Feel the Heat: A Contemporary Romance Anthology

Moving closer, Tara managed to insinuate herself between Meg and Rob with an ease that caught him unaware.

“What a surprise to meet one of Rob’s little—” she paused for effect, before rudely adding the word, “friends.” Then she placed a proprietary arm on him. Rob started to look at Tara with new eyes. In the past, he’d felt Tara was as much a pawn of Shelly’s machinations as he was, but now he wondered who was truly pulling the strings.

Shaking off Tara’s possessive grip, Rob moved toward Meg, anxious to shield her from the wolves he’d unleashed on her.

“Shame on you, Rob,” Meg said, her voice laced with humor. “You should have told me we were expecting company. I would have dressed up.”

Rob nearly burst into laugher at her imitation of Shelly and Tara’s snootiness. He winked at her. “I’m sorry, my dear, but you have to believe me, their visit was a complete surprise.”

Shelly, miffed at being excluded, attempted to enter their conversation. “We knew Robert would be pleased with our unexpected arrival. He’s so fond of Tara. We all grew up together and Robert is forever inviting her to visit.”

Rob had to physically stop himself from growling at Shelly’s bold-faced lie. Determined to bring this painful interlude to an end, he turned to face his unwanted guests. “I hate to cut this reunion short, but as I said earlier—”

“Oh yes,” Shelly interrupted. “Your business meeting. You know, Seth, I’ve just had a thought. It would be impolite of us to leave this lovely young woman alone.” Shelly gestured to Meg and Rob felt his stomach drop. “Especially while Robert’s out amassing another fortune. Meg, you should join us for dinner tonight.”

“Actually, Meg and I have dinner plans after my meeting,” he said.

Shelly was undaunted. “Then for drinks. I insist. I’m very interested in getting to know your new friend.”

“I would love to join you for drinks,” Meg answered before Rob could offer a suitable excuse.

“Meg.” He was desperate to stop the disaster that was unraveling before his eyes.

“Rob, they’re your friends. And apparently you have a fortune to make?”

Hearing her confused question, he cursed and pulled her aside, despite the rudeness of the gesture. “You and I need to talk. Please don’t go out with them.” He felt the walls of his lies closing in.

“Robert,” Shelly said loudly, no longer masking her anger. “I thought you were in a hurry. You know we’ll take very good care of your friend.”

“I’m a big girl and it’s just a drink. I didn’t realize you had a meeting.”

“I don’t,” he started to say, but the words caught in his throat. “I wish you would stay here.”

“Are you embarrassed by me?” As soon as she spoke, Rob understood how much Shelly and Tara’s snubs had hurt her.

“Don’t be silly.”

Tara’s voice came across the room and stopped him from adding any other assurances.

“Honestly, Rob. You would think we were a school of piranhas circling around your little goldfish. It’s just a drink. We won’t even leave the hotel. We’ll go to the bar downstairs. Come on, Meg,” Tara added a twinge of a dare to her words. “We’re all friends here, aren’t we?”

Meg smiled, though Rob could see the effort it took. “Of course, we are.”


Rob watched as Meg followed his oldest friends out of the room. The sound of the door closing behind them sounded ominously like the last nail being driven into his coffin. He’d been a fool to let her meet Shelly’s entourage, let alone leave with them. Sinking onto the couch, his mind raced as he considered what he could have done differently. Meg thought he was ashamed of her. How the hell could she think that? It was he who didn’t deserve her. She was a wonderful woman.

An amazing woman he’d been lying to since the beginning and now it was all unraveling.

She was never going to dismiss his lie as anything less than what it was—an outright deception. Now that she’d met his friends the deceit seemed even worse. Meg would believe he was toying with her.

Dammit. Tara and Shelly weren’t going to ruin the best thing that ever happened to him. Rising, Rob raced to the door, startled to find Pierre, poised to knock.

“Pierre,” Rob began. “I’m on my way out.”

Pierre continued to block the doorway. “I need just a moment of your time.”

“This really isn’t a good time.”

“I understand. I saw Ms. Williams in the company of Mrs. Thompson-Rhodes and her sister. No doubt you intend to join them?”


Evelyn Adams, Christine Bell, Rhian Cahill, Mari Carr, Margo Bond Collins, Jennifer Dawson, Cathryn Fox, Allison Gatta, Molly McLain, Cari Quinn's books