Glitter (Glitter Duology #1)

Forgery? Well, Lord Aaron’s talents do astound.

I expect the man to be stern and demand…something more from us, but he merely shrugs, then rises and comes around the desk to the heavy door. He slides an ID card and holds still for a retinal scan before a loud clank sounds—presumably, the release of the internal locking mechanisms. My stomach writhes within me at the twin fears of being caught and seeing Saber again. We hardly parted on good terms.

The guard pauses with the door open a crack. “I’ll be watching you on the monitor out here,” he says, attempting to sound reassuring. “But if you need me to intervene at any point, you can just give a yell.”

I raise my nose into the air. “I’m in no danger from that person. He’s my former secretary, and I simply need some details regarding plans for my wedding.”

The guard gives a shrug. He’s not dressed in the manner of Sonoman-Versailles, and I find myself wondering if he has any idea what’s happening in our glimmering world ten meters overhead. “I’ll lock you in now, ma’am.”

Ma’am? Definitely not court.

“Ten minutes. I open the door again, you’re done.”

I nod curtly, every nerve within me dancing.

When I step through the doorway, Saber’s eyes widen when he sees me, and though he maintains a calm expression, he bounces on his toes in impatience. I swallow hard and tears sting my eyes at the sight of him behind bars, but I force myself to remain still until the door closes behind me. As soon as the locks clang back into place, I rush forward. “Saber!”

His arms reach for me through the bars, and I don’t even care that I hit my cheekbone against the cold metal in my haste. His lips are warm and desperate on mine. Delving, then moving to my forehead, my cheeks, back to my mouth. Laughter bubbles up, and it seems impossible that it’s only been a day since we last spoke.

“I’m so sorry I yelled,” he whispers.

“I don’t care.”

“I love that you tried.”

“I love you.” The words are out without preamble, and I smile at the rightness of them.

Saber doesn’t answer in words, but his lips, hungry on mine, are response enough. Minutes fly by, and I know we should be speaking, but I can’t break away.

“Why are you here?” he murmurs against my mouth, then covers it before I can answer.

“I had one chance to see you,” I gasp when he lets me breathe. “I couldn’t resist.” My arms are through the bars now too, clinging to him. I should care that some random guard—not to mention Lord Aaron—is watching this entire exchange on the monitor, but I can no longer afford pride. I can’t even bring myself to care that M.A.R.I.E. is certainly monitoring. By tomorrow it won’t matter. “What’s going to happen to you?” I ask in the softest whisper I can manage, hoping any microphones down here will pick up only muffled words.

A grimace crosses his face. “Reginald will get me out. When he feels like it.” He draws me close, his mouth brushing my ear. “Don’t worry about me. Reginald’s incredibly powerful.”

“But if he doesn’t—”

“Then I’m dead.” Saber shrugs. “The chip is always counting down, and whether or not I get an extension has always been Reginald’s decision, not mine.”

A whimper escapes my mouth, and Saber sighs.

“Sorry if that sounds macabre, but when death lives on your shoulder, you get pretty used to it.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’ve been in worse scrapes. Don’t underestimate Reginald.”

“So he could have had you out already?” I grumble.

“Yes. But that kind of interference might have put…the other in jeopardy. He’ll wait until it’s done.” He kisses the rim of my ear, and shivers ripple down my spine. “But that power goes both ways. He can do what he said for you. You can be sure of that.” He pulls back now to look me in the face. “I want you to promise me you’ll do what you planned and won’t worry about me. I’ll be fine.”

“I’m not certain I will be,” I admit, tears spilling over.

He wipes them away with his thumbs, his hands cradling my face. “Promise me you’ll be happy.”

“I don’t know if I can.”

“Promise me you’ll try.”

More tears, but I can’t speak. I simply nod and lean forward to kiss him again, knowing this will be the last time.

I start to panic when the door opens behind me. But when Saber takes my hands in his, pulls me to my feet through the bars, and raises my fingers to his lips, I manage a brave smile. Somehow I force my feet to turn, and somehow, somehow, I walk away and leave him behind.

“Here,” Lord Aaron says, handing me a handkerchief. “I’m afraid we’ve got to be quick again. Getting in here undetected was only half the battle.”

I dab at my face as we near-jog, trying to blot away the tears without smearing my makeup. I take deep breaths, but it feels like trying to blow back the ocean with a hand-fan.

“Splendid,” Lord Aaron whispers as we come around the corner to find the lift still on the bottom floor, its doors open and waiting. “Still jammed.”

Aprilynne Pike's books