Forgive and Forget

“That you don’t have a boyfriend? No.” Tom’s eyes sparkled with mischief. “Or do you mean being gay? That’s not a problem for me, Joe. I might not remember who I am, but I know what team I play for.” He raked his gaze over Joe and his cheeks went slightly pink before he lowered his eyes to his fingers. “Definitely not a problem. So, there’s no one special in your life?” Tom lifted his gaze to meet Joe’s.

Come on, Joe. What more do you want the guy to do? Change his online status? Announce it on the radio? Send out a smoke signal? Either way, it didn’t matter. Joe knew next to nothing about this man, much less his intentions. He needed to keep his wits about him.

A forceful knock startled them both. Cursing under his breath, Joe let in the chastity brigade. It was probably for the best. He really shouldn’t be entertaining any kind of risqué thoughts about Tom. The man’s name wasn’t even Tom, for heaven’s sake!

“Oh my God.” Elsie leaned into Joe, whispering hoarsely and loud enough for everyone to hear, including Tom. “He’s gorgeous!”

Donnie crossed his arms over his chest with a huff. “He’s not that good-looking.”

Elsie ignored him and made her way over to Tom, who smiled and seemed a little too amused for his own good. “Hi. I’m Elsie.” She narrowed her pretty brown eyes and stood on her toes. “You’re not a murderer, are you? Because Joe’s like a big brother to us, and if you hurt him, well, Donnie’s going to knock you out.”

Tom shook his head somberly, though Joe could tell the man was fighting back a chuckle. “I know it’s hard to believe, considering I don’t remember much of anything, but I think something like that is part of a man’s nature. I’m not going to hurt Joe. He’s already done more for me than most people would have. I owe him.”

“Oh, for crying out loud.” Bea faced Elsie and Donnie before jutting a finger toward the door. “You two get going. I expect you bright and early. Joe and I will take care of this drifter.”

“But—” Donnie attempted to protest, only to cower at the sight of Bea’s formidable eyebrow. “Come on, Elsie. I’ll walk you home.”

“Nice to meet you, Mr. Tom! Good night, Joe,” Elsie said with a cheerful wave.

Tom and Joe waved back before turning their attention to Bea. As soon as the door closed behind the youngsters, she stomped over to Tom with all her usual grace and subtlety, poking him in the shoulder. She opened her mouth to speak, then closed it before peering at him.

“Do I know you?” she asked.

Tom looked hopeful. “I don’t know. Do you?”

Was it possible Bea had met Tom before? Joe took a step toward her. “Have you seen him before, Bea?”

Bea looked Tom over, and after what seemed like forever, she shook her head. Both Joe and Tom sighed with disappointment. “Felt like maybe I had, but no. I’d definitely remember you.” She tapped the side of her head. “Sharp as ever. Must be the eyes. They remind me of that young fella who was in here this morning with his girl. The one who ordered all the pies.”

Now that Joe thought about it, Bea was right. Ms. Rotherford’s boyfriend had very similar silver eyes. He was tall with dark hair too. Dammit. For a moment there, he thought they’d caught a break. Seeming to get back to her original train of thought, Bea poked Tom in the shoulder again.

“Now you listen here, young man. That bump on your melon ain’t gonna be nothing compared to what I’m gonna do to you if you hurt Joe. You got me?” Tom nodded and took a small step away from Bea—who just took that as an invitation to take one closer. “Joe’s a good man, and I don’t care how handsome he thinks you are. If you hurt him, you’ll have me to deal with.”

Surely, Joe hadn’t just heard what he thought he’d heard? She hadn’t just said….

Tom’s eyebrows shot up, and he looked at Joe. “You think I’m handsome?”

Yep, he had heard what he thought he’d heard. Because his life wasn’t awkward enough. Joe tried to appear as aloof as possible, but the crooked grin on Tom’s face wasn’t helping any.

“I never said that. I mean, not that you aren’t—just that I wasn’t—I mean, I’m not saying….” What the hell was he saying? He tried to find a way out of the hole Bea had dug for him, and when he couldn’t, he gave up. Not like he hadn’t made a fool of himself already. “Never mind.” He motioned to Bea with a saccharine curl of his lips. “Please, carry on.”

Tom did just that, turning to Bea with a charming smile and leaning over to whisper in her ear. Unlike Elsie, Joe couldn’t hear a word of what Tom was saying. Now he was really starting to get nervous.

“You bet,” Bea stated, winking at Tom knowingly. Again Tom leaned over to whisper, and Joe found himself leaning in the same direction. When had they started playing Chinese whispers? And why wasn’t he being let in on it?

Bea waved a hand dismissively. “He’s just shy when it comes to that sort of thing. It’s been a while. A really, really long while.”

Charlie Cochet's books