Fool’s Errand (Tawny Man Trilogy Book One)

I awoke in Chade’s great four-poster bed in the tower chamber. I knew a few moments of disorientation before deciding this was not another dream. I was truly awake. I did not recall going to sleep, only sitting down on the side of the bed for a few moments. I was still dressed in yesterday’s clothing.

I sat up cautiously: the hammers and anvils in my head had subsided to a monotonous drumming. The room appeared empty, but someone had been there recently. Washwater steamed near the hearth, and a small covered dish of porridge kept warm near it. As soon as I discovered these items, I put them to good use. My stomach was still reluctant to accept food, but I ate stoically, knowing it was for the best. I washed, put on a kettle for tea and then wandered down to the worktable. A large map of Buck was unfurled across it. The corners were weighted with a mortar and two pestles and a teacup. An inverted wineglass rested on the map itself. When I lifted it, I found Galeton underneath it. It was on a tributary of the Buck River, northwest of Buck and on the other side of the river from Buckkeep. I had never been there. I tried to recall what I knew of Galeton and swiftly did so. Absolutely nothing.

My Wit alerted me to Chade’s presence, and I turned as the hidden door swung open. He entered briskly. The tops of his cheeks were pink with the morning, and his white hair gleamed silver. Nothing invigorated the old man so much as fresh intrigue. ‘Ah, you’re up. Excellent,’ he greeted me. ‘I managed to arrange an early breakfast with Lord Golden, despite the absence of his serving-man. He assured me that he could be ready to travel in a few hours. He’s already concocted an excuse for the trip.’

‘What?’ I asked him, befuddled.

Chade laughed aloud. ‘Bird feathers, of all things. Lord Golden has a number of interesting hobbies, but his most current fascination is feathers. The larger and brighter the better. Galeton borders on a wooded upland, and has a reputation for pheasants, grouse and whiptails. The latter have rather extravagant plumage, especially their tail feathers. He’s already sent a runner on ahead to Lady Bresinga of Galeton, entreating hospitality from her while on his quest. It won’t be refused. Lord Golden is the most popular novelty that Buckkeep Court has seen in a decade. Having him guest at her manor will be a social coup for her.’

He paused, but it was I who took a breath. I shook my head as if it would settle my brains and enable me to catch up with him. ‘The Fool is going to Galeton to find Dutiful?’

‘Ah-ah!’ Chade cautioned me. ‘Lord Golden is going to Galeton to hunt birds. His manservant, Tom Badgerlock will, of course, accompany him. I hope that in the course of running down birds, you’ll pick up the trail of the Prince. But that, of course, is our private errand.’

‘So I’m going with him.’

‘Of course.’ Chade peered at me. ‘Are you all right, Fitz? You seem wool-witted this morning.’

‘I am. It seems that all is happening so fast.’ I didn’t say to him that I had become accustomed to ordering my own life and journeys. It felt strange to revert to living each day as another person decreed. I swallowed my protests. What had I expected? If we were to regain Prince Dutiful, this was how it must be. I struggled to find new footing for my thoughts. ‘Does Lady Bresinga have a daughter?’

Chade considered. ‘No. Only the son, Civil. I believe she fostered a girl cousin for a time. That would have been Fillip Bresinga. She is, let me see, I think she would be nearly thirteen now. She has returned home since spring.’

I shook my head, both in denial and in wonder. Chade had obviously refreshed his information on the Bresinga family since last night. ‘I sensed a woman, not a child. An … attractive woman.’ I had nearly said seductive. When I thought back to my experience of the night before, the dream became mine, and I recalled only too well how she had stirred my blood. Tantalizing. Challenging. I glanced back at Chade. He was watching my face with undisguised dismay. I asked the next question. ‘Has Dutiful expressed an interest in a woman? Might they have run away together?’

‘Eda forbid,’ Chade exclaimed fervently. ‘No.’ He denied it almost desperately. ‘There is no woman in Dutiful’s life, not even a girl he finds attractive. We have been very careful not to allow him the opportunity to develop such a bond. Kettricken and I decided long ago that it would be for the best.’ More quietly, he added, ‘She did not want to see her son torn as you were, between heart and duty. Have you never wondered how different things might have been if you had not loved Molly, if you had accepted your match with Lady Celerity?’

‘I have. But I will never regret loving Molly.’

I think the vehemence in my voice persuaded Chade to change tack. ‘There is no such love in Dutiful’s life,’ he declared with finality.

‘There wasn’t. There may be now,’ I contradicted him.

‘Then I pray it is a youthful infatuation, one that can be swiftly –’ He searched for a word. ‘Terminated,’ he said at last, and winced at his own choice. ‘The boy is already promised. Don’t look at me like that, Fitz.’

Obediently, I looked away. ‘I do not think he has known her long. Part of her allure was her mystery.’

‘Then we must endeavour to recover him swiftly, with little damage done.’

The next question was my own, asked for me. ‘What if he does not wish to be recovered?’ I asked in a low voice.

Chade was silent for a moment. Then, he said heartily, ‘Then you must do as you think best.’

My shock must have been apparent on my face, for he laughed aloud. ‘For there is little use in my pretending that you will do otherwise, is there?’ He drew a breath and sighed it out. ‘Fitz. I ask only this. Think in large terms. A boy’s heart is a precious thing, as is a man’s life. But the well-being of all the people of the Six Duchies and the Out Islands is even more precious. So, do what you think best. But be sure you truly have given it thought.’

‘I can’t believe you are allowing me that much leeway!’ I exclaimed.

‘Can’t you? Well, perhaps I know you better than you think I do.’

‘Perhaps,’ I conceded. But I wondered if he knew me as well as he thought he did.

‘Well, you arrived only a few days ago, and here I am sending you off again,’ Chade abruptly observed. He clapped me on the shoulder but his smile seemed a bit forced. ‘Think you can be ready to leave in an hour or so?’

‘I’ve not much to pack. But I’ll need to make a trip down to Buckkeep Town, to leave a message for Hap with Jinna.’

‘I can take care of that for you,’ Chade offered.