“What are you thinking?” she asked me.

“How beautiful you are, darlin’. It’s all I think about.”


“It’ll be fine,” I said.

She nodded, swallowing hard.

“Darlin’, do you trust me?” I asked.

“Of course I do, Knox.”

“Then there’s nothing to worry about.” I touched her face, loving the smell of our bodies together. The heat, sex… goddamn. “I’ll take care of you until my last breath.”

Ana sighed with a purr. Her eyes looked misty for a few seconds. “Knox, I never thought this would happen.”

“It’s happening… and will happen for the rest of our lives.”

We gently kissed but it was like getting struck by lightning. I swore, every time I kissed my darlin’ it was like falling in love all over again.

The quick jolt to my heart sent a quick jolt to my cock. I was already in Ana… and I was filling right back up.

And I never was the kind of man to pass up an opportunity…

I felt bad for her. She was still nervous about everything that had happened. It had been a lot in a month, but I had kept my promise to her. She was safe. Nothing else had happened to her. The Reap was in control of the town again, cruising around, taking favors as needed to show our strength and presence.

Uncle Jakey was pissed at me for what I had done, but the second he took the head of the table and stroked the gavel like Ana to my dick, he settled right in. There were no real orders or commands, merely information being shared about our town, our city, and how we were going to stay alive, stay out of prison, and earn again.

Trust me, we were all doing just fine on our own. Early investments in life had treated plenty of us well, but over the years, booze, pussy, lawyers, the outlaw life… it wasn’t exactly as free as TV shows and movies make it seem.

Ana lived in a sense of fear that was slowly breaking apart. She was radiant and beautiful.

I sat up in her bed and watched as she climbed out of bed. Staring at her from behind had me shaking my damn head. I couldn’t even imagine how beautiful she was. It was like if I blinked she would look different.

But she didn’t.

She got more beautiful by the second.

Her hair trailing down her back. Her shoulders and arms, shit I never gave a damn about before. The way her body made that hourglass shape, her hips rounded with my grips permanently in them. Her legs were a little thick, and all I could think about was her straddling my cock, pumping those legs up and down.

She walked to the bathroom and I looked around the small bedroom.

I didn’t like the apartment at all.

I felt like we were too exposed. It was too risky.

I didn’t like the idea of living in the clubhouse either. It was nice to have it as a hangout, but I wasn’t stupid. Ana forever fantasized about the house and white fence thing. I’d catch her talking about it when we were younger and the way her face would light up always made me smile.

Somewhere in my heart I always wondered if I could give that to her. Maybe that’s what kept us apart too.

Things were different now.

I could…

My phone started to ring, right on cue.

I leaned over the bed and wrestled with my jeans.

“Matteo,” I said.

“Chapel,” he said “It’s big.”

The call went dead.

I turned and Ana appeared in the doorway to the bedroom, still naked.

She reached up with one hand and bit her lip. She was a little shy still but she was trying to be seductive to me.

I threw the covers off and got out of bed. My cock bounced and smacked off my leg, but only for a few seconds because it started to grow in size again.

“Darlin’,” I said to Ana, “I have to go. Work related.”

Her entire body posture changed. She closed her legs, put her arms at her sides, and realized the moment had come and gone.

“Hey,” I said. “I’ll be back. You’ll be safe. No worries.”

“I hate when this happens,” Ana whispered.

I know she hated bringing up the past. I hated when she brought up the past. But I understood it. It was hard to just start over, clean slate. That was all bullshit. I watched my ma and old man go through enough clean slates to weigh down a dump truck. And in the end, my old man fucked women, my ma took off, and the house I called home stood on rotted boards, waiting to come down.

I kissed Ana, gently, and hated that I had to walk away from her naked body. I hated that I had to get dressed. But this was a big deal. I had to get my mind straight.

I started to turn and Ana grabbed at my leg.

“Yeah, darlin’?” I asked.

“Can you be late?”

“I don’t have a punch clock,” I said.


Her hand slipped forward and she touched my throbbing cock. Her fingers teased all the way to the tip. As she squeezed, she bit her lip again. I turned to face her again. Being late to chapel wasn’t the worst thing in the world, but I’d take some serious hell for it.

I started to move my right hand, really thinking about stopping Ana, promising I’d make it up to her later.

Jaxson Kidman's books