Fidelity (Infidelity #5)

I scanned the office as we followed Ralph. If I were honest, I’d admit that I was nervous that Alton or Bryce would sabotage this meeting. It was why I was clinging to Nox’s hand like a life raft.

My fears weren’t without merit. Bryce’s court appearance had been earlier this morning. Deloris informed us that he was charged with felony murder and granted bail. It was exorbitant at ten million dollars and included surrendering his passport. Nevertheless, it was granted. The last we heard, he was still at the court dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s. That meant it was just a matter of time before he was a free man.

As soon as we turned the corner, I recalled the old-fashioned elevator from my childhood visits. It was still the same, quite possibly the same as it had been when my grandfather visited this office, maybe even a century before that. The black iron scissor gate opened and closed manually, and the floors were reached with the turn of a crank, not the push of a button.

Ralph closed the gate and began to turn the crank. Slowly the floor moved upward, the interior of the shaft, cords, and wires were visible as we ascended. And then, we were at eye level with the second floor. He continued to crank until the elevator’s floor and the second floor met. Ralph unlatched and opened the gate, motioning toward the hallway. “Watch your step. We’re going to speak in a conference room. Let me show you the way.”

Mr. Owen followed behind Nox, Chelsea, and me as Isaac took up the rear. When we reached the conference room, Isaac tapped on Nox’s shoulder, causing us to stop. He followed Ralph into the room. I wasn’t sure what he was doing, but soon he exited and announced he’d wait in the hallway.

“Making sure there were no unwanted guests,” Nox whispered near my ear.

Apparently, I wasn’t the only one who was concerned.

The room we’d entered was plush with a long, shiny table and comfortable cushioned chairs. With its ornate trim and cherry bookcases filled with legal volumes, it was a far cry from the interrogation room at the police station. After we all entered, Ralph pushed a button on the wall. “Natalie, can you bring us some water, please.

“Unless anyone would like something stronger?” he asked turning to the room.

“No,” Mr. Owen answered for us all.

“Just water,” Ralph clarified to the intercom.

Her response came through more as a crackle than words.

He pointed to the corner. On a tripod was a small camera. “We would like to videotape this session.”

“Why?” Mr. Owen asked.

“It’s to help me remember.”


“No?” Ralph repeated.

“Miss Moore is here to answer your questions, clarifying previous statements. If you want to recall her for a deposition, do it. That’s not what you requested today.”

Ralph’s gaze flitted between Chelsea and Mr. Owen. “I’m certain, considering appearances, we won’t want to use the video as evidence. It is only a means to help us prepare for Bryce’s future defense.” He turned toward Chelsea. “Miss Moore, surely you want that?”

“I’m here, Mr. Porter.”

“Yes, fulfilling your agreement.”

Though Infidelity was the elephant in the room, it wasn’t invisible to anyone, not even Mr. Owen. As our attorney, Nox and Deloris agreed that he needed to be informed.

Mr. Owen placed his briefcase on the table. The latches clicked, opening and echoing as he gained everyone’s attention.

“Mr. Owen?” Ralph asked.

He looked up at Ralph. “As you seem to enjoy referencing the agreement, I brought a copy of said agreement. I thought it might be helpful to expand your vocabulary beyond the word.”

“Excuse me?”

Mr. Owen placed a manila folder on the table and removed a copy of an Infidelity agreement. It wasn’t Chelsea’s nor was it mine; instead, it was a blank agreement of intent. “I’m not sure if you’ve seen the actual agreement of intent from Miss Moore’s employer? They’re not easily obtained.” He didn’t wait for Ralph’s answer as he turned to page two and pointed to a clause. “As you’ve probably been told by your client, the agreement was for a one-year relationship, one year from the date the employee was contacted with his/her assignment, with the name of his/her client. This time period is set in stone with one exception.

“The only way the agreement can be voided is if there is physical abuse.”

Mr. Owen looked up, first to Chelsea and then to Ralph. “Tell me, will your vocabulary now expand beyond the use of the word agreement? I believe it’s clear that your client broke said agreement.”

The light from the window made the perspiration again dotting Ralph’s lip glisten and brought a shine to his forehead. He turned from Mr. Owen to me. I was now seated at the table between Nox and Chelsea.

“Alexandria, once this is complete, I’d like to speak to you privately about your grandfather’s will.”

“No,” Nox replied.

“Mr. Demetri…”

“Ralph,” I said. “There’s nothing you can say that Lennox, Chelsea, or even Mr. Owen isn’t privy to.”