
“Well, whether it matters or not, I love her,” I said. “And if you kill her, you better kill me.”

“I should kill you for losing that fight,” Aldo said. “But it was my doing. I cost you the fight. So how can I kill you? What kind of man would that make me?”

“A murderer,” Winter said.

“Exactly.” Aldo turned toward Winter. “And you, beautiful Winter. Tripp says you knew nothing. You were just a sidelined casualty to everything.”

“It’s true,” Winter said. “I can tell you anything you want to know. I have nothing to hide from the world.”

“And you love Tripp?”

“Yes. I do.”

Aldo nodded. “So I’m going to lose my best fighter.”

“I never said that,” I said. “Just don’t kill Winter.”

“So if I offered you one favor,” Aldo said. “Anything in the world. A million dollars. A mansion. Never the need to fight again. One thing, Tripp.”

“I want Winter,” I said without hesitation.

“She means that much?”

“More than anything you could ever understand,” I said.

“Done,” Aldo said. He grabbed another glass and poured scotch. He sipped and nodded to both me and Winter. “Salut. I’m going to be leaving for the evening. The house is yours. Tomorrow, I want you to get your keys and get out of here. Take a vacation, Tripp. I’ll be out of town myself. I have to get Andrea and Autumn somewhere safe.”

“They’re alive?” Winter yelled.

“Yes,” Aldo said. “Of course they are.” He smiled. “While you were fucking around with Skull X, I had my guys get them.”

“You set that entire thing up?” I asked.

“Nobody fucks with my family, Tripp. Ever. Have a good night.”

Aldo slowly walked from the room.

I stood frozen and listened to the door open and close. I turned, just in time for Winter to jump into my arms.



We kissed.

I thought it would never happen again. My lips touched Tripp’s. Our tongues gently came together. My hands tore at his shirt, playing with his hair. My body lost all its control as my hips grind against him, wanting him.

“Fuck, darling,” he said as I kept kissing him. “You need to calm down.”

“Then make me,” I teased.

That was all I needed to say.

Tripp turned and rushed to a door. He opened it and, lucky enough, it was a bedroom door. He kicked the door shut with a hard thud and locked it.

He took me right to the bed and put me down. His lower half pressed hard to my body, the rest of his body hovering over me. His right hand climbed up my shirt, cupping my breast. His other hand on the bed, holding himself up.

I put my hands to the back of his hair and pulled him down. I needed to taste his mouth again. His wicked and amazing tongue darted all around my mouth, sending tingling signals to all the right places in my body.

Slowly, his hand crept from my breast and around to my back. I arched my back and he unclasped my bra. He then pulled away and sat me up, taking my shirt off and letting my bra fall forward. I sat there topless, hands on the bed, slightly leaning back.

“Off,” I purred at him.

Tripp ripped his shirt off. When I saw his shoulder, I gasped. I jumped up, my boobs bouncing, my eyes focused on the cut from the knife.

“Your shoulder…”

“It’s fine for now,” he said. “I’ll patch it up later.”

I gently touched the wound and stared into his eyes. “Does it hurt?”

“Nothing hurts when I’m with you, darling.”

I melted everywhere. My panties were getting wet.

I reached forward and grabbed his jeans, quickly opening them. My hands touched his hard stomach muscles and I slipped down into his jeans, pushing them right down. I wasted no time in moving my hand around his thickening cock, tugging at him, finally feeling okay with the world.

“Fuck,” Tripp groaned.

He brought his mouth down to my neck and climbed down to my chest. His mouth and tongue slid over my left breast, circling around my nipple, then suckling until I cried out.

I squeezed at his dick until he groaned.

Then we looked at each other and smiled.

Fuck, I had never experienced a love like this before.

I took my hand off his body and stepped back. My legs hit the bed and I stopped. I reached for my own jeans and opened them. I shoved my hands along the side of my jeans and panties and pushed them down. As I leaned forward, Tripp’s big and strong fighter hands were there to cup my breasts. I was so tender and achy, my breasts and sex connected in such a wild way.

I stepped out of all my clothes and put my hands to Tripp’s waist. I pulled at him, bringing him to me. I fell back to the bed, his hands quick to grab at my back as he eased me down. He came forward with a beautiful force, touching me, thrusting, entering me.

The sudden jolt stole my breath and I cried out in a dry voice. I shut my eyes and put my head back. I felt Tripp’s mouth against my neck, down to my chest again. My hands slowly reached for the covers, curling around them, bracing myself.