Fidelity (Infidelity #5)

The detective nodded as he opened the door.

Nearly an hour later, Detective Holden returned. “Mr. Owen, Mr. Crawford, if your client will agree to an off-the-record conversation, perhaps we can get this unfortunate situation resolved?”

Mr. Owen looked my direction and back to the detective. “Off-the-record conversation with whom?”

“A private, off-the-record conversation with Mr. Fitzgerald.”

Mr. Owen shook his head. “Lennox, I would advise against this.”

“Detective, can you guarantee this is off the record?”



“Gentlemen, please step outside for a moment. I would be happy to speak with Mr. Fitzgerald.”

IT WAS ALMOST three in the morning by the time we pulled up to the house in Rye. Exhaustion had taken over long ago. My body and mind were running on adrenaline and even that had begun to wane.

“Alex, do you need me to go in with you?”

I squinted my eyes, trying to understand Deloris’s question. “You’re not staying here?”

“I can but I’d like to go home.”

The door to the house opened as Silvia stood, wrapped in a robe.

I forced a smile. “I guess I never think of you as having your own place.”

“Since you’ve come along, I seem to see it less and less.”

“Go,” I said as Clayton opened the car door. The offending wind reminded me that I was no longer in Georgia. Despite the onslaught of goose bumps, Silvia’s tired, welcoming smile filled me with warmth. After Chelsea and I were out of the car, I turned back to Deloris. “We’ll be fine. Besides, Nox is on his way.”

We’d all received a text from Isaac just after we’d landed. We didn’t know the particulars, only that the charges had been dropped and Nox and Isaac were New York bound.

As we started to walk toward the open door, I added, “Thank you, Deloris, and I’m sorry.”

“Sorry?” she asked.

“That I’ve kept you away from your home.” I tilted my head. “Why did you come all the way out here if you’re going back to the city?”

“I promised Lennox I’d get you to this property. I wasn’t stopping until you were here. Go see your mom.”

“Clayton?” I asked.

“He’s driving me back. He’ll be here tomorrow and soon Lennox and Isaac will be too. Don’t worry. You’re well protected.”

My lungs filled with the cold night air as I scanned the grounds around the driveway and front of the house. Images of men in black clothing hiding behind trees came to mind. No doubt, delirium had begun to set in. Shaking my head, I stepped inside. As soon as I did, Silvia shut the door and wrapped her arms around me in a welcoming embrace. “Alex, I’m so glad you made it.”

I smiled as we separated. “My mom?” I still couldn’t comprehend that she was here, in Nox’s home.

“She’s upstairs.”

I reached for Chelsea and introduced her.

The shine in Silvia’s brown eyes reminded me of what it was like to be welcomed home. Slowly, I took in the foyer, the bleached wooden floors, light beige walls, and white woodwork. My cheeks rose at the fresh flowers arranged on the large oval table in the entry. “Is it wrong that I always feel like I’m at home here?”

“Not at all,” Silvia said. “I think that’s wonderful, because you are. Would either of you like something to eat or drink before you retire?”

“I want to see my mom before anything.”

“She’s asleep. I believe the doctor is too, but Mr. Demetri was awake a few minutes ago.”

“I’m still awake.”

We all turned toward the deep baritone voice. Like his son, he was a domineering presence.

“I see you left Georgia without my son.”

My pulse quickened and shoulders straightened. “And you have my mother. Why?”

Not for the first time, I noticed the family resemblance as Oren smiled and small lines formed around his eyes. Not only were they the same shade of blue as his son’s, they held the same silent power of communication. He seemed amused by my response.

“Miss Collins, I admire your fortitude. For the record, I always have.”

Silvia spoke to Chelsea. “Let me show you around, and I can get you something to eat or drink if you’d like.”

Chelsea shrugged questioningly in my direction.

“Wait,” I said. “Mr. Demetri…” I began introducing the two of them.

“Alex, that’s very polite of you but unnecessary. Miss Moore, you’re welcome here as long as you’d like. I promise you’re perfectly safe in my home.”

I bristled, wondering how much he knew about Chelsea. Did he know about Bryce? About everything? It wasn’t only his knowledge that bothered me. The way he referred to this home as his made the small hairs on the back of my neck stand to attention. I wanted to correct him and say it belonged to Nox, but instead I held my tongue as Chelsea accepted his kind gesture and disappeared with Silvia.

“My son?” he asked.

“Is in flight.”