Fidelity (Infidelity #5)

“THE SECURITY?” VINCENT questioned. “You’re concerned for this woman’s safety.” He eyed me up and down. “Surely the Lennox Demetri I remember can handle the situation?”

“I’d like nothing better.”

“As I said,” Oren interjected, “I’m the one who called. I’m the one who asked for help. The girl was employed by a company under the Demetri umbrella. If the connection were to be made public, it could affect Demetri Enterprises.” My father tilted his head toward me. “Lennox is capable. It’s the repercussions I’m trying to avoid.”

“This woman?” Luca asked. “Is she special?”

“As a friend, nothing more,” I answered truthfully.

“You see, not worth jeopardizing our good name or that of our company.”

Vincent pressed his lips together and sat back, eyeing Oren and me back and forth. “What company?”

I wasn’t sure where my father was going with this, but I hated the damn company. I was more than willing to have it implode. Fuck, I’d light the match and warm my hands over the blaze. I just didn’t want Chelsea, Patrick, or Cy to be left in the ashes. “Infidelity. I was the one who got Demetri involved. I even played a part in getting this woman the job. I should have called you for help, not Oren. It’s my doing that got us here. Thank you for your assistance.”

Though Vincent seemed to be mulling over my answer, Luca nodded. “Infidelity, the website? Was she one of their models?”

“Not exactly,” Oren replied, his eyes narrowing my direction.

“Yet,” Vincent asked, “her safety is important enough for you to bring her here, to ask for my men to help keep her secure? I’m sensing more.”

Before I could speak, my father leaned forward. “I made a promise. I keep my promises. I pay my debts and my share. Just as I have in the past.”

“My father may have asked,” I interjected, “but only because he could. Vincent, we haven’t spoken in too long. I’ve neglected my family, you, and Luca. And even so, here you are. Your men are outside my doors. My father asked and you came. Thank you. It’s time for me to take responsibility for myself and recognize the ways you’ve helped me.”

My gaze met Luca’s. There were too many unspoken acknowledgments.

“No, Lennox,” Oren protested, “I called.”

I turned back to Vincent. “May I?”

“Call?” Vincent asked. “Of course! You’re family. Angelina’s boy. Her pride and joy. We’re here for you as it should be—as you are for us.”


Vincent’s hand rose. “Oren, let the man talk. It appears that finally he has become one.”

I couldn’t look at Oren. I knew this wasn’t what he wanted, but at the same time, he’d broken free of the Costellos. They were my blood, my family. I couldn’t let Charli’s family be the reason he was dragged back. No matter what history he had with Charli’s mother, Charli was my responsibility.

“You’re dating?” Luca asked.

“I am.”

He nodded. “I’ve seen pictures. I recall one from Central Park.”

My stomach suddenly twisted. “Wrong place, wrong time.”

“Ten millimeter. Most likely shot from a Glock 20. Automatic with a magazine that holds fifteen rounds, yet only one shot was fired.”

Oren and I stared at Luca. None of that was common knowledge. “How? How do you know that?” I asked.

“Family,” Vincent replied.

“What are you saying?” Oren asked.

“When family, even those we haven’t seen in years, is threatened in our backyard, we look into it.”

“Look into it?”

“We have friends. We have enemies. Sometimes threatening the most unlikely of targets can have the desired ripple effect.”

“You think Lennox was shot at because of the Costellos?” my father asked.

Vincent shook his head. “Not anymore. We had to be sure.”

“The woman you’re dating,” Luca said with his elbows now on his knees. “She’s from a good family?”

“I suppose that’s subjective,” I said. “Good as in wealthy. I don’t give a fuck about her money.”

Luca’s lips pressed together. “Not what I meant. I meant good as in sneaky as fuck.”

Adrenaline raced through my veins as my fists clenched. “What do you mean?”

“You’ve also been working with some high-powered people on some interesting drug deals.”

I scoffed. “You make it sound like I’m selling coke on the corner. It’s legal drugs.”

“Like alcohol,” Vincent interjected.


“Not legal everywhere, not for recreational use,” Luca responded. “We were worried about our enemies, but Lennox, you have your share.”

“The shooting was aimed at me? You’re sure?” Part of me was relieved to know it wasn’t meant for Charli. Another part of me was furious as fuck. Who had the balls to shoot at me, especially with Charli present?