Feel the Heat: A Contemporary Romance Anthology

He had slept with movie stars, powerful businesswomen, hell, even a princess. Yet, somehow, Meg stirred things inside him he never realized had lain dormant until she awoke them.

On and on, he pounded inside her, vaguely registering as she climaxed twice, her pussy muscles clenching him like a vise, her screams of ecstasy driving him on. When he sensed she was approaching the cliff again, he prepared to jump with her. As their combined orgasms swept through them, only one thought permeated Rob’s mindless bliss.

One weekend would never be enough.


Meg woke to the sound of a light rain pattering on the window as two thoughts crossed her mind simultaneously. One—she had no idea where she was, and two—she wasn’t alone. Glancing to her side, she was greeted by the sight of an enormous muscular back and the sound of soft snoring. The image of light scratches on that gorgeous body reminded her of everything—her hellish day of travel, the car accident, drinking at the bar, caviar, and Rob as he came into her, ruining her for other men for the rest of her life.

Yeah. It was cliché, but damn if it wasn’t true.

Squinting her eyes shut, she tried to feel remorse, regret, anything slightly resembling guilt, but nothing came. Nothing but the desire to poke that back next to her until the man rolled over and ruined her some more.

God. She really wasn’t this kind of woman. Never the type to follow a virtual stranger to his hotel room and indulge in wild monkey sex. Clearly, she’d been a fool her entire life.

Rob turned toward her slowly with an appealing, sleepy grin. Smiling as he was, with his hair tousled and his eyes still heavy, he looked years younger than the man she’d seen emerge from the limousine last night.

“Good morning, gorgeous.” He rose up on one elbow and kissed her lightly.

“I was afraid it was all a dream.”

So much for sophistication and playing it cool.

He ran his fingers through her unruly curls. “You are so precious.”

“Precious is worse than cute.” Unfortunately, her words merely prompted Rob to laugh again.

“Still raining.” He glanced over shoulder as he spoke. “Guess the parade will be postponed. What would you say to breakfast in bed?”

“I would say you better make that a late lunch.” Gesturing at the clock, she was amazed by the fact she’d actually slept in until three thirty. At home, she was an early riser. “It seems like my days and nights got messed up somewhere.”

“Well, that’s probably my fault.” Rob sat up. “Kept you up too late.”

“Mmmm. You sure did.”

“You keep looking at me like that and you won’t ever get out of this bed.”

“Well, it is still raining.” She crooked her finger at him. “It’s not like we could go to the parade or swimming or anything. I would hate to waste a perfectly lovely day like this sightseeing and such.”

Leaning down, Rob took her lips with a kiss that betrayed the unquenchable desire they shared. He moved his mouth across her cheek to her ear. “I can’t get enough of you.”

Meg was flooded with relief as his words confirmed he felt the same way as she.

“There’s still plenty of me here, but Rob, hurry.”

Several hours later, Meg stretched out on the comfy couch in the living room and looked at Rob on the other end. The day had been one of the most perfect of her life. After a long, hot, entirely satisfying bout of afternoon delight, they ordered an early dinner of thick, juicy steaks, baked potatoes, and asparagus. For dessert, they polished off a bottle of champagne as Rob fed her strawberries while they soaked in the Jacuzzi in his bedroom. Then they spent the last two hours simply touching and talking.

He was sitting with her feet in his lap, lightly massaging them. She wiggled her toes, marveling that her feet seemed to be an erogenous zone. She never knew that, but she felt as if she could have an orgasm merely from Rob’s gentle caress. She smiled, wondering how he would react if she did.

“That’s a smile fit for the Cheshire Cat. Penny for your thoughts.”

Meg sighed contentedly. “I could get used to this.”

“Foot massages?”

“Among other things.”

The look on his face proved he was aware of where her thoughts were lingering. “Want to elaborate?”

“I’ve been pampered, petted, massaged, and fed. I feel a bit like a princess. Thank you, Rob. I can’t begin to put into words how wonderful today was.”

“We never even left the suite.”

She laughed and stretched her arms above her head. “I don’t care if we ever leave.”

Evelyn Adams, Christine Bell, Rhian Cahill, Mari Carr, Margo Bond Collins, Jennifer Dawson, Cathryn Fox, Allison Gatta, Molly McLain, Cari Quinn's books