Glow (Glimmer and Glow #2)

“Damn,” she heard Dylan say behind her, the single muted word practically bursting with sharp frustration.

“You put him up to it,” she hissed over her shoulder, her whisper barely audible.

He squeezed both her buttocks in a taut reprimand. Alice tried to get air, but it was like her body had grown confused under the influence of rampant, stifled arousal. Her lungs didn’t seem to want to expand, even though she needed oxygen desperately. Dylan’s hands moved slightly on her ass, peeling back her ass cheeks, making some kind of lascivious display of her. There was nothing she could do about it, either.

Except scowl over her shoulder.

He was indeed staring down at her ass. As if sensing her gaze on him, he glanced up and met her stare. The gleam in his smoky eyes, his small knowing smile and the lurch of his cock deep inside her made her scowl evaporate. In the distance, her follower’s footsteps retraced the path. The Cigarette Man was growing increasingly alarmed. Soon, he was going to leave the path and comb the woods, looking for her.

Dylan must have thought the same thing, because he started to move. Obviously, he was in agreement with her that the only course of action was forward.

No going back now.

She winced at the friction, holding his stare, her chin on her shoulder. She couldn’t look away from his rigid face. It was wrong. The man was only sixty or so feet away. He might notice some tramped-down grass and identify where she’d left the path. He could step off the trail and be upon them in a moment. It would be humiliating to be discovered.

But the moment was too volatile. What was happening between Dylan and her wasn’t going to end anywhere but in explosion.

For a moment, she lost count of where the man was. Dylan wasn’t thumping his pelvis against her bottom anymore. Instead, he was stopping just short of making contact, his hips moving fast, fluid, and furious. It was enough. It was more than enough. Blood was pulsing in her ears and pooling in her sex. She’d never known a man could fuck so silently, yet so forcefully. She bit her lip, stifling a moan with effort. It wasn’t something she could control.

She was going to come.

Maybe Dylan sensed her agony, because suddenly he transferred one hand to her shoulder. His other hand slid over her mouth. The feeling of his glove against her lips sent her over the edge. He silenced her cry with his pressing hand. She shuddered in climax, biting down on the soft leather with her front teeth. Pleasure gushed through her, hot and forceful. He fucked her while she came, using his hold on her shoulder to power his thrusts.

She blinked open her eyes a moment later as her orgasm waned. She’d heard the snap of a twig, and then silence. Dylan thrust into her, and then went still as well. Alice held her panting breath. She tried desperately to hear past her roaring heartbeat. Slowly, and very deliberately, Dylan stepped closer, sliding his cock into her to the hilt. He pressed. Alice’s eyes sprang wide at the pressure.

Her lungs burned with a need to breathe, but she was stifling her pants.

Then she heard it. The man’s footsteps on the path. He was jogging in the direction of the stables. Now he was running.

A deep, ominous growl vibrated in Dylan’s throat. His hand slid off her mouth. He clutched at her hip and thrust hard. She whimpered at the sensation of his cock swelling inside her. He shuddered behind her, and she knew he was coming. His warmth filled her. She tried to move, to stroke his cock a little as he climaxed, but he gave a small grunt and fixed her in place with his hands.

She clamped her eyes shut, experiencing his sweet agony along with him as he emptied himself at her farthest reaches, his big body shuddering behind her.


SOONER than either of them was ready for, he withdrew. She stung a little. He hadn’t ridden her as forcefully as he had in the past, but he hadn’t lied about coming deep and hard in her. The second he was gone, she felt empty.

He immediately bent and straightened her shorts and panties around her ankles. He drew them up her legs and over her hips. She straightened, helping him furtively by pulling them up. She watched him as he drew up his boxer briefs and hastily fastened his jeans. When he was nearly finished, he glanced up, his gaze moving over her face.

“I hope you thought your little game was worth getting him fired.”

“You’re going to fire him from Durand?” she asked, straining to mute the anger in her tone.

“No,” he said, glancing into the forest. “From this assignment, though. You’re coming back to the castle at night. His services aren’t needed anymore.”

Beth Kery's books