Fidelity (Infidelity #5)

INFIDELITY. THE WORD hung suspended in the dense air.

Charli’s golden eyes widened in question as she gripped my hand tighter.

“I’ve never been a client of that damn company,” Fitzgerald said.

Was that true? Hadn’t Deloris said that his secretary was an employee? Now didn’t seem like the time to question. Instead, I said, “Maybe not, but…” I tilted my head toward Spencer’s mother. “…her son is.”

I turned to the old driver. “Place the damn gun on the ground and call the gate. I have a car waiting.” I turned back to Fitzgerald. “If anything happens to Alexandria or to anyone who she cares about, that information will be front-page news. I’m sure it will add nicely to whatever the reason was he was taken away from here in handcuffs.”

His face reddened. “How the hell do you even know about the company… unless you’re involved too?” Charli’s stepfather turned toward her. “I warned you. He’s a criminal, just like his father.”

“He’s not.”

An unusual sense of pride washed over me. The emotion was both unexpected and surprisingly welcomed. I squeezed her hand. “Princess, I’d break any law for you. Remember, I’m Batman, and when it comes to comparisons…” I shrugged at my own realization. “…I’ll take that one as a compliment.”

Holding tightly to Charli’s hand as she leaned against me, we all stood and stared in silence waiting for the other to blink. Fuck that. I was leaving with Charli, and I didn’t care whose body I left on the cobblestone driveway in my wake. Of course, I wasn’t the one holding the gun; it was Isaac. The barrel hadn’t strayed from its target of Fitzgerald’s driver. Finally, Charli’s stepfather whispered to the driver who begrudgingly popped the safety into place, slid his gun back into his holster under his jacket, and spoke into his shoulder.

No one said another word as a big SUV pulled up the driveway. The headlights skirted the scene before it stopped beside the limousine.

“Don’t come after me. I’ll send for my things,” Charli said, her neck and shoulders straight.

“We’ll see about that,” Fitzgerald said as he crouched down and picked up the diamond ring that Charli had thrown at him.

Her breasts lifted and fell as she took a deep breath. “Sell it and pay for this ridiculous party. I don’t care.” She turned toward the house and back to Fitzgerald. “Goodbye.” With that she let go of my hand and walked toward the rear door of the SUV.

“Alexandria, you’ll regret this…”

I didn’t listen as his words mixed with the rustle of dead leaves, their sound lost to the Georgia breeze. My mind was too full of her—of my Charli. She was a fucking dynamo, oozing with poise and strength. I may have stormed the castle, but she was the force. All she’d needed was support to stand up to her own devil.

The magnitude of her exit overwhelmed me. Yes, there was the codicil to her grandfather’s will, but she didn’t know about its existence. In her mind she was walking away from all of this. Forever.

As Clayton stood next to the still-closed door, I reached again for Charli’s hand. “Princess, are you sure?”

Turning her face up toward mine, her golden eyes sparkled. “Of what, Nox? That I love you more than I despise this place? Because the answer is yes, and that’s a tall order, because I despise this place with every bone in my body.”

I nodded to Clayton. It was as he opened the door that her composure disappeared. Her eyes widened and the sparkle turned to moisture. Her hand in mine began to tremble.

“Shhh,” I whispered as I helped her into the backseat. Against the far door was Chelsea.

Charli looked up at me, and then her gaze moved behind me. I turned in time to see Patrick obscured by shadows, standing where we’d been. Charli lifted her hand and wiggled her fingers in a small wave.

Once inside, she scooted all the way across and wrapped Chelsea in a hug.

“It’s over…”

I tried not to eavesdrop as their voices soothed and reassured one another.

Theirs were the only words spoken as Clayton drove us down the long lane back to the main road. With each inch, foot, and yard, I scanned the perimeter, searching the shadows of every tree and the veil of dangling moss. Both Isaac and Clayton were armed. Isaac passed a small revolver to me.

“Safety’s on, boss. Just in case.”

I nodded as I flipped the safety and held the gun on my lap.

“Nox?” Charli asked, her attention now back on me.

“Princess, I don’t trust your stepfather. We’re not leaving here without you.”

She reached for Chelsea’s hand and exhaled, leaning back into the seat and against my shoulder. As she did, the scent of perfume filled my senses and her hair tickled my cheek.

When the large iron gate moved to the side, we all took a deep breath. The open country roads blurred as Clayton sped toward the airport.

It was then that Charli inclined her face toward mine. “Thank you.”