Glamour: Contemporary Fairytale Retellings

Europe wasn’t magical, or at least its airspace wasn’t. This man—the one she barely knew—was still before her. She’d wished him away. She wished she’d done as her parents wanted and flown privately. She wished she’d never met him, but there he was. Deep ocean-aqua eyes, growing darker and deeper by the moment, staring back. Not staring—demanding. His fingers continued to dig, probing into her skin.

As her breaths hastened, Natalie moved her eyes from side to side, looking…searching. The couple on the other side of the aisle was too interested in one another to notice what was happening. The attendant walked back and forth, seemingly unaware. The people in the seats in front of them spoke, but she couldn’t hear what they said. That meant that those near them couldn’t hear Dexter either.

No longer prickling, tears teetered on her lids as she asked the questions churning in her stomach, knotting her insides. “Why are you doing this? Are you going to hurt me?”

Dexter’s chest expanded and contracted as he leaned even closer.

This man was bigger than she remembered. Wider, stronger. He dominated her vision.

His eyes scanned to where his fingers grasped her thigh and back. “The why can wait. Tell me, am I hurting you now?”

If she weren’t watching his firm lips, she might not have heard his question, but she was watching. Her thoughts were once again forming words and her brain was functioning. Synapses were firing. It wasn’t at full speed, but it was there.

Her neck straightened as she answered, “Not as much as at first.”


“At first, it might have been shock, but now the intensity…I don’t know…” An unwanted tear escaped to her cheek, revealing her lie.

He was hurting her.

Still not releasing her thigh, Dexter wiped the tear with a satisfied grin. “The thing is, Nellie, I’ve slowly increased my hold. Your ability to accept what I’m giving you excites me more than you know.”

What the hell? He had? Nellie?

Before she could form a question, he continued, “Will I hurt you? I’m leaving my mark. I plan to leave more. The intensity, your ability to handle what I give, is at your discretion as are your responses and your honesty. Tell me, what’s your name?”

She remembered. He’d said it. “Nellie…Nellie…” The twisting in her stomach tightened. If only she could get sick, she’d vomit all over him. But he’d planned for that. What else had he planned?

“Go on.”

Her heart beat like a drum, pounding out a signal that no one but she heard. “My name is Nellie Smithers.” When he didn’t respond, she added, “Please.”

“Please, what? My dear wife, what are you asking?”

Only her eyes moved, looking down again at the blanched tips of his fingers.

“In the future, we’ll work on using words, but for now that will do.” His smile widened as his grip loosened.

As it did, pain shot through her thigh, worse than with his grasp. She lunged forward with a whimper, feverishly rubbing the material of her jeans.

“Yes, you see,” he calmly explained, “the sensation of blood returning to starved tissues can be more painful than the pressure itself.” He paused, pursing his lips in contemplation. “Consider that food for thought. Be careful what you ask. There’ll be times that I’ll be more than happy to oblige.” His head tilted. “And other times when you must trust that I know best.”

Who the hell?

Natalie’s eyes widened. The world was becoming clearer though it still didn’t make sense. “If it’s money, my dad—”

“Don’t be so na?ve.”

The blood running through her veins chilled as she considered her options. “I can scream. I won’t let you do this.”

“Do what, my wife?”

“I’m not your wife.”

“Au contraire, every form of identification you possess states that you are. Who do you think will be believed, an inebriated woman or her sober husband?”

Natalie frantically pulled the bag from the floor, the one he’d given her earlier from the upper compartment, the one containing the fake passport. Where was her real one? She dug and dug through her things. Her heart raced quicker with each unsuccessful search. No other passport. No boarding pass for her next flight. Even her phone was missing. “Where…?”

And then she remembered her driver’s license. It would prove her identity, even containing her Iowa address. A sigh escaped her lips as her fingers brushed the small leather clutch stowed in the bottom of the larger bag. Surely, he hadn’t known about that. It was her golden ticket, the one to her freedom and safety.

Dexter didn’t speak as she opened the small purse.

Nellie Smithers. Nellie Smithers.

Her ID. Each plastic card. Everything down to the Amex Platinum card her father had given her, had that name.


“I realize it was premature, and one day I’ll change the first name. I rather like Nat—my little bug—and soon we’ll be better acquainted. In the meantime, this will help our cause.”

“No, I got on this plane, me, not Nellie Smithers. The airlines will have record. My father will—”

His finger touched her lips. “If you think for even a moment that I haven’t thought of that—of everything—you underestimate me.” He roughly rubbed his fingers over her bruised thigh, eliciting Nat’s small wince. “I look forward to more underestimating.”

At that moment, the attendant appeared with hot cloths.

Ever the gentleman, Dexter reached for one, unfurled the roll of material, allowing the steam to escape, and handed it to Nat with a smile. “I wouldn’t want it to burn you.”

She took the cloth.

“Miss, I hope you’re feeling better,” the attendant said.

Natalie looked from her to Dexter. Silence settled as the beating of her heart increased. A second and another passed.

Finally, Dexter prompted, “Tell her how you’re feeling, dear.”

Natalie slowly raked her teeth over her lower lip as her gaze moved between the deep ocean eyes silently warning her to the woman’s kind face. Nat took a deep breath. It wouldn’t help to make her case in the sky. She needed to wait until there was someone who could help. “I’m feeling much better, thank you.”

“Don’t worry about it, honey,” the woman said. “The altitude and alcohol…your new husband took good care of you. You’re in good hands.” She winked. “He said you hadn’t eaten with all the excitement. It’s a combination we often see.

“And as we promised him, your secret is safe with us. Newlyweds and all. Besides, everyone else was so preoccupied in their own world…don’t you worry, no one noticed.”

Natalie’s stomach sank. She wasn’t sure if this was good or not. Appearances were taught to her from an early age. However, if she’d been noticed…

“That was very good,” Dexter said once the attendant was gone. The light was once again in his gaze. “I can either reward you for being a good girl, or slip you more of your new favorite cocktail if you plan to misbehave.”

Her lips came together. The hairs on the back of her neck prickled with his patronizing tone and condescending words. She wasn’t a little girl to be praised or punished. She also didn’t like the effects of the drug: the lack of control, the queasy detachment.

“The choice is yours,” he continued. “Customs will go much smoother if you’re coherent. I’m also prepared to handle it if you’re not.”

A.L. Jackson, Sophie Jordan, Aleatha Romig, Skye Warren, Lili St. Germain, Nora Flite, Sierra Simone, Nicola Rendell's books