Geek Girl (Geek Girl, #1)

“No. I just know that’s what you’re doing. Are you ready?”

“I’m ready,” I say as clearly as I can. Nick is standing just behind me, yawning and rubbing his face with the sleeve of his grey jumper. How come Yuka Ito isn’t shouting in his ear like the little caterpillar in Alice in Wonderland?

“Just say what I tell you to,” Yuka says, “and everything will go as planned. And please, Harriet…”


“Try and behave yourself this time.”

’d always assumed that on TV, when it looks like the presenters are in a living room, they’re actually, you know, in a living room. With a nice painting, a fireplace and maybe a few bookshelves for perusing while the cameras weren’t rolling.

But it’s just a stage with a few sofas, and a big open black space full of wires and intense-looking people. Frankly, I can’t help but feel a little cheated.

“Good morning, sweetie,” the chirpy blonde presenter says as I perch nervously on the edge of one of the sofas. “I’m Jane. I bet this is early for you, isn’t it?”

I nod, even though I’m not quite sure what Jane’s talking about. It’s 7.30am – precisely the time I’m normally shouting at Dad to get out of the shower.

“And I’m Patrick,” a slightly older man says, leaning forward to shake my hand, and then leaning a little further to do the same to Nick. “Don’t be nervous, guys. This is just a bit of fun, right?”

“You know,” Nick says in his slow drawl, “I just can’t remember when I’ve had more.” Patrick nods enthusiastically.

Yuka clears her throat in my ear. “Tell Nick that if he doesn’t stop being facetious, he’s doing his next show in a dress.”

I lean forward and pass the message on.

“Awesome,” Nick says, laughing. “Tell her to make sure it has sequins on it this time.”

I keep looking anxiously into the dark space, but I can’t see Nat, or Dad, or Annabel, Wilbur or even Toby. What was the point in stuffing themselves into that taxi if nobody’s here now? Where’s my stalker when I need him?

I look at Nick with my eyes wide. “Remember,” he whispers under his breath. “No biggy.”

I breathe out and can feel the panic starting to leave again. It’s only six minutes. Just six minutes of saying whatever Yuka wants me to say, and then I can go to school and be normal again.

“Getting ready to go live,” one of the cameramen shouts. “In ten, nine, eight…”

I look around the dark again.

“Seven, six, five…”

Where are they?

“Four, three, two…”

And suddenly – with the softest of shuffles – the five of them scoot into the room at the back. My entire body relaxes as if somebody’s just cut all of the cords holding me upright. Nat holds her thumbs up and Dad points dramatically to Annabel’s lower stomach, mimes going to the toilet and shrugs. Wilbur gives a little dancing move and then shoots me with the imaginary gun of his fingers. Toby simply stands there and grins at me.

“One,” Jane says. And I’m live on air.

jump a little bit and then – to cover it up – cunningly pretend I’m checking out the bounciness of the sofa.

“As part of our fashion special,” Jane continues as if she hasn’t noticed that I’m bouncing up and down on national television, “we have with us this morning Harriet Manners, the fifteen-year-old schoolgirl who made headlines across the world as the newest face of fashion powerhouse Baylee. How are you, Harriet?”

“I’m fantastic, thanks, Jane,” Yuka says in my ear.

“I’m fantastic, thanks, Jane,” I repeat like a robot.

“And we also have Nick Hidaka, the sixteen-year-old male face of the brand. How are you, Nick?”

“I’m barely awake, thanks, Jane.” And then he grins at her so that his dimples pop in and out. “But I’ll do my very best.”

Are you kidding me? And I’m the one being spoon-fed lines?

Jane blinks a few times. “Amazing. Now, Nick, am I right in thinking that this wouldn’t be your first big campaign? You’ve done Armani, Gucci, Hilfiger…”

“Apparently so.”

“…And now Baylee. I remember there was a bit of controversy when you were first cast. Tell me, what’s it like to work with your Aunty Yuka? Extra pressure or is it nice keeping it in the family?”

Nick laughs. “Well, let’s just say if I screw it up, it’s going to make for an uncomfortable Christmas dinner.”


My whole head has gone numb. Yuka is Nick’s aunt? Nick is Yuka’s nephew? They’re related? They’re family? The same blood runs through their… well, you get the picture.

And nobody told me?

“…you’ve caused a bit of a commotion yourself already, Harriet.” Patrick’s leaning forward and I suddenly realise that while I’m silently freaking out, he’s trying to engage me in conversation.

“Listen, Harriet,” Yuka hisses in my ear. “Or at least pretend to.”

“Ahmmm,” I mumble, smiling at as many people as possible.

Holly Smale's books