Ginger's Heart (A Modern Fairytale, #3)

One day in December 2015, as I was researching the DC rating on the Internet, I came across the story of Nathan Bruckenthal. Bruckenthal, who served as a DC in the U.S. Coast Guard, died in the Persian Gulf in 2004, and was the first Coast Guardsman killed in action since the Vietnam War. At the time of his death, Bruckenthal was finishing his second tour in Iraq, looking forward to returning home to his pregnant wife and meeting his first child. Tragically he was deprived of that homecoming.

As I opened up another web page on Bruckenthal, I was shocked to learn that he actually (cue wide eyes and loud gasp) grew up in my hometown of Ridgefield, Connecticut and served for two years in our volunteer fire department. It was a breath-catching surprise to learn that the man I was researching had served not only in our U.S. military, but had also served as a firefighter in the town that I love and call home.

In honor of Nathan Bruckenthal’s sacrifice, and in profound thanks for his service, both at home and abroad, I am proud to announce that 25% of the net profits of e-book sales of Ginger’s Heart will be donated to the Ridgefield, Connecticut, Volunteer Fire Department for all sales in March and April 2016.

From the bottom of my heart, I thank you, dear reader, for your purchase.

Love, Katy

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beloved fairy tales ? modern love stories

The Vixen and the Vet

2015 RITA? Finalist 2015 Kindle Book Review Finalist (inspired by Beauty and the Beast) Buy now!

Never Let You Go

(inspired by Hansel and Gretel) Buy now!

Ginger’s Heart

(inspired by Little Red Riding Hood) Thank you for reading!

Don’t Speak

(inspired by The Little Mermaid) Coming 2017

Swan Song

(inspired by The Ugly Duckling) Coming 2018

For announcements about upcoming

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releases, be sure to sign up for Katy’s newsletter at!

Turn the page for a sneak peek at THE VIXEN AND THE VET!

(Excerpt from The Vixen and the Vet by Katy Regnery. All rights reserved)


“Savannah Calhoun Carmichael, are you even listenin’ to me?”

Savannah’s sister Scarlet sat in the porch swing on the veranda of their parent’s Victorian house giving her older sister an exasperated look. With her lips pursed, they were a perfect match to the bright red geraniums that hung cheerfully over her head. Savannah may have gotten more of the brains, but Scarlet had certainly gotten more of the beauty.

“Yes,” Savannah sighed, adjusting her perch on the porch railing and glancing at the thick, glossy bridal magazine that Scarlet anchored in both hands. She dutifully repeated the information that Scarlet had just shared with her. “‘The twelve most important milestones in any relationship: one, the first time you sit in comfortable silence; two, the first time you realize you enjoy his company more than anyone else’s, three . . . ’”

Scarlet raised her eyebrows in challenge, and Savannah chuckled. “Okay. I admit it. You lost me at three.”

“Savannah, you’re impossible. This is important information. Doesn’t it bother you that your little sister’s walking down the aisle before you?”

Savannah, who was an ancient twenty-six to her sister’s adorable twenty-two, cocked her head to the side, searching Scarlet’s face for meanness, but found only worry. Scarlet had never really understood Savannah’s decision to leave Danvers, Virginia, and move to New York City, to become a reporter. The one time Scarlet had visited, she spent the entire weekend ensconced in the relative safety of her hotel room, despite Savannah’s efforts to get her out and about.

“Marriage has never really been on my radar, Scarlet. That’s your territory.”

“Don’t you want to be one of those career women who has it all? Exciting job, hot husband waiting in bed for you at night?”

Savannah rolled her eyes. Reporting the news wasn’t exactly a nine-to-five gig, not that Scarlet had ever understood that. After graduating from high school, Katie Scarlet Carmichael had upped her hours at Fleurish Flower Shop from part-time to full-time and plastered a can-do smile on her face when Trent Hamilton returned home from the University of West Virginia every weekend. Sure enough, through four years of college temptation, nothing turned Trent’s head as much as Scarlet, and by the time he graduated, her patience had paid off; he proposed the very same day. And now here was Scarlet, a year later, thumbing through bridal magazines in preparation for her July wedding. Savannah didn’t generally envy her sister—they’d chosen extremely different paths for their lives—but sometimes she envied Scarlet’s single-mindedness. All she’d ever wanted was to become Mrs. Trent Hamilton, loving wife, mother, and pillar of the community, and, voilà!, that’s exactly what she was getting.

Savannah softened her expression. “I guess I wouldn’t mind the hot man part.”