Hard to Fight (Alpha's Heart, #1)

“Going to make me a bed, Dad?”

He turns around, and his face splits into a massive grin. I rush over and he throws his arms around me, holding me close. He loves my mom and sisters, I know that, but I’m his happy place, a place where he feels slightly normal in a world of chaos. “Gracie,” he murmurs into my hair. “I wasn’t expecting you.”

“Hi, Dad.” I smile, pulling back.

He touches my cheek. “You look—”

“Like a drowned rat?”

He smirks. “I was going to be a little kinder than that.”

I laugh. “Don’t worry, Mom and Gretchen have already informed me what a shameful child I am.”

He rolls his eyes. “And I bet you took that well.”

I grin. “You know me too well. I think Mom was ready to throttle me when I licked my hand and fixed my hair.”

He bites his lip to stop his laughter. “You’re my daughter, through and through.”

“That I am,” I say, turning to his book. “So what are you building?”

“I’m trying to build a porch swing. Your mother wants one.”

Of course she does. “And how’s that going for you?”

He groans, slapping the book shut. “She won’t notice if I go and buy it and pretend I built it, right?”

I laugh some more. “Your secret’s safe with me.”

He wraps me in another hug. “I’m glad you came to visit, Gracie.”

Me, too.


“So, how’s your newest case going?” Dad asks as we all sit around drinking cocoa later that night.

“It’s good, I think.”

“You think?” he asks.

I sigh. “He’s proving somewhat difficult, but I’ll bring him in.”

“How exactly,” my other sister, Stacy, mumbles, “do you bring a fully grown man in?”

“Why, Stacy,” I say, “with my charm and good looks, of course.”

Gretchen snorts. “Charm and good looks? He must be blind.”

“Gretchen,” Dad warns.

“Sorry, Daddy, but I just don’t understand her and her job.”

“Gracie is good at what she does,” Dad says, defending me like he always does. “Maybe you should try being proud of her.”

Gretchen huffs and crosses her arms.

“Anyway,” I say, feeling the tension building. “I should get home. I have a lot of work to do.”

I stand, and Dad stands with me. After three awkward hugs, we walk out to his car.

“You don’t have to take me home,” I say.

“You’re not catching a cab tonight.”

I don’t argue.

I get in his car and he takes me home. When there, he turns to me. “I know they don’t always make you feel like what you’re doing is good, Gracie, but I want you to know I’m proud of you.”

I smile, reaching over and taking his hand. “Thank you, Dad.”

“Call me with updates, let me know how this case goes.”

“I promise.”

“Night, Gracie.”

“Night, Dad.”

Chapter Six

“Kady, get down!” I hiss.

“Why?” she squeals happily. “He’s not looking.”

“Because if he sees you looking at him, he’ll know we’re following him.”

“We’re about to follow him into a club—”

“No shit? But right now, we’re the only people in the parking lot, and we’re hiding in my damned car while he talks to some badass outside. You don’t think he’ll find us slightly suspicious if he looks over and sees us peeking through my windshield at him!” I hiss.

Kady scoffs and waves her hand. “Chill out, lady. You asked me along.”

“Yes,” I say, tugging the back of her dress. “Now, down!”

She drops down. “You’re no fun. This stakeout business is supposed to be fun.”

I roll my eyes. “You watch too much television.”

She flashes me a grin. “Are you going to peek? What if he’s gone?”

“Stay still.”

I lift my head slightly and see Raide still talking to a large, dark man. They’re close, discussing something that has Raide’s hands clenching. Kady and I have spent the last three hours following him from a gun shop to this club. Luckily, we came prepared and are dressed for a night out. Seduce Raide, here we come.

“He’s still there.”

“I have an idea,” she cries. “You should just get out and wrestle him to the ground.”

I turn and glare at her. “Have you missed how huge he is?”

“Let me look again.”

She lifts her head, sighs, and murmurs, “So fine. Lick him while he’s on the floor.”

Yes, Kady couldn’t be a bounty hunter to save her life.

“Jesus, Kady, get down. If he looks, he’s going to get an eyeful of boob.”

She leans back, adjusting her boobs in her slinky red dress. “What’s wrong with that?”

“Kady, giving him a hard-on is not part of the plan. Not yet, anyway.”

“Oh, look—he’s moving!”

I lift my head again and see Raide scanning the lot. “Get down.”

Bella Jewel's books