Gold Dragon (Heritage of Power #5)

“I’m positive that Shulina Arya would require no more than six tarts to be coaxed into perpetrating a prison break.”

“I can imagine her riding in on her scooter with a key ring in hand.”

“It could happen. And just in case you don’t think my dragon and I will be enough to save you, remember that you do have a few powers of your own. I haven’t heard anything about the prison in the fort being lined with iron from that quarry. You could turn the cell bars into a coffee maker if you get bored of waiting.”

“This is true.”

A pounding knock sounded at the front door.

Rysha watched Trip’s eyes, still afraid he might panic and bolt. “I bet if you take your drawings along, you could work on them there.”

“But will there be a ruler?”

“Sardelle’s daughter would probably permit you to borrow hers for a few days.”

“I’d feel bad if it was confiscated.” Trip sighed and closed the window. “You say you’re the voice of reason?”

“When compared to two babies and a dragonling man with a maniacal plan.”

“Hm. All right. I shall attempt to be reasonable. While on my way to prison. And I am taking that ruler.” Trip strode across the room to the changing table to pluck it up.

Rysha wagered he would ask Sardelle if he could borrow it on the way out.

Another gurgle came from a crib, and Trip paused to look in. “If I never see you again, Zherie, I want you to know that your brother thinks you have the potential to be a wonderful and brilliant person.” He waved the pink ruler which elicited some giggles, then stepped toward the other crib. Rysha wasn’t sure if Sardelle’s newborn was awake yet. “If I never see you again, Olek, I want you to know that your mother’s student thinks you have the potential to be a wonderful and brilliant person.”

He saluted the baby with the ruler, then headed for the door.

“You think they’ll remember that?” Rysha asked.

“Nah, but it makes me feel better about using their room all night and scribbling loudly in the dark.”

“In the dark?” She followed him into the hall and toward the stairs.

“I didn’t want to bother them by having lanterns lit.”

Stern male voices drifted up from below, and Rysha didn’t reply. Nervous energy coursed through her as she wondered if she’d done the right thing. She wanted to believe that a better result would come of Trip staying and dealing with this than running away—even if he only wanted to run away to build a weapon to protect the city from dragons—but she couldn’t see the future and know for sure.

“There he is,” a man said as Trip stepped off the stairs and into the living room.

Rysha glimpsed one of two uniformed men trying to stride through the door and into the house. But he bumped into an invisible barrier and stumbled back.

“Ma’am, we have orders to arrest Captain Telryn Yert. It’s unlawful of you to stop us.”

Sardelle stood inside the door, her shoulder to the wall and her arms folded across her chest as she looked at the men. “I’m not stopping you. But Captain Trip has several scaled friends who are here. It could be any one of them.”

Trip paused with his hand on the back of the couch. The two shape-shifted bronze dragons wandered into the living room with coffee mugs and a plate of pastries in hand. Phelistoth followed them, also carrying a steaming mug, and he gazed blandly toward the front door.

Rysha leaned toward the window, wondering if Shulina Arya was still napping out there, but she only saw four more military police soldiers in the yard. Had they thought they would need the whole platoon to arrest Trip?

Then Shulina Arya hopped up onto the back of the couch next to Trip—as a golden ferret. For once, Rysha wished she’d stayed in her dragon form. She couldn’t imagine anyone striding up to the front door to make an arrest—or do anything else—with a dragon in the yard.

The two soldiers at the door frowned at each other, frowned inside, and frowned even more darkly at Trip.

“Captain,” the speaker said—he also held the rank of captain. “I insist that you come with us. We’ve been looking for you all night. First formation came and went, and you weren’t at work. You’re officially AWOL.”

“That’s not true,” Rysha said. “General Zirkander told him to come here and wait for him. He’s following orders.”

“We have orders from the commandant.” The MP captain held up a sheet of paper. “Judicial matters supersede all others. A civilian nobleman has made a serious charge against him. He is to be arrested and held until his case can be heard.”

Shulina Arya hopped onto Rysha’s shoulder, startling her. What is happening, Storyteller? Is your mate to be punished?

No, Rysha thought firmly, hoping she was right.

“Ridge will be home later today,” Sardelle said. “I suggest you have a seat and wait for him. My houseguest isn’t leaving until he’s had a chance to talk to his battalion commander.”

The soldiers looked at each other again, even the captain appearing uneasy. Rysha guessed that they would prefer to arrest Trip and get out of there before Zirkander arrived. The general was hardly known for being a tyrant, but he did have a big reputation to swing around.

“Later today, ma’am? We have orders to detain Captain Yert now.”

“You’ll find it difficult to get into the house, and unless he walks outside of his own accord, I don’t see how you’ll detain him.”

“Captain Yert,” the MP officer tried, addressing him to his face this time. “Won’t you cooperate and come along? I’d hate to have to write down that you resisted arrest. It’s going to look bad enough that you were difficult to find.”

“Is that human attempting to take one of our own against his wishes?” Wyleenesh asked, a half-eaten dragon claw pastry in hand.

Trip’s eyebrows lifted at the “one of our own” comment, and he looked heartened.

I can get rid of these interlopers, Storyteller. Simply let me know if it is acceptable to incinerate them.

No, they’re on our side, Rysha replied. Technically.

“I’ll come,” Trip said. “I don’t want to cause any more trouble. It wasn’t my intent to cause any at all.”

Sardelle shook her head. “Trip, a Cofah invasion is trouble. This is merely an interruption to breakfast. And not even that for everyone.” She extended a hand toward the noshing dragons.

Trip smiled. “General Zirkander will know where to find me when he learns of this.” He nodded to her. “Thank you for your hospitality, ma’am.”

Rysha followed after him, intending to ride back with them until they reached the intersection that forked off and up to the castle. At that point, she would head up there and stand outside the king’s door until she was granted an audience.

“You can stay if you want to,” Sardelle told Trip quietly as he approached the door.

“I can get out if I need to,” he said, equally quietly. “A nice cell will give me time to finish my drawings.”

“I don’t think the fort is known for nice cells.”

Lindsay Buroker's books