Hard to Fight (Alpha's Heart, #1)

York is Dad’s best friend. He’s also a detective and a cop. He’s like an uncle to me, he’s been in my life since before I can remember. I adore him, but I don’t think turning to him is the right option. What is he going to do?

“I spoke to York about your case a few days ago, turns out their department is handling it. I think because of that and his relationship with me, that he’ll do it for you, Gracie.”

“Do what?”

He holds my stare. “Find that man who really did it, and see if he can get a confession. You coming forward and telling Raide’s story is technically new evidence. It’s enough for him to investigate further. Take another look at the details of the case. Interview old friends of Raide’s sister to see if they can corroborate his story.”

My eyes go wide. “Do you think he can actually help?”

“He can access the information and request to look into it. Raide is still probably going to go away for skipping bail, but if he’s not charged, he may very well only get a few months.”

My heart swells.

Dad sees this, because he says gently, “Don’t get your hopes up. A second look might not yield anything new, and York might not be able to find this man, but if you have an idea where he is, you might just have a chance.”

“Thank you, Dad,” I whisper. “Thank you so much.”

He shrugs. “There’s one more thing.”

“What?” I whisper.

“It shouldn’t be this way, but there’s a chance you’re risking your job doing this.”

I swallow and stare at him again, and I know he understands my next words. “Not so long ago, I would have told you there was nothing in the world that could have swayed me from my work. It was all I wanted, it was all I cared about. But, Dad—” Again, I swallow down my emotion. “—I’d never felt love. I’d never felt the emotion for someone that could change my entire way of thinking. He did that for me. I know how hard I’ve worked and I don’t want to give that up—but, Daddy, without him it’s worth nothing to me. I love him. I’ll do anything, including risking my job, to help him.”

My dad cups my cheeks. “I’m so damned proud of you, Gracie, I wish you could feel just how much.”

“I know,” I whisper.

I lean over and hug him. He holds me tight for a moment, then he pulls back and says, “To do this, Gracie, you have to dig deep, find that badass girl I love so much, and be strong.”

I inhale deeply. “I will. I promise.”

“That’s my girl.”

Chapter Twenty-four

I don’t sleep that night. I toss and turn, I call Raide’s phone over and over, I leave pathetic messages, and then I give up and get out of bed. I plop down onto my couch and stare at nothing. I think about Raide, I think about Vance, I think about York. Am I risking it all asking York to help me? Is he risking his career? Am I risking mine? I curl up into a ball on the couch and close my eyes, focusing on taking deep breaths.

I must fall asleep because the next thing I’m aware of is the sun coming through the cracks in my curtains and warming my skin. I blink rapidly and peer around. Another day without Raide. Another day living with my mistakes. I take a deep breath and push up, letting my father’s words sink in. If I want to help Raide, I need to push this pain aside and find my inner badass self and fix this. Even if it means I’ll lose my job.

I run my fingers through my hair and stand.

I make it to the kitchen and turn on the coffeemaker. While it’s brewing, I dig through the fridge. I find a bagel and pull it out. It looks okay. I toast it and then slather it with butter, and then I take my coffee and head outside to sit on the porch. I’m midway through breakfast when a car pulls up in my drive.

Vance. I watch as he gets out and strides toward me with a hard expression on his face. I hate seeing him like this. I hate that I’ve put us in this position.

Inner badass, Grace. Suck it up.

I force a smile as Vance jogs up the two front steps and stops in front of me. Well, this isn’t awkward at all. He’s just staring at me, his jaw tight, his face an impenetrable mask. He crosses his arms over his big chest and I wonder if he’s waiting for me to speak first.

I won’t do it.

“Aren’t you going to say anything?” he finally rumbles.

“What do you want me to say, Vance? That I’m sorry? Because I’m not. I made a mistake, I am paying for it, but I’d probably do it all over again for him.”

It’s in that exact moment I realize that I would, in fact, do it again. I’m ashamed that it came to it, I’m sad I let down my team and myself, but in the end, if I was faced with the same choice, I’d do it all over again for Raide. This realization hits me hard and I gasp, pressing my hand to my chest. It seems so obvious now. So clear.

Vance ignores what I’ve just said. “You lied to me.”

I stare up at him, gathering my breath before saying, “No, Vance. I didn’t.”

“You did, Grace.”

“No,” I protest. “I told you what I was doing, I just didn’t tell you how far I was taking it. You never asked, so I didn’t lie. I just didn’t tell you.”

Bella Jewel's books