Fidelity (Infidelity #5)

MY HANDS SPLAYED upon the metal table. The cool surface helped me focus as Officer Emerson asked me about my threat and my feelings in general regarding Fitzgerald. Apparently, besides my verbal threat at Hamilton and Porter, there were witnesses who commented about the looks I’d given him yesterday, following the standoff at the hotel. I couldn’t recall any specific facial expressions. My concern had been keeping Charli safe.

“Did you believe he would cause her harm?”

“Enough that I supported her filing of the restraining order.”

“How far were you willing to go to keep him away from Miss Collins?”

There was no limit, but I didn’t say that. “She filed a restraining order, and my plan was to take her home to New York.”

“Yet you threatened to kill him, in front of multiple witnesses.”

“I did,” I agreed. “I threatened. I didn’t do it.” Not personally. My jaw clenched, knowing without a doubt that I was responsible. I was the one who’d given his name to Vincent. I was the one who’d signed his death warrant. I’d done that before his grotesque proposal. After that, I was willing to do it myself, but I didn’t. I’d found peace in knowing he’d already been condemned.

I wasn’t sorry that he was dead. I wouldn’t say that I was pleased, but I would say satisfied.

The questions continued with specifics about my whereabouts last night. Had I been with Charli at all times in the hospital? I hadn’t. I’d given her privacy to talk to her doctors. I’d bought flowers and gotten coffee. I’d paced the halls and talked to Deloris and Isaac. I’d called Oren and told him what happened with Spencer. I thought it was best he knew about the standoff and about Charli in the hospital so that he could break the news to Adelaide.

“My phone,” I volunteered.

“What about your phone?”

“I wasn’t with her every minute, but I did stay at the hospital. I made calls and received them. With the locator on my phone, the records will prove where I was.”

“And doctors, nurses, and cameras, can they all verify that you were there all night?”


“What about your visit to Montague Manor?”

I tried to recall. It was only yesterday, but it seemed so much longer ago. “We weren’t there long. It was before the incident at the hotel. We went in and talked to the house manager, Jane Peterson. Then we went to Char—I mean, Alex’s room. And we left. I doubt we were there for more than fifteen minutes.”

“Did you have a drink? Did you sample Mr. Fitzgerald’s fine liquor?”

I straightened my neck. “It was early afternoon. I’m not opposed to daytime drinking, but no. It wasn’t offered and even if it had been, we were planning to fly home.”

“But you didn’t fly home?”

No asshole. If we had, I wouldn’t be here right now.

“You know why. Most of Savannah’s finest were with us at the hotel.”

“Thank you, Mr. Demetri. At this time we don’t have reason to keep you in Savannah.” Officer Emerson turned to Daryl. “Mr. Owen, you have Mr. Demetri’s contact information?”

“I do.”

“Mr. Demetri, will you be willing to return to Savannah if we have further questions?”

“If they can’t be handled over the phone, I will. I do have a business to run.”

“Thank you for delaying your departure. We’ll be in touch.”

I thanked Mr. Owen for coming to our aid again as we made our way into the large desk area of the station. Turning the corner, the vision across the room caused me to stop, mesmerized by the sight. Between Isaac and Jane sat the most beautiful redhead I’d ever seen. Her face was close to Jane’s as they talked. With Charli’s hair pulled back in a low ponytail her porcelain profile stood out, a stark contrast to the rich mahogany of Jane’s. In that moment I understood what people meant when they talked about pregnant women glowing.

Could everyone else see it?

How could they not?

Like a beacon of brilliance in the crowded police station, my Charli glimmered. She didn’t need designer gowns, jewels, or an exclusive luxurious surrounding. Simply being herself in slacks and a sweater, she was luminous.

It was then she turned and our eyes met. Instantaneously her lips curled upward and her cheeks rose. Her smile lit her entire expression and her golden eyes shone with the light of a million stars.

“Can we go?” she asked.

“Yes, princess, let’s go home.”

Jane sat straighter, narrowing her gaze my direction as she tilted her head. “Mr. Demetri, what did you just call her?”

“Princess, but in all honesty…” I reached for Charli’s hand. “…she’s my queen.”