Fire Falling

“Pay? For what?” Vhalla was confused.

“Soldiers get paid.” Larel smiled.

“But I’m not a soldier.” Vhalla fidgeted with her fingers. “I’m owned by the crown.”

“I think saving the army deserves three gold coins.” Larel patted her shoulder and ushered Vhalla off to the bathroom.

It was a shared bathroom for the floor but it was thankfully empty. The tub was sized for one and Vhalla took her time. Someone, she suspected Larel, had bathed her when she was unconscious but it didn’t compare to how clean she felt when she could be thorough.

When Vhalla returned to the room, Larel was still waiting persistently to check her injuries. Vhalla doubted she could dance the night away if her wounds were still significant, but she indulged Larel anyway. Larel saw her dressed and then used magic in a way Vhalla had never conceived.

She ran her palms through Vhalla’s hair and the heat instantly set the water to steam. Larel explained how it took many tries to get the right balance of tension and heat, but it was a useful trick when mastered. As Vhalla looked at her hair in the mirror, suddenly smooth and straight, she easily agreed.

Daniel was sitting, charcoal moving without pause over the pages of a worn-looking leather book, when she arrived downstairs. He had a canvas bag slung across his chest, a bag into which the book quickly disappeared upon his noticing her. Vhalla adjusted her pack on her shoulders, empty save for a golden coin.

“Sorry to make you wait,” she said apologetically.

“Not a problem.” Daniel stood with a shake of his head. “Ready?”

She nodded.

The alleyways of the Crossroads were completely different in daylight. Most of the stores that had been shut by dusk were now open and alive. Tables were set out with all manner of jewelry, food, baubles, and trinkets. Vhalla found herself slowing down by every other one to inspect something she’d never seen.

“We’re never going to make it to the main market like this.” Daniel chuckled.

“Sorry!” she said, skipping to catch up with him. “It’s just all so, so different.”

Vhalla made it a point to keep step with Daniel and not lag behind. Eventually his roundabout way led them to a wide road—the East-West Way. Vhalla gasped at the hive of people that bustled within the greatest market in the world. Everything was busy, everything was colorful, everything was alive, and everything seemed to have a price.

People pressed in against each other and pushed purposefully to get to wherever it was they were off to next. Some carried large baskets on their heads, others held platters, and some had cages with wild beasts that Vhalla had never before seen. A man pushed between them and Vhalla glanced back for Daniel, but the crowd had enveloped him.

She scanned her left and right, trying to find where he may have gone. Vhalla walked in his general direction. “Daniel?” A few passersby looked at her strangely but kept going. “Daniel!” she tried a little louder.

“Vhalla!” A hand shot up from the edge of the crowd. “Over here.” Vhalla had to jump to see where he was, and she pushed through the mass to get to him. He chuckled. “Sorry about that.”

“Not your fault.” She shook her head.

“Let’s look in here.” He held back a heavy curtain to a dimly lit shop.

Vhalla’s eyes adjusted slowly to the lighting. A dense haze hovered in the air that held the smell of spices and wood. Glass cases lined the walls and a few stood freely in the middle of the room. Vhalla ran her hand over them, looking at the treasures within.

“Irashi, welcome.” A young woman wearing a robe revealing her generous cleavage—too much revealed, in Vhalla’s opinion—sauntered over to them. She had long, straight black hair. Half was down flowing over her shoulders and back. The other half was braided like a spider’s web on top.

“Welcome to the finest Curiosity Shop in all the land.” She leaned against one of the cases, the tan skin of her leg slipping out through a slit in her bright ruby robe—a stunning contrast. “And what can I help you with today?” The woman smiled thinly.

“I think we’re just looking.” Vhalla took a step closer to Daniel and away from the woman. He seemed to be unbothered, but something about this woman put Vhalla’s hairs on edge.

“No one is ‘just looking.’ All desire.” The woman folded her arms under her breasts. “Tell me, what is yours?”

“Sorry to disappoint.” Vhalla dodged her question and looked at Daniel. “Let’s go, I’m hungry.” She grabbed his arm and turned to leave.

“There is not one curiosity you have, Vhalla Yarl?” Vhalla stopped short. “I know your winds will not tell you what the flames will tell me.”

Daniel took a step forward; he put his body half in front of Vhalla’s, an arm stretched across her protectively.

“How do you know my name?” Vhalla whispered in shock.