
She looked around her living room. “Forgive me, but you seem much more preoccupied with locating Ranger Hunt.”



“Because he skipped out on a homicide investigation. And even if he’s cleared, he’s dangerous and irresponsible. I shouldn’t have to remind you of that. You’ve seen him in action.”


“Yes, I’ve seen him in action saving lives and protecting others. Are you sure that your disapproval of his methods, compounded by your personal dislike, hasn’t clouded your judgment?”


“Are you sure hormones haven’t clouded yours?”


Nugent made a choking sound.


Neal’s glare stayed fixed on her. “I think you keep defending him because you’re just a little attracted to him, Judge Spencer.”


“Well, you’re wrong, Sergeant Lester. I defend him because I believe he’s right. And I’m not just a little attracted to him, I’m very attracted to him. The attraction is inconvenient. Until I recused myself from his custody case, it was unethical. It has the potential of causing me embarrassment and possibly costing me my job, making Crawford Hunt an unexpected complication in my life. But it does not make him a murderer. It does, however, make you a fool for pursuing him instead of the culprit.” She stood up. “Is there anything else?”


Neal was still seething as she saw them out. She watched until they drove away. Only then did she close the front door and go around the room turning off lamps. After making sure the house was secure, she went into her bedroom and, as she closed the door, leaned weakly into it and pressed her forehead against the cool wood.


From behind her, one strong arm encircled her waist and firmly positioned her backside against an unquestionably aroused man. He gathered her hair in his fist and moved it aside so he could plant a hot kiss beneath her ear, whispering, “Well, Your Honor, guess you told him.”






Chapter 29




Crawford slid his hands beneath her top and unhooked her bra. Reaching around to her front and up into the cups, he took her breasts into his palms. His fingertips played over her nipples. Holly’s whimper of pleasure melded with a whine asking for more.


He turned her to face him, rid her of top and bra by pulling them over her head together, and before her hair had settled back onto her shoulders, his mouth was fastened to her breast. She clasped his head between her hands as he drew on her with such fervor, the sensations were like sparks of electrical shock.


She didn’t want him to stop, but his wet clothing was an aggravation to both of them. He broke away from her to shed his windbreaker. He unbuttoned the first few buttons of his shirt, and then, because that was costing precious time, he pulled it over his head.


She didn’t dare turn on a light and risk him being seen by her guards, but she wanted to know him. Placing her hands on his chest, she felt a dusting of hair and nuzzled it. His nipples were hard. She swept her tongue across one, causing him to hiss a swear word as he worked open the buttons of his fly.


She reached into that widening wedge, feathered her fingers through the coarse hair, then closed her hand around him. His head dropped heavily onto her shoulder.


As she explored, his panting breaths fell hot and moist on her skin.


He was incredibly hard, the skin stretched tight along the shaft, the tip smooth and full to bursting. The pad of her thumb collected a drop of semen, spread it in deft circles until he puffed a profanity and moved her hand away.


Crossing his arms beneath her bottom, he lifted her and carried her to the bed. When she was lying on her back, he worked her jeans and underwear down her legs. Once they were off and out of his way, he got onto the bed, standing on his knees between her thighs, which he pushed back toward her chest.


Then they both went completely still. For several moments, their heavy, irregular breathing was the only sound in the room, in the world. She sensed his movement before she felt his hands on the backs of her calves. He squeezed them, familiarizing himself with their shape. He caressed them up to the backs of her knees where he outlined her kneecaps with his thumbs before covering them with his palms.


Her breath hitched when his hands moved again, this time sliding up the insides of her thighs, slowly but purposefully opening them, opening her, for his descending shoulders, head, mouth.


The heat of his mouth encompassed her. For precious moments, he did nothing else. Just that. Just there. A gentle suction held her with motionless and incredible intimacy. Until gradually he began to make love.


Sandra Brown's books