Filthy Foreign Exchange

Fortunately, I’ve never tuned in to their wavelength, so my jury will be out for a while on this mystery. But I’m betting on the latter.

Camden laughs it off, then runs shameless eyes over the length of me. “Yeah, guess I’d be busy too if I was living with Echo. They don’t make ‘em like that every day.” He licks his bottom lip and holds out a fist for Kingston to bump, which he doesn’t.

Camden lets his hand drop, trying to act nonchalant but failing. “Now that big bro’s away, maybe sweet lil’ Echo will finally come out to play.”

And people wonder why I’m anti-social.

I’m dangerously close to throwing up when Kingston moves to block me from Camden’s view. He takes a step forward and I peek around him, afraid of what I’ll see yet dying to look.

“Sod off, motherfucker, unless you want your arse kicked,” Kingston growls, an inch from Camden’s face. “I’d be happy to sort that out for you.”

“Yeah, Camden!” Savannah chimes in. “If I tell Sebastian what you just said, he’ll kill you when he gets back!”

I give Savannah a grateful smile, then turn to flee the scene as quickly as possible—only to discover there’s no room to escape. I just want to skip lunch, since it’s almost over anyway, and grab the books for my next class from my locker.

Somehow, despite my anxiety from the mosh pit I’m trapped in, I register a few more snarled, antagonistic words exchanged between Kingston and Camden before the latter storms away. But the pom-pom brigade remains, solidifying just how magnetic Kingston really is. Because any other time, they’d all be scurrying to follow the king of Kelly Springs High.

And just like that, my jury has reached a verdict. That was fast.

Chapter 5

Kingston coats his next words in spun sugar as he kisses each of the cheerleaders’ hands. “Such a lovely welcome. Thank you, my tartlets.”

They actually giggle, blush, and coo, thinking he’s just complimented them. But I actually know what “tartlet,” or “tart,” means in Kingston’s tongue, and enjoy an inside laugh.

Now that the crowd has thinned some, I pivot and start to walk the wrong way down the hall, writing off the books I need as a lost cause. I’ll just cut through the lobby, and maybe borrow a piece of paper and pen from someone in class.

But a hand that shouldn’t already feel so familiar catches my elbow. Somehow, Kingston has ditched his fan club and is dragging me toward a quiet corner.

“Are you all right?”

“Fine,” I grind out past gritted teeth. “I just want to get to class, so let go of me please.”

He releases his hold. “You need to eat first. I’ll walk you.”

“No need. Lunch break’s almost over.” I bolt away now that he’s unhanded me, but he easily matches my quick stride.

“What happened back there, with that mouthy tosser? You said nothing—not at all like the Echo I thought I knew.”

I stop dead in my tracks, and get a bit dizzy from how quickly I whirl around to face him.

“That’s just it: You don’t know me. If you did, you’d know I like to keep to myself and be left alone. So please, until the shiny newness wears off you—if it ever does—stay away from me. Or at least stay away from my school! I don’t want to get caught up in your swarm again.”

“My apologies. I only wanted to say hello. I had no idea that would happen. But that bloke, the quarterback? There’ll be more like him looming about now that Sebastian’s away. You’ve lost the plot if you think I’m going to stand for it, Echo. I may not attend school with you, but I’ll set about having eyes and ears everywhere.”

“No, you won’t, and it’s completely unnecessary. No one has ever, and won’t ever, notice me if you just keep your distance. You’re the attraction, Kingston, not me. So stay away. I’m begging you.”

He runs a hand through his thick, dark hair, somehow making it look even better, then laughs softly. “Do you honestly believe a word you just said?”

Screw it. I’ve already missed lunch, and I’m sure I’ll be late to class—for the first time in my life—so I figure I have nothing more to lose by continuing this conversation.

“I don’t make a habit of talking just to talk, so yes, I do believe it. Why?”

Kingston’s not stupid, nor is he oblivious to the attention he draws, so his question and puzzled look truly have me just as confused as he appears to be.

“Let’s see if I can explain this without cocking it up.”

He lays his right hand on my left arm and gives it a very subtle, friendly squeeze that I probably shouldn’t feel in my toes—or over every other inch of my body, like an eruption of volcanic heat. But I do, and it’s intense yet simultaneously soothing.

“Echo, you haven’t gone one day in this school unnoticed. You’re gorgeous, tall, fit as fuck, and not on the pull. That cute haircut, dark and sassy, and your huge blue eyes? Every guy in this place dreams about shagging you—they were just too afraid of Sebastian to make a move. And I plan to make bloody sure they’re every bit as afraid of me.”

Angela Graham & S.E. Hall's books