Forever Hunted: Forever Bluegrass #9

“Then you’re all set,” Jane said with a smile as she sat back down and entered the flight information into the computer. “Mrs. Bristol and Miss Mambo will be here in thirty minutes. Diego is checking the stalls, Paul has checked the plane and is loading up, and Daniel is working his way through the first part of his checklist. As soon as Mrs. Bristol arrives, we’ll be set to go.”

Carter watched as Reagan moved about the office with purpose, getting everything ready for the return flight. The door opened and the man Carter assumed was the copilot came in. He was in his fifties and from what Carter remembered, he had taken up flying as a second career after being a horse trainer for most of his life.

Daniel, with his salt-and-pepper mustache, looked questioningly at Carter before recognition hit. Even though they hadn’t met, Carter was talked about in the news and at the track quite a bit. It wasn’t something he enjoyed, but most people recognized him or at least his name.

“You’re Carter Ashton,” the older gentleman said, holding out his hand. “Daniel Stillwater. It’s nice to meet you. Are you flying a horse with us?”

Carter smiled as he shook the older man’s strong hand. “I’m flying with you, but it’s because I know Mrs. Bristol and Reagan.”

“They’re dating,” Jane put in without looking up from her keyboard.

The man’s bushy eyebrows rose. “You’re dating Mrs. Bristol?”

Carter laughed and Reagan turned red. “No, I’m dating your boss.”

Daniel looked back and forth between Carter and Reagan. “Good luck, son. I hope you know what you’re getting into.”

Daniel laughed as Reagan swatted his arm. “How’s the plane looking?” she asked as Stewart came in.

“I finished the pre-check,” he said, handing the clipboard to her. “Everything looks good.”

The door opened again and Diego and Paul stepped inside, giving each other crap about some woman they met at dinner the night before. They gave Carter a nod in greeting before turning to Reagan. “The hay is set up in the stalls. I also put in some treats and some oats in case any of the horses need a little spoiling,” Diego told her.

“Excellent.” Reagan looked at her watch. “Mrs. Bristol should be here in twenty-five minutes. In the meantime, I bought breakfast.” Reagan handed out a three bags of fast food breakfast they picked up on the way to the airport. “We’ll load Miss Mambo, who is a sweet girl, and be on our way. Mrs. Bristol is an old friend of Carter’s. I met her yesterday. She won’t be a problem flyer.”

“Problem flyer?” Carter asked and the group groaned.

“We had one who yelled at Jane because we weren’t serving meals on the plane,” Reagan told him.

“Don’t forget that man who didn’t like the smell of horse crap,” Diego added. “He tried to get Reagan to land thirty minutes into a two-hour flight.”

“For horse crap?” Carter asked disbelievingly.

“He was from Wall Street. He owned a share of a horse and thought he’d make a big grand entrance at The Louisville Airport. The horse was a Derby favorite and the news channels were going to be there,” Reagan explained as they headed to the kitchen for breakfast. Ah, Carter knew exactly who they were talking about. If karma were real, then hopefully this man would fall into a pile of crap three feet deep.

“I’ll try to behave, but I can’t promise it,” Carter teased as he kept his eyes locked on Reagan’s. He loved turning her red, and it wasn’t only from embarrassment. He grinned at the memory of last night.

Carter poured a cup of coffee and watched the coworkers talk and laugh as they all ate breakfast. They teased and joked as if they were their own little family. This was Reagan’s life away from him, and he was glad she had a group of friends to make it enjoyable.


Some thirty minutes later, Carter stepped out of the kitchen and saw Mrs. Bristol standing in the doorway. “Hi, Mrs. Bristol,” he said warmly before introducing her to the Keeneston Air team. Diego and Paul said hello on their way out the door to get the ramps set up before Mrs. Bristol could ask what Carter was doing there. “I had some time and thought it would be nice to tag along with my girlfriend. Of course, it would also give us time to talk.”

“Talk about what?”

Carter was surprised to hear the deep voice behind him. He plastered on a smile and turned to shake hands with Mick. “Mick, I wasn’t expecting you. Mrs. Bristol and I have a lot to catch up on. I was going to tell her my sister is pregnant.”

Mrs. Bristol’s look of worry fled as she clasped her hands to her chest with glee. “Sienna is going to have a baby! I bet your parents are over the moon. I can’t wait to hear all about it. But, darling,“ she said, turning to Mick. “What are you doing here? I thought you were going to head over to Keeneland.”

Mick stepped around Carter and kissed Suzanne on the lips. Carter heard Jane shuffle uncomfortably behind him as Mick made a point of his PDA. He was making sure everyone knew where he stood with Suzanne. “I am. But it’s right across the street, and I didn’t kiss you goodbye this morning,” he said, smiling lovingly at her. So much so that Carter wondered if Mick even realized that Miss Mambo was worth next to nothing. After all, it was Sam Basques who had the reputation for lying and cheating. Maybe Mick was an innocent caught up in Sam’s scam too. “I have to kiss my other girl too,” he winked as the group followed him outside to where Diego already had Miss Mambo hooked up and ready to be walked aboard.

Mick leaned over the railing Diego had set up and handed the sweet horse a sugar cube. “I’m going to miss my ladies,” he smiled sadly at Carter. “It’s silly, isn’t it? But it just doesn’t feel right when Suzanne and Miss Mambo aren’t with me.”

Carter shook his head. “No, it doesn’t sound silly. In fact, that’s why I’m going with Reagan on this trip.”

Mick looked surprised as Diego led Miss Mambo over the gateway and up the ramp into the plane via the large door on the side. “I didn’t know you were going. I tried to move my meeting but couldn’t.”

“What meeting do you have?” Carter asked as Daniel and Reagan began to board the plane.

“My business partner, Sam Basques, has me meeting with BBN Farms. They are interested in purchasing Night Keeper for stud,” Mick told Carter as they walked toward where Jane and Mrs. Bristol stood talking at the bottom of the airplane steps.

“How long have you known Sam?” Carter had a sinking suspicion Mick was being duped by his business partner.

“Two years. So far we’ve worked well together.” Mick turned and held out his hand. “Take care of my girls. I look forward to seeing that filly of yours.” Mick stopped and looked over at Suzanne. “Screw it. I’m coming with you all. I’m going to move my appointment for a couple of days from now. I won’t take no for an answer this time. Well, I guess they won’t have a choice since I won’t show up. If they want Night Keeper bad enough, they’ll give me a couple days.”

Carter nodded his head. He hadn’t wanted to, but he kind of liked Mick. “Just tell them you’re flying with me. They’re good friends of mine.” Carter was going to say more, but his phone rang. “I’ll see you on board,” he told Mick as he answered the phone. “Ryan, hey.”

“Can you talk now?”

“Not really. I’m about to get on a plane with Reagan. But I’ll be back tonight and we’ll talk.”

“Sorry I couldn’t talk earlier. I just wrapped up a case. I know it’s early, but I’m on my way home and thought I’d call. It’ll help me not fall asleep as I drive.”

Carter saw Mick kissing Suzanne before wrapping an arm around her and walking up the steps together as Mick carried a bag in his other hand. “It’s okay. I’m gathering information. Mick Connors is in business with a Sam Basques. Either both are bilking Suzanne Bristol, or just Sam is. Anyway, I’ll learn more on my flight and talk to you tonight.”

Kathleen Brooks's books