Feels Like Summertime

“Oh,” she breathes. Then she grins, and I swear I love her a little more right then. She starts to ride me, her * wrapped tight around my cock. “You totally should, Jake. Then we can do it again.”

I pull her down so she lies on my chest, hook my arm around her, and flip us both over. I hitch her leg up by my hip, and then press it to her chest. “Is this okay?” I ask. I don’t wait for her answer as I push fast and deep inside, until I’m buried to the hilt.

Katie cries out, and buries her mouth against my arm to muffle those tiny little noises. Her eyelids flutter closed and her mouth falls open, and God, she’s so fucking beautiful.

She’s tight and hot and slippery inside, and I pull out and push back in, burying myself deep in her again. She rocks forward in the bed with every stroke, holding tightly to my forearm with one hand as she pulls me into her with her other hand on my ass.

“Open your eyes,” I tell her.

She shakes her head. “I can’t.” A tear rolls down her temple.

I stop and let her leg fall down around my hip. I bracket her face with my hands, but she still won’t open her eyes and look at me. “Did I hurt you?”

She shakes her head, but another tear escapes.

“Then why are you crying?” I ask.

“You wouldn’t understand,” she says.

“Try me.” I press my lips to hers and she kisses me back. I’m still buried deep inside her, and her walls give me a little squeeze. “Look at me, Katie. Talk to me.”

“Just finish, Jake,” she says. “Just finish. I’m fine.”

I will not just finish. “If you think I’m the type of man who will just finish while you’re crying, you don’t know me at all.” I pull out of her and fall onto the bed. She rolls to face me. I kiss the tip of her nose. “Is this about him?”

She smiles softly at me and shakes her head, nibbling on her lower lip. “No, it’s not about him.”

Suddenly, I don’t know which him we’re talking about. “Your husband?” I ask tentatively.

She shakes her head. “No.” She wipes her eyes. “I just never thought…” She sniffles and stops talking.

“Never thought what?”

“I never thought I’d be lucky enough to fall in love a second time. I mean, really… How many people find it twice?”

“You think you found it twice?”

She nods. “I love you, Jake.”

I kiss her lips softly. “I love you too.”

She wipes her nose. “I’m sorry I cried. I was just feeling so damn grateful, and so full of it.”

“Well, you were full of something,” I say. I hitch her leg up over my hip and my dick settles in her cleft. I rock forward until it brushes her clit.

“Do you think we can keep this?” she asks.

“Define this.”

“This…feeling, this… I don’t know how to explain it.”

I roll her onto her back and settle between her thighs, nudging gently until I can slide inside. Her legs fall open wide, cradling me against her. “Yeah, I think we can keep it. It’s real. It’s not going anywhere.”

“You promise?” she asks, and tears well up again.

“I swear it.”

She holds her eyes closed tightly for a moment, and then she opens them and stares into mine. “Make love to me, Jake.”

I slam into her, and she takes me to the hilt. I kiss her to quiet her, and she whimpers against my lips with each deep stroke into her body.

“I’m going to…” She gasps. Her lips fall open and her sweet breath warms my chin. “Oh, God, Jake,” she says and then she comes apart around me. She squeezes me tight, shuddering as she takes me in, and when she relaxes around me, I come too. Deep inside her, with her, on top of her… God, it’s just her.

“Jesus,” I say, as I let my weight fall on top of her. She pulls my lips to hers and kisses me. “That was amazing.”

A knock sounds on my door, and I drop my face into Katie’s neck. “Oh, my God,” I whisper. “Not right now.”

“Jake,” a voice calls out. “Do you know where my mom is?”

Katie shoves my shoulder. “That’s Gabby. Move.”

Katie covers my naked body, grabs my robe off the door and shrugs into it. She opens the door for Gabby, and when she turns back to look at me a moment later, her face goes completely white. “Jake,” she says, “Gabby thinks someone is outside her window.”

I try to shake the post coital laziness from my brain, dispose of the condom, and get dressed. Then I get my gun out of the locked box I put in my closet last week, and check to be sure it’s loaded.

“What are you doing, Jake?” Katie asks.

“I’m going to see who’s outside.”

Katie grabs my arm. “Don’t go outside.”

“It’s fine, Katie,” I tell her. I kiss her quickly. Then I let myself outside.

I walk quietly to the window, and get out my small flashlight.

And my blood runs cold. All the flowers under Gabby’s window have been stomped flat. Someone has been here.

Aside from Pop, there’s only one other person in the world I would trust to protect my family. Despite everything that happened, he will protect them.

I hurry to Fred’s cabin and knock on the door. He opens it a crack, and I say, “I need your help.”

Together, Fred and I search the campground, the lake area, and part of the woods.