Hard to Fight (Alpha's Heart, #1)

With another smile, I wrap my arm around his waist. “You want to come in? I’m on my break.”

“You going to make me lunch?”

I roll my eyes. “Of course.”

“Then of course I’m coming in.”

I turn to Kady. “You staying?”

She gives me an um derr look and then mutters, “I’m setting up secret decorations, of course.”

I laugh. “You’re the worst secret-keeper ever, Kady.”

She grins happily. “I know.”

“So I heard your birthday is tomorrow. What do you want?” Benny asks.

“Raide, of course,” Kady says for me.

I sigh. “One can dream.”

Benny turns us into the house. “Dreams come true, Grace.”

So I’ve heard.

Chapter Thirty-three

Everyone is here, and it’s amazing: my family, Benny and his family, Kady and Vance, even Don. She’s gone all out for my birthday, and yet I can’t shake the throbbing pain in my chest. Everyone is here but him … and he’s the one I need the most. Still, I keep a smile on my face and interact with everyone as best I can. Kady and I dance, we drink, and there are loads of laughs. Even Gretchen and Stacy seem to be having fun.

The night goes on, and everyone gets a few more drinks under their belts. Then Kady announces it’s cake time. I protest, because quite frankly, I hate being sung to. A lot. A whole lot. “No,” I say as she drags me to the head of a table where my cake is sitting. “No, I don’t want to be sung to.”

“You just be quiet,” she protests. “We’re going to sing to you.”

“No!” I laugh, digging my heels in.

Benny comes up behind me and launches me up into his arms, wrapping one of them around my waist, and forces me forward. “You are going to get sung to,” he tells me, “and you’re going to like it.”

“You’re a jerk, Benny.”

He chuckles. “Never said I wasn’t.” He sets me down in front of the cake and everyone gathers around.

My dad comes over and kisses the side of my head. “Proud of you, Gracie.”

I beam up at him. “Thanks, Dad.”

“Who’s going to start this tune?” Benny yells.

Everyone is silent.

Well, this is nice.

“No one? Oh, come on, it’s her birthday. You all love her, right? Someone has to sing to the poor girl.”

No one opens their mouths.


“Don’t make me have to start, because I’m telling you, I suck at singing. Poor Grace.”

Kady’s lips are twitching. I don’t know what she thinks is so funny. Benny stares at the silent group, and seriously, it’s freaking me out that they’re all just standing there. What’s wrong with them? I’m confused.

Then I hear it.

It comes from behind me in a low, sexy, husky tone. “Happy birthday to you—”

I spin around so quickly, I hit Benny in the belly on my way around. Raide is walking into the living area, hands in his pockets, singing softly under his breath. Tears burn under my eyelids and I squeal loudly. I run toward him so fast that when I launch myself into his arms, Raide stumbles backwards and into the wall. My legs go around his waist and my lips find his. I kiss him so hard, I taste blood in my own mouth, but I don’t care.

When we pull apart, he’s panting and his eyes—oh, those eyes.

“You’re here, why are you here?” I cry.

“Got out early. Good behavior.”

“Y-y-y-y-you’re out?” I squeak.

He grins. “Yeah, baby, I’m out,” then he leans down and brushes his lips over my ear. “Happy birthday, Gracie.”

Best. Birthday. Ever.


Everyone pretty much leaves as soon as Raide arrives. I guess they know we want privacy. When they’re gone, I turn to the big, handsome man standing in my kitchen. He’s got his finger in the cake frosting and he brings it to his lips, sucking it off. Oh boy. I clench my legs together. He stares at me and his face is soft, gentle and loving.

“I’ve missed you,” I whisper.

He drops his hand and walks around the counter. He reaches me and curls his hand around the back of my neck, pulling me closer. “Missed you, too, lady.”

“You’re really here?”

“I’m really here.”

I swallow and meet his sexy gaze. “And us?”

“Lady,” he murmurs, staring at my lips now. “Do I even need to answer that?”

I smile. “No.”

“Then stop talkin’ and kiss me. I’ve got two months of making up to do.”

I grin. “I have an idea.”

His brows shoot up. “Oh yeah?”


Bella Jewel's books