Gangster Moll (Gun Moll #2)

It was all about compromise with Luca Pivetti.

The Don liked a good drink when he had guests in his mansion, and he preferred if they partook in the custom as well. Mac had settled his issue with not drinking by accepting whatever the boss offered, taking a sip—just enough not to be rude or refuse—and then being with done with the drink.

Luca never said a word.

Mac took that as a good thing.

“Seems jail did well for her,” Luca said as he lifted his own glass for another drink.

“How so?”

“She doesn’t seem any less of herself, I suppose.”

Mac chuckled. “Melina? Less than herself?”

Even Luca smiled, the ever-cold and standoffish man that he was known to be. “You have a good point. I gather you would have much rather been at home with her than here, hmm?”

Mac had no shame. “A little.”

Luca laughed. “I appreciate you indulging my wife. She worried.”

Mac passed his boss a look, taking note of the content on the man’s features. Luca didn’t seem to notice Mac’s surprise at the fact that his boss seemed a little happier than normal, for whatever reason.

And he’d almost thanked Mac.

He’d said he appreciated his actions, which wasn’t entirely a “thank you” but it was damn close.

Luca Pivetti never thanked anyone unless it was well deserved.

It was all a little strange.

“So,” Luca drawled, turning to face Mac fully, “… what of it? What have you figured out?”

“About what, boss?”

Luca tipped his head in the direction of the chatting women in a subtle way. “She’s out—you’ve made yourself a name in la famiglia and earned a proper position. Don’t you think you owe her the same respect?”

All over again, Mac did a double-take of his boss.

Was Luca saying what Mac thought he was saying?

Was he suggesting what Mac thought he was?


Luca’s next words confirmed Mac’s suspicions. “Wasn’t it you who said you had been working on the wife thing before the arrest happened?”

“I did,” Mac replied.

Months ago, Mac would have laughed someone out of his face had they told him that Luca approved of his relationship with Melina, never mind wanting to see it be a more permanent, proper thing. Luca had had little to no qualms with speaking against Melina when Mac had first started bringing her around, and even went as far as threatening her. He’d disapproved—vocally and often—on just about everything Mac had chosen to do with Melina.

Yet, Mac did his thing, knowing it pissed his boss off.

He’d needed to keep his lover safe, and he wanted her with him, no matter what.

“You amuse me when you’re confused,” Luca said more to himself than to Mac, smiling in that way of his again.

“I’m not confused.”


He was confused as fuck.

Luca only patted Mac’s shoulder with one hand, turning to go back to the wet bar and have one of his maids pour him another drink. Before he went, he said, “She gave up a great deal to protect you—freedom is the one thing none of us want to have taken away, and hers was, for a time. I have no doubt in my mind that she didn’t do it for my sake, or the sake of our famiglia, but I have to respect her for doing it, even if it was only for you. Do you understand, Mac?”

He did, finally.

Melina’s loyalty was an admirable trait.

And God knew Luca liked to give credit where it was due.

“I’m still working on the wife thing,” Mac said instead of replying to Luca’s statements.

“Soon, yes?”

Mac didn’t answer right away.

He wanted to agree, because that was what he needed. But he still wasn’t sure on Melina’s plans or desires, and that was where he always paused. He was just waiting on a sign from her so that he could put the ring burning a hole in his pocket to good use.

“Working on it, boss,” Mac said instead.

Luca shook his head, slapped Mac on the shoulder once more, and made a beeline for the wet bar.

Mac didn’t mind being left alone again.

Not when he could watch Melina from afar. He found her across the room; she was still talking to Neeya, but her gaze was only on him. She smiled wider at being caught staring.

She’d been watching him, too.

“Spent a lot of time here, huh?” Melina asked out of the blue.


“You seem to know where to walk, and we’re not lost yet.”

Mac pressed a kiss to the top of Melina’s head. “We’re not going to get lost.”



Mac tightened his arm around her waist, keeping her close to his side as they strolled down the decorative stone pathway. It was just one of many pathways that led into the back property of Luca’s mansion, weaving in throughout the two acres of woodland. It was a nice walk, as long as a person never left the path.

He’d learned that once …

“I did spend a lot of time back here over the last few months,” Mac admitted after a few minutes.

Bethany-Kris & Erin Ashley Tanner's books