back, you can’t begin to imagine how badly that hurt.”

“You’re wrong,” Hawke says as his arms wrap around my upper back. He contracts, pulling me all the way in so my cheek turns to rest against his chest. “I do know how it feels. I’m not playing the blame game, but just reminding you…you told me once you didn’t love me, and I remember that feeling so sharply, it feels just like yesterday. So I know…I know how bad it feels, but I’m also here to tell you, we both have the power to make that go away for good.”

“How?” I ask, still wanting to rebel against this notion because it’s so terrifying, but finding myself snuggling into his embrace. “How do we have the power?”

“Do you really love me?” he asks gently, one hand stroking my back.

I nod into his chest. “Yes.”

“Do you believe I love you? Do you accept it?”

“I don’t—”