Gangster Moll (Gun Moll #2)

“And why would I want to do that, doll?” He winked at her.

“Because you’re not the one having your guts kicked out.”

Mac continued to rub her stomach, before he leaned close and kissed her forehead. Melina couldn’t help smiling. Though she’d never admit it, she was basking in the increased attention her husband lavished on her since the beginning of her pregnancy. Back rubs, foot rubs, trips out in the wee hours of the morning to satisfy her pregnancy cravings. Not to mention the constant surprises he was showing up with in preparation for their son’s arrival. In all honesty, she couldn’t think of a single thing this baby shower could give her that she didn’t already have.

“All right, little man, settle down and give your ma a break.”

Melina wasn’t surprised when their son immediately stopped kicking.

“This is not off to a great start,” Melina said.

“What are you talking about?”

“He’s already only listening to you and he’s not even born yet.”

Before Mac could respond, they were pulling up to the Pivetti estate. Men were stationed at the large gates and as the limo slowed down, one of the men ordered all the windows of the car to be let down. The driver complied and Melina watched quietly as the men looked inside the vehicle before they were allowed to pass through the gates.

“Talk about heightened security,” Melina said.

“Everyone is on high alert understandably.”

“I wish it wasn’t like this, especially right now.”

“Me, too, doll.”

The limo pulled to a stop and Mac opened the door and stepped out before turning to help Melina from the car. Though she’d wanted to wear something much more comfortable, like leggings, she’d opted to dress for the occasion. A white, off-the-shoulder, high-waisted dress that gently cradled her belly and kitten heels was what she’d ultimately settled on. Mac wore a matching white suit and it fit him well. Melina couldn’t stop sneaking a glance at her husband as he helped her up the stairs that lead inside the massive mansion.

“You should wear white more often.”

“Is that so? This color doing something for you?” Mac asked.

“Let’s just say you’ll need to tell your son to cover his eyes when we get home,” she told him.

Mac’s gaze traveled over her and Melina felt the familiar heat that always warmed her blood. What she wouldn’t give to head back to their place and fuck for the rest of the day. Instead, they would be spending the next few hours trying to enjoy a baby shower that Melina could have done without. The doors to the mansion were opened by more guards as she and Mac stepped inside. Before they’d even made it down the hallway, Neeya Pivetti was there to greet them.

“Mac. Melina. Wonderful to see you both. Melina, dear, you’re glowing.”

Melina smiled as their hostess came forward and drew her into a tight hug. Well as tight as her belly between them would allow.

“Thank you for having us, Mrs. Pivetti. Melina and I appreciate everything you’ve done for the both of us.”

Neeya waved her hand. “I’m happy to do it. You both mean a great deal to me.”

“And you to us,” Melina said.

From the first moment Mac had made it known that she meant something to him, Neeya Pivetti had taken Melina under her wing. The older woman had seen something in Melina that she thought was worth getting to know and for that, Melina would always be grateful.

“I’m glad to hear that. Now, Melina, if you’ll come with me. Mac, you’ll find Luca and the other men out back.”

Mac nodded before kissing Melina on the cheek and heading toward the back of the mansion. Melina watched him go, wishing that she could be with him.

“I have a feeling Mac is going to have a better time than I am,” Melina said.

“I doubt it. These are tense times for all of us, especially the men.”

“I know that my husband can speak for himself, but I feel I need to re-emphasize this. Mac has nothing to do with everything that has gone on. He was just as blindsided as everyone else.”

“You don’t have to convince me of that. I know an honest man when I see one. Now, no more of that talk. Today is about you and the little bundle of love you’re carrying inside you.”

Melina smiled as Neeya lead her to the ballroom where a throng of women were waiting. At center stage was a large white table filled with gifts. Lining either side of the room were cloth covered tables with navy blue table runners. Each table bore an impressive amount of food and Melina couldn’t ignore the rumbling in her belly … or the cool looks being thrown her way.

Yes. This was the part she could do without.

The jealousy.

The distrust.

The phony smiles.

Melina took a deep breath.

“Ladies, the guest of honor has arrived,” Neeya said.

A few of the women came toward her and Melina silently reminded herself that she only had a few hours to suffer through this and then she would be home with her husband.

Bethany-Kris & Erin Ashley Tanner's books