Fury on Fire (Devil's Rock #3)

She nodded jerkily.

Again, he picked her up like she wasn’t the Amazon she knew herself to be and marched up the stairs, her legs solidly wrapped around him.

He didn’t even hesitate to survey her room. Not that there was much to assess. He dropped her down on the bed and then stood back. He reached behind him and pulled his shirt over his head in a smooth move. He moved like some kind of jungle cat. Effortless and graceful. Her heartbeat quickened. It was crazy. This big beautiful man with his ripped-up body and dragon tattoo wrapping around his torso was nothing she had ever visualized standing in her room, over her bed, over her.

Her eyes locked on the stark beauty of his features, the intensity of his liquid dark eyes. She tore her gaze away. She fixed her stare on his chest, too overcome with nerves to look at his face again. But then she was just left staring at all that hard, golden skin and that did absolutely nothing to help her runaway nerves.

“Done staring, sweetheart?”

She nodded and shook her head, heat slapping her in the cheeks.

“Good. Because I need to get my hands on you again.” He came down over her, his arms caging her in, hands tangling in her hair as his head dipped toward her. “And while I’m at it . . . my mouth, too.” His lips descended and everything else was lost except this. Him and his blistering-hot lips.

His hands shifted to cup her face, each finger a searing imprint. She gasped at the hot press of his palms on her cheeks. His hands. His mouth. His tongue stroking her bottom lip. She was full of the taste of him, the sensation. His weight melted over her, sinking her deeper into the bed. There was no mistaking his power, his strength. It radiated off him in waves. It was heady and a little frightening.

He kissed her long and hard and deep, his lips coaxing and persuasive. He was a drug and she was addicted, kissing him back, matching his movements, growing bolder. Her lips went tingly-numb and still she kissed him. Hard. All her barriers just dropped away like insubstantial dandelion seeds lost to the wind.

“North,” she moaned as he tore his lips away and dragged them down her throat. Her head spun. Somehow his fingers undid the buttons on her blouse. He shoved the fabric over her shoulders with a whisper of sound.

At least she was wearing one of her prettier bras. Not that he was about letting her wear it for very long. He reached behind her and unhooked the clasp in a deft, experienced move.

He tugged the bra down, freeing her breasts. She didn’t even have time to feel self-conscious. He closed his lips around a nipple, tugging the peak into his warm mouth and rolling it between his teeth and tongue until it was pebble hard and aching. She gasped and arched. He turned and lavished his mouth on her other breast, leaving her thrashing and wild on the mattress. Her sex clenched and throbbed so intensely tears leaked out from her eyes.

She was barely aware of the hands sliding under her skirt—and then he gripped the edge of her panties, stepping back from the bed so that he could pull them down her legs. Then she was wholly aware of things happening south of the border.

She propped up on her elbows, watching as he unsnapped the buttons on his jeans. It wasn’t anything she hadn’t seen before, but here, in the full light of her bedroom, it was new. It was all for her and it was everything and she couldn’t even blink for fear of missing a moment of it.

He was fully aroused. His erection jutted forward, even more intimidating up close and personal. She wet her lips nervously, but even as nervous as she felt, her sex clenched eagerly, hungry and ready for that fullness inside her.

He reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet before sliding his jeans the rest of the way down. He kicked them aside as he pulled a square foil packet from his pocket. Of course he was prepared. A guy like him would be. He was good at this and she was about to find out just how good.

She inched back on her elbows, but he came down on the bed, crawling toward her with a predatory gleam in his eyes, his cock pointing in a straight arrow for her.

“What’s the matter? Don’t you want me to ruin you?” The words should have sent a stab of alarm through her, but she only felt a hot bolt of lust.

She nodded almost savagely. There was no going back now. In fact, if she even tried to stop now she just might die.

“Then try not to look like you’re about to be sick everywhere.” His knees wedged her legs apart. His cock brushed the inside of her thigh. The bristle of hair scraped her tender skin.

She swallowed. God, she felt like a virgin. Everything about this was uncharted territory.

He stilled, all of him freezing except his fingers. They skimmed the side of her face. “You’ve done this before, right?”