Fighting Fate (Fighting #7)

“It’s just money, Ax. It’s your birthday, baby.” He kisses the top of my head. “You deserve so much more. I plan on showing you just how much more for as long as we live.”

I hum against his collarbone and kiss him there until he shivers. “I loved you when we were poor, Kill. As much as I’ve enjoyed these last ten days, I’d have loved them just as much if we were backpacking and sleeping in hostels.”

“Is that right?” He’s skeptical, rightly so. I’ve really been enjoying this life of luxury. Who wouldn’t?

“Well, yeah.” I peek up at him. “But even still, that’s not what I was thanking you for.”

He doesn’t ask for more but sets those whiskey-colored eyes on mine, asking the silent question.

“Thank you for never giving up on me.”


I press my finger to his lips. “I’m serious. I was looking so hard for something, and you were there offering it to me for all those years. You stood by while I dated other guys. I…” I think of all the epic fuckups he had to stand by and witness, all the times I took my anger out on him just because he was available, made him pay for the sins of every man who walked away with a piece of my heart. “I don’t know if I would’ve been strong enough to have done the same—to have been there while you burned through countless women. How did you do it? I wasn’t always nice to you, and you never gave up on me.”

He hooks my chin and brings my lips to his. “Because I love you.”

“Is it that simple?”

“Nothing between us has ever been simple, but the choice to be there for you was. It still is.”

I understand that now because I love Killian and have let go of all my hang-ups, all the voices that were telling me I wasn’t what he needed or what he deserved. But the choice to stand by him through everything life brings—his fighting, the traveling, the press, the rumors, the women—is simple. I’ll never leave his side, no matter what.

Pushing up to my elbows, I tilt my head to sink into a delicious kiss that has my toes curling as I rub myself against him. “I can’t wait for the rest of our lives, Killian. I’m going to make you so happy.” I dip in for another soft kiss, speaking against his lips. “Make it so you never regret choosing me.”

He smiles against my lips. “Love your determination, but that’s not necessary. I’ve got the sexiest woman alive stretched out against me. Her love, her loyalty, that’s all I need—just you.” He runs the tip of his tongue along my lower lip. “Now behave, or I’ll slip that tiny piece of fabric between your legs to the side and we’ll show the people of St. Tropez just how free with our bodies we can be.”

I drop my forehead to his neck and force back the instant lust his words evoke. It’s nearly impossible to keep our hands off each other when we’re fully clothed, and something about the sun, sand, and skin combo heightens my desire—the hardening evidence between his legs only making it worse.

“You’re right.” I take a few calming breaths and then turn to move, only to have him grip me and pull me back so that I’m sitting between his legs.

“Not yet. I need, uh…a minute.”

Fine by me; being surrounded by Killian is not a hardship. I lean back against his chest and wave over a beach attendant who takes our orders for two ridiculously fruity drinks from the bar. We sit for a while, allowing the sound of the surf to lull us into a comfortable silence. He absently runs his fingertips along my bare belly, drawing patterns that bring goose bumps to the surface.

In the distance, I watch a couple at the water’s edge, hand in hand and talking about something only the other can hear. The sight before would’ve made me want to vomit in my mouth, but now I— My body stiffens when the woman turns around.

“Don’t. Even. Think. About. It.” Killian’s words are growled against my neck.

I smile. Big. “Oh, I have to now.”

“Not a fucking chance in hell, Ax.”





I lick my lips, and excitement explodes in my chest. “You’re right.” I scoot away from him, hoping he doesn’t catch my bluff. “Phew, it’s hot out.”

“Ax…” Uh-oh…he’s using his warning tone.

I stifle a giggle. “I’m going to go get my feet wet.”

“Axelle Rose Daniels, I swear to God if you—”

I take off running. A howl of laughter born deep in my gut bursts from my lips and electrifies the air. “I have to!”

“Dammit to hell.”

I can hear his powerful footfalls in the sand behind me as I work frantically to untie my top. “I just want to be free!”

“Don’t do it!”

“I have to!” My words are incoherent through my laughter as my feet hit the water.

“Axelle, no—”

But it’s too late. The strings fall from my body, and the sun’s heat hits my bare breasts. “I’m free—omph!”

Solid weight slams into me from behind. Warm arms wrap around me. Hands cup my breasts. I shriek when I become air-born. Flipped. I land backwards into the ocean with Killian to cushion the fall. He brings me to the surface, and I’m sputtering for air, but not from the water, from the laughing.