Glow (Glimmer and Glow #2)

Her lips framed an emphatic no.

He kicked aside his jeans and moved behind her, his cock a heavy ache. She instinctively bent several inches when he held her hips, positioning herself. He grasped his cock and pulled back a hot ass cheek, feral arousal shooting through him at the vision of unspanked white skin in the crack of her ass and her glossy pink sex.

He moved his cock toward her slit. The angle wasn’t ideal, but he was determined to make it work. He’d understood Alice’s unspoken desire somehow. She wanted to be branded here. She wanted to make this space her own. Theirs.

He was more than happy to give her what she wanted. They’d create more memories, but this was a damn good start.

He lifted his foot, placing it on the cushion next to her knees. He lodged his cockhead at her damp, clamping channel. The angle was much more hospitable now.

“Say it out loud, Alice,” he ordered tensely, holding her hips firmly.

“I’ll never forget.”

He plunged his cock into the heaven of her. Her whimper segued to a loud wail.

“Oh God. I’ll never forget this. You. Never. Never,” she chanted as he began to drive in and out of her sleek body, and their mutual, volatile passion was broadcast like a blazing beacon onto the dark window.


HE saw the light and the figures and immediately plunged into the hedge to hide himself, alarmed he’d be seen. Cautiously, he looked again. A sweat broke out on his brow and neck. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing.

Thad Schaefer didn’t want to believe it, but he couldn’t look away nonetheless. It was something no man should ever be forced to witness: the woman of his dreams being utterly sexually consumed by another man.

Damn Fall.

He’d been ordered here for a specific purpose. It’d never been his mission, but hadn’t life proved to Thad so far that he’d always be at the mercy and bidding of someone else? Although he’d been labeled a natural born leader on many occasions, the truth was he’d been bred into the role of follower. Not the follower of just anyone. He performed optimally when the disapproval or approval of a single alpha male was at stake, all thanks to his damn father—the original alpha.

Thad couldn’t complete his assigned task if he left, no matter how much part of him longed to run until he collapsed from exhaustion. Another part of him couldn’t have walked away even if he’d used every ounce of his will.

He’d known what Alice was doing at the castle night after night with Dylan Fall. But he hadn’t guessed this. It was one thing to experience the simmer of jealousy at the thought of Alice in another man’s bed. But what he was watching at the present moment flayed him down to the bone.

Her naked body rocked and shuddered as Fall took her from behind, her breasts bouncing at the crash of flesh against flesh. Fall’s possession wasn’t violent, but it was forceful. Precise. Total.

To think you ever thought you had a fucking chance.

Her arms were suspended above her head on the frame between the two windows, but he could see the majority of her naked body through the glass. The skin over her ribs was stretched tight, her breasts a full, succulent contrast to her slender carriage. She was amazing; beyond even what he’d fantasized. But it wasn’t just her exposed body that held him spellbound. It was what he could see displayed on Alice’s face: the pure unadulterated lust and abandonment to the eroticism of the moment.

He thought he saw her wince as Fall became even more demanding. Thad started impulsively, nearly spilling forward onto the stone path and breaking his cover. Was Fall hurting her? He stilled, holding his breath, a snarl shaping his mouth.

No. His worries were for nothing. Alice reached between her thighs, still bracing herself with one hand, seeking the relief of release from intense pleasure, not pain.

No sooner had she buried her fingers between her thighs than Fall was grabbing her wrist and putting her hand back on the frame. Bastard, Thad thought, although his scorn didn’t begin to fracture his focus on the unfolding scene.

Then Fall’s hand was between her thighs, and he was thrusting powerfully again. A strange combination of respect and flaming jealousy tore through Thad. Fall had wanted to be the one to make her climax. Or he’d been worried about her getting hurt if she didn’t support her body adequately, as hard as he was taking her.

Or both, Thad acknowledged with a sinking feeling. It was bizarre and unprecedented for him to feel both sick and sharply aroused at once. Leave it to Alice.

Beth Kery's books