Fidelity (Infidelity #5)

“That’s my sex kitten,” he laughed as I practically skipped to the bathroom.

As I opened the door, warm, humid air redolent with the sweet scent of jasmine filled my senses. That was what I’d smelled as I entered the apartment. It wasn’t the air freshener. I grinned at the rose petals floating on the water’s surface.

I peeked my head back out to the bedroom. “Are you sure you don’t want to join me?”

Soft music was the only response.

Sighing, I quickly stripped out of my clothes and eased myself into the warm, scented water. It was heaven as I laid my head back, my hair pinned on top of my head in a messy bun, and allowed the warm bath to lap over my growing breasts.

I wasn’t sure how long I’d been in there, but as the water began to cool, I forced myself to move. The leggings were new and covered in colorful pictures of shoes. The sweater was loose and hung from one shoulder. The fuzzy socks weren’t sexy, but since there were no panties or even a bra accompanying Nox’s chosen ensemble, I decided to go without. It was my sexy contribution to the outfit.

I could be a sex kitten if I wanted.

Still trying to decipher Nox’s culinary skills, I slid my stocking feet along the hallway and quietly entered the kitchen. For only a moment, I stood in the doorway and watched as Nox stared down at the stovetop with a spatula in his hand. His protruding brow and clenched jaw told me that whatever he was cooking was receiving his full attention. It was completely out of character and surprisingly arousing.

Sneaking up behind him, I wrapped my arms around his waist and peered around his body. “Grilled cheese?” I laughed. “That’s your culinary skill, the reason you cancelled Lana?”

“Yes, now don’t disturb me. I need to show you that I can cook them without burning them.”

“That’s not fair. You distracted me.”

The devilish grin I loved sparked to life as he connected the dots of the spatula in his hand and me by his side. Before I could squeal and run away—I blame the lack of traction on the socks—the spatula came down with an audible swat to my behind.

“Oh, Mr. Demetri, now I plan on distracting you.”

His blue eyes went to my long hair as he gently tucked a stray strand behind my ear and pushed the length over my shoulder. His touch lingered as I tilted my head, giving him full access to the exposed skin. His voice rumbled, becoming thick. “You seem to be missing a strap.”

I shrugged, the thunder of his voice rolling to my core. “You said to wear what you had out. You didn’t have a bra out. I always obey your commands, Mr. Demetri.”

He dropped the spatula to the counter and cupped my behind, pulling me close. “I didn’t have panties laid out either.” His fingers splayed as a brow rose. “Fuck. No panty lines?”

Slowly, I shook my head as I lowered my eyes.

Leaping out of his grasp, I grabbed the spatula and flipped the sandwich, just as the butter turned to the perfect toasted brown. “I saved it!”

“Oh, no. This is my meal. Give me that spatula.”

My eyes widened. “Why?”

“Because distracting me is a punishable offense.”

I handed it back with another kiss. “Guilty as charged. What’s come over you?”

“I was thinking a nice quiet night at home sounded good.”

I couldn’t agree more. I opened the cupboard and reached for the plates. “We’re missing the California wine.”

Nox bent down and kissed my stomach. “No wine—California or French—for a while.”

“The doctor said a glass now and then is fine.”

“My rules overrule the doctor.”

I shook my head as he took the plates from my hands and carried them to the table. I filled two glasses with ice water. “Yum, grilled cheese and water.”

“Oh, I have salads in the refrigerator. Can you grab them?” he asked.

I opened the door and on the top shelf were two bowls filled with greenery and carrots. Nothing else registered, because all I noticed was the blue velvet box atop of one of the salads. “Nox?”

“Can you carry them to the table?”

With trembling hands, I did as he said, setting down the one with the box at my place.

“Open it,” he said.

I could barely grip the soft exterior as I lifted and pried back the lid. The hinges moved, revealing the satin slot where a ring would be. “What?”

I turned as he fell to one knee with a diamond ring in his hand.

“Oh, Nox.” Tears filled my eyes.

“I’ve thought of thousands of ways to make this moment special. I imagined the Eiffel Tower bright with lights. I thought of whisking you off to Del Mar. I even had a plan with a sunset and the balcony of the presidential suite. I considered a Broadway show and a carriage ride in Central Park.

“And then I realized that the setting wasn’t what mattered. The only thing that mattered was you and I and your answer.”