Field of Graves

“Go on, my son.”

“Thank you, Father. You see, I’ve studied them as they march through their mean exile, looking for the One, the One who will understand and accept my thesis without complaint. I test each one I find worthy, forcing enlightenment into their beautiful heads. I comment on their words, trying, always trying, to help them focus on the light. My disciples flow into my life, anxiously awaiting another of my lessons—to drink in the exquisiteness of my words, to seek sustenance among my phrases, anything that will allow them to flow along their menial course throughout the rest of the day.

“At last, I found the perfect vessel for my substance, one who has allowed me to unfold my wings, force my soul into hers. She carries the One, Father. Our salvation lies in the womb of a woman near here. I fear I may have become lost in her—despite my intentions. I too am not immune to the corporeal sins of the flesh. It has been a true awakening of the small spirit within me. The others were necessary. I had to hedge my bets, as it were. If several were impregnated, it only increased my chances to father the One.”

Father Xavier felt dizzy. What in the name of God was this man talking about? He was obviously suffering from some sort of delusional messiah complex. The rational tone was gone again, he was rambling on and on, and Father Xavier did his best to decipher the meaning of the man’s prophetic speech. He definitely seemed to have a God complex, but what did he mean about impregnating women to create the Messiah? Did he actually think he had that kind of power?

“... they were given the most spiritual of deaths. They were the catalysts, the ones who came before, the ones who fulfilled the prophecies. And with each death, another cycle was completed, another step toward the coming of the One was fulfilled.”

Though he knew the answer, the priest asked, “What cycle are you speaking of?”

“Don’t be dense, Father. The End of Days. The coming of our Lord is preceded by a series of events that portend His coming. The winds blow from the four corners of the earth, the seas die, and the rivers turn to blood. The Apocalypse, Father. I have set in motion the creation of our Apocalypse, the actions necessary to clear the way for our son to enter the world absolved. As soon as the prophecies are fulfilled, the One shall make himself known to the world.”


The reality of the situation sank in for Father Xavier. This was the killer the press had been reporting on. “You’re the one killing the Vanderbilt girls,” the priest spat out in horror.

“Oh, Father, I am not killing them. I am releasing them from their earthly bonds, allowing them to walk in the light of our Lord while the rest of the world awaits His coming.”

“You’re crazy. I suggest you leave now.” He wanted to get the man out of the confessional and out of his church.

“They were disposed of lovingly, Father.” The man continued as if he hadn’t heard a word the priest said. “Admittedly, I did lose my temper a few times. But they were given a clean and spiritual release. And it is time for me to have my absolution, for the sins I have perpetrated on these women and the ones to come.

“For these and all the sins of my past life, I ask pardon of God, penance and absolution from you, Father.”

Father Xavier sat frozen, his mind racing. He didn’t hear the man ask for his absolution. All he could focus on was his statement. The ones to come. He had to find a way into this man’s soul, try to stop him somehow. He’d heard the news, knew there were two young innocents dead. The ones to come. If this man could be believed, there would be more innocents dying, and maybe, just maybe, he would have a chance to stop this monster. Evil incarnate had landed right here on his doorstep.

“My son, I believe in order to have complete absolution, you must tell me everything. God can absolve you only if you speak aloud your sins.”

There was silence from the other side of the screen, and Father Xavier was frightened he’d lost the man, said the wrong thing. But the man cleared his throat and began speaking, lucid and clear again.

“If you want all the gory details, Father, then I’ll be happy to indulge you. I have created our Messiah. In order to do that, I needed a woman to plant my seed in, to carry our Savior. A modern-day Mary, a mother of the One.

J.T. Ellison's books