Gold Dragon (Heritage of Power #5)

A shadow fell over the gardens, and a hundred people gasped. Rysha looked up, hoping Shulina Arya wasn’t the dragon about to cause a stir.

Bhrava Saruth landed in front of the dais, where Shulina Arya had landed to receive her medal at the ceremony. His wings stretched out, and he looked quite magnificent. Or terrifying. Depending on one’s point of view and how well one knew him.

Angulus and Kaika broke their kiss, if not their embrace, to look over at him.

I, the god Bhrava Saruth, have come to bless this union, and unlike with the human gods, my blessings are useful.

He’s not at all cocky, is he? Trip asked into Rysha’s mind.

He’s been waiting for just the right moment to make a dramatic appearance, Jaxi said.

Rysha imagined all the soulblades and sorcerers present having had long telepathic conversations with each other while the ceremony was going on.

A golden glow emanated from Bhrava Saruth, and more gasps came from the crowd. It spread and gathered around Angulus and Kaika. Zirkander pointedly took a step back. The nobleman, the priest, and the officiator could only stand and gape.

“Should we be alarmed?” Angulus asked, looking at Zirkander and then Rysha.

“I don’t think so, Sire,” Zirkander said. “But if you don’t want children, you may need to be extra careful in the future. Bhrava Saruth’s blessings do seem to improve fertility.”

Kaika made a face that was hard to read. Angulus actually looked a touch heartened. He looked over to Rysha, as if for a second opinion.

“I only know about one dragon, Sire. My understanding is that she’s still on the rooftop.”

I would not presume to interrupt a human mating ceremony, Storyteller. I merely came to watch. It’s very romantic. Like in the stories. Someday, perhaps I will have a romantic mate, rather than a horny dragon overly obsessed with breeding cycles.

Rysha rubbed her face, not certain whether that comment applied to Bhrava Saruth or Trip’s new elder dragon contact. She did hope the telepathic comment had only gone to her.

The gold light faded, and Bhrava Saruth shifted positions, lowering himself to all fours and folding his wings in. Climb aboard my back, newly mated humans, and I will take you for a ride to a private place where you can consummate your relationship.

Angulus eyed Bhrava Saruth dubiously, his mouth open and a likely rejection on his lips. But Kaika grabbed his hand and pulled him toward the dragon. Rysha didn’t know if she was excited by the offer of privately consummating their relationship or if she simply wanted to escape all the watching eyes.

Though Angulus still appeared dubious, he allowed himself to be tugged off the dais and climbed onto Bhrava Saruth’s back.

“There’s a nice arch in Crazy Canyon that looks out over the sea,” Zirkander called to them. “I recommend taking a blanket and a picnic basket though.”

Sardelle’s eyes narrowed, and Rysha imagined her silently admonishing him. Whatever she said, he winked at her.

Such preferential treatment is available to all those who give up their inferior gods and come to worship the god Bhrava Saruth. With that announcement—judging by the startled exclamations, it had gone out to all gathered in the gardens—he sprang into the air, flapping his wings and carrying Angulus and Kaika out of sight.

“Inferior gods?” the priest asked in the most indignant tone of voice.

“I knew I should have charged more than usual for presiding over this wedding,” the officiator mumbled.

Storyteller, are you done with your duties? Shulina Arya asked.

Rysha glanced at Blazer and the others around her. They all looked uncertain except for Zirkander, who was strolling toward Sardelle. He seemed to assume the king and Kaika wouldn’t be back and that the wedding had adjourned.

I think so, Rysha replied.

I wish to instruct your mate.

Rysha met Trip’s eyes across the gathering. I’m sure he would be amenable to learning new things. Is this something to do with magic?

Indeed it is.

After Bhrava Saruth disappeared with his riders, the murmurs of the crowd died down. Until Shulina Arya appeared overhead, gliding into the garden to land in the same spot Bhrava Saruth had vacated.

Trip walked toward her, his expression curious. She must have shared her words with him.

Rysha joined him at Shulina Arya’s side as her head swung on her long neck, lowering to look into Trip’s eyes.

It is not an easy thing to learn to shape-shift, she spoke into their minds. I did not learn until I was well out of my nest. But if someone helps you to do it a few times, you learn what it feels like, how to call upon the magic that allows you to defy the laws of nature.

Trip stood listening, his eyes riveted to hers.

You have helped my rider to see better. This is excellent. I know little of how human eyes work, so it would have been difficult for me. I am appreciative. I will show you how to change shapes.

Trip nodded, though he looked stunned. And speechless.

Shulina Arya shifted in front of their eyes, turning into her human form with a flowing white dress covered with sparkling gold glitter and her blonde hair in a high ponytail. She spun a pirouette. Trip’s brow furrowed slightly. She reached out and touched his arm, some telepathic communication going on between them.

Trip studied the grass, his face intense with concentration. He seemed oblivious to how many people had been watching this since Shulina Arya landed. Numerous jaws had dropped when she shape-shifted. In a world where magic hadn’t existed, or had barely existed, for centuries, Rysha could understand the reaction. At least nobody had come running in with firearms.

Trip’s outline wavered before Rysha’s eyes, and she stared. Was he doing that or was Shulina Arya? He blurred and solidified a few times, then between one eye blink and the next turned into a miniature form of Bhrava Saruth. A human-sized gold dragon.

Shulina Arya stepped back and giggled. That is not the form I would have chosen, but it is suitable enough for a first attempt. And the dragon form is most amenable to flying, mate of my rider.

Flying? Trip whispered telepathically, his voice full of awe. He lifted one golden wing and then the other in self-inspection.

Yes, follow me. I will show you. Shulina Arya shifted back to her natural form, then sprang into the air, wings flapping.

Trip imitated her, though his wing flapping was more wobbly and uncertain. Still, he managed to gain altitude. Rysha watched as he curled his legs in and flew over the garden wall, disappearing from sight.

She looked over at the journalists. They were gaping—more than one had dropped his pencil completely—but a couple recovered and bent to their notepads, writing so fast their hands would cramp up.

This is fantastic, Trip told her a few minutes later, from wherever he’d flown.

I believe it. Are you going to let me ride you? Rysha didn’t know if he was large enough for that, but maybe his magic could compensate.

A naughty image flashed into her mind, and he said, You can ride me anytime.

Now you’ve got me imagining you naked again.



Author’s Notes

Lindsay Buroker's books